⇦ | silx [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-06 02:13 [UTC]

Metadata for silx in main

org.silx.SilxView - 1.1.2+dfsg-2~bpo12+1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.silx.SilxView
Package: silx
  C: silx data viewer
  C: HDF5 EDF SPEC Data Viewer
  it: >-
    <p>Il progetto silx ha lo scopo di fornire una raccolta di pacchetti Python per supportare lo sviluppo di applicazioni
    di raccolta, riduzione e analisi di dati in impianti di radiazioni di sincrotrone. Ha lo scopo di fornire lettura/scrittura
    per differenti formati di file, procedure di riduzione dei dati e un insieme di widget Qt per navigare tra i dati e visualizzarli.</p>

    <p>La versione attuale fornisce:</p>

    <p> * lettura del formato di file HDF5 (con gestione del formato di file    SPEC);  * istogrammi;  * fitting;  * visualizzazione
    1D e 2D usando backend multipli (matplotlib o OpenGL);  * widget per disegno di immagini con un insieme di strumenti associati   
    (vedere il file changelog);  * navigatore unificato per formati di file HDF5, SPEC e immagini che    gestisce ispezione
    e visualizzazione di insiemi di dati n-dimensionali);  * visualizzatore unificato (silx view NOMEFILE) per formati di
    file HDF5,    SPEC e immagini;  * widget basato su OpenGL per visualizzare campi scalari 3D con    isosuperfici e piani
    di taglio.</p>

    <p>Usa la versione Python 3 del pacchetto.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Le projet silx vise à fournir une collection de paquets en Python pour prendre en charge le développement d’applications
    d’évaluation, de réduction et d’analyse de données dans des installations de rayonnement de synchrotron. Il a pour objectif
    de fournir la lecture et l’écriture de différents formats de fichier, des routines de réduction de données et un ensemble
    de composants graphiques en Qt pour explorer et visualiser les données.</p>

    <p>La version actuelle fournit :</p>

    <p> – la lecture du format de fichier HDF5 (avec prise en charge du format    de fichier SPEC) ;  – les histogrammes ; 
    – le lissage ;  – la visualisation en 1D et 2D en utilisant plusieurs dorsaux    (matplotlib ou OpenGL) ;  – un composant
    graphique de tracé d’image avec un ensemble d’outils    associés (consulter le journal des modifications) ;  – un navigateur
    uniformisé pour les formats HDF5, SPEC et de fichiers    d’image, gérant l’inspection et la visualisation d’ensembles
    de données    multidimensionnels ;  – un visualisateur uniformisé (nom de fichier de vues, silx) pour HDF5,    SPEC et
    les formats de fichier d’image ;  – un composant graphique basé sur OpenGL pour afficher des champs    scalaires en 3D
    avec isosurfaces et plans sécants.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet utilise la version Python 3 du paquet.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>The silx project aims at providing a collection of Python packages to support the development of data assessment, reduction
    and analysis applications at synchrotron radiation facilities. It aims at providing reading/writing different file formats,
    data reduction routines and a set of Qt widgets to browse and visualize data.</p>

    <p>The current version provides :</p>

    <p> * reading HDF5 file format (with support of SPEC file format)  * histogramming  * fitting  * 1D and 2D visualization
    using multiple backends (matplotlib or OpenGL)  * image plot widget with a set of associated tools (See changelog file). 
    * Unified browser for HDF5, SPEC and image file formats supporting inspection    and visualization of n-dimensional datasets. 
    * Unified viewer (silx view filename) for HDF5, SPEC and image file formats  * OpenGL-based widget to display 3D scalar
    field with    isosurface and cutting plane.</p>

    <p>This uses the Python 3 version of the package.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Projektet silx forsøger at tilbyde en samling af Pythonpakker til at understøtte udviklingen af datavurdering, reduktion
    og analyseprogrammet på synchrotron-strålefaciliteter. Projektet forsøger at tilbyde læs/skriv for forskellige filformater,
    datareduktionsrutioner og et sæt af Qt-kontroller til at gennemse og visualisere data.</p>

    <p>Den nuværende version tilbyder:</p>

    <p> * læsning af HDF5-filformatet (med understøttelse af SPEC-filformatet)  * histogrammer  * tilpasning  * 1D- og 2D-visualisering
    via flere motorer (maplotlib eller OpenGL)  * ensartet browser for HDF5-, SPEC- og billedfilformater der understøtter   
    inspektion og visualisering af n-dimensionelle datasæt  * ensartet fremviser (silx viser filnavn) for filformaterne HDF5,
    SPEC og    billeder  * OpenGl-baseret kontrol til at vise 3D scalar-felt med isooverflade og    skæreplan</p>

    <p>Denne pakke bruger Python 3-versionen af pakken.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>The silx project aims at providing a collection of Python packages to support the development of data assessment, reduction
    and analysis applications at synchrotron radiation facilities. It aims at providing reading/writing different file formats,
    data reduction routines and a set of Qt widgets to browse and visualize data.</p>

    <p>The current version provides :</p>

    <p> * reading HDF5 file format (with support of SPEC file format)  * histogramming  * fitting  * 1D and 2D visualization
    using multiple backends (matplotlib or OpenGL)  * image plot widget with a set of associated tools (See changelog file). 
    * Unified browser for HDF5, SPEC and image file formats supporting inspection    and visualization of n-dimensional datasets. 
    * Unified viewer (silx view filename) for HDF5, SPEC and image file formats  * OpenGL-based widget to display 3D scalar
    field with    isosurface and cutting plane.</p>

    <p>This uses the Python 3 version of the package.</p>
- Education
- Science
- DataVisualization
  - name: silx_silx.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: silx_silx.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: silx_silx.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: org/silx/SilxView/50c95a11b1fa0f3d00dfb99c8c6bfb06/icons/128x128/silx_silx.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: silx
  - org.silx.SilxView.desktop
  - image/tiff
  - application/x-hdf
  - application/x-silx-hdf5
  - application/x-silx-nexus
  - application/x-silx-specfile
  - image/x-silx-marccd
  - image/x-silx-cbf
  - image/x-silx-edf
  - image/x-silx-numpy