⇦ | claws-mail [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-06 02:13 [UTC]

Metadata for claws-mail in main

claws-mail.desktop - 4.3.0-1~bpo12+1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ mipsel ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: claws-mail.desktop
Package: claws-mail
  C: Claws Mail
  es: Cliente de correo rápido y ligero basado en GTK
  sv: Lättviktig och snabb GTK-baserad E-postklient
  sk: Odľahčený a rýchly poštový klient, založený na GTK
  he: לקוח דואר קל משקל ומהיר מבוסס GTK
  ja: 軽量で早いGTKベースのEメールクライアント
  ca: Client de correu electrònic ràpid i lleuger basat en GTK
  fi: Kevyt ja nopea GTK-pohjainen sähköpostiohjelma
  tr: GTK temelli hafif ve hızlı bir E-posta İstemcisi
  lt: Lengvas ir greitas el. pašto klientas GTK pagrindu
  fr: Client de messagerie électronique, rapide et léger, en GTK
  pl: Program pocztowy używający GTK
  pt: Cliente de e-mail leve e rápido, baseado em GTK
  id: Pembaca e-mail berbasis GTK yang cepat dan ringan
  C: Lightweight and Fast GTK based Mail Client
  cs: Lehký a rychlý mailový klient založený na GTK
  hu: Pehelysúlyú és gyors GTK alapú levelezőkliens
  da: Letvægts og hurtig GTK baseret e-post klient
  ru: Быстрый почтовый клиент на базе GTK
  fr: >-
    <p>Claws Mail est un client de courriel puissant, doté de nombreuses fonctionnalités et précédemment nommé Sylpheed-Claws.
    Il peut être enrichi à l&apos;aide de greffons qui fournissent des fonctions supplémentaires, telles que de nouveaux formats
    de boite aux lettres, la lecture de flux de dépêches, la gestion de calendrier, le filtrage de courrier, etc.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Claws Mail is a powerful and full-featured mail client formerly called Sylpheed-Claws. It is also extensible using
    loadable plugins, which can provide support for additional features, like other storage formats, feed reader, calendar
    management, mail filtering, etc.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Claws Mail è un programma di posta potente e completo, prima chiamato Sylpheed-Claws. È inoltre estensibile usando
    plugin caricabili, che possono fornire il supporto per funzionalità aggiuntive, come altri formati di archiviazione, lettori
    di feed, gestione di calendari, filtraggio della posta, ecc.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Claws Mail er en kraftfuld postklient med alle funktioner. Den blev tidligere kaldt for Sylpheed-Claws. Den kan også
    udvides med indlæsbare udvidelsesmoduler, som kan tilbyde understøttelse for yderligere funktioner, såsom lagerformater,
    nyhedskildelæser, kalenderhåndtering, postfiltrering etc.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Claws Mail is a powerful and full-featured mail client formerly called Sylpheed-Claws. It is also extensible using
    loadable plugins, which can provide support for additional features, like other storage formats, feed reader, calendar
    management, mail filtering, etc.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Claws Mail ist ein mächtiger und voll ausgerüsteter E-Mail-Client, der ursprünglich einmal Sylpheed-Claws hieß. Er
    ist durch ladbare Erweiterungen aufrüstbar, die zusätzliche Fähigkeiten bereitstellen, wie andere Speicherformate, Lesen
    von Feeds, Kalenderverwaltung, Mailfilter, usw.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Claws Mail é um cliente de e-mail poderoso e cheio de recursos, anteriormente chamado de Sylpheed-Claws. Também é extensível
    usando extensões carregáveis que podem fornecer suporte a recursos adicionais como outros formatos de armazenamento, leitor
    de feed, gerenciamento de calendário, filtragem de e-mails, etc.</p>
- Network
- Email
  - lightweight
  - fast
  - gui
  - extensible
  - plugin
  - pop
  - pop3
  - imap
  - imap4
  - nntp
  - news
  - name: claws-mail_claws-mail.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: claws-mail_claws-mail.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: claws-mail_claws-mail.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: c/cl/claws-mail.desktop/aac5ad8d9306980e35b845aa142c63cb/icons/128x128/claws-mail_claws-mail.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: claws-mail
  - claws-mail.desktop
  - application/mbox
  - x-scheme-handler/mailto