⇦ | kitty [main]
Last updated on: 2024-02-25 04:58 [UTC]

Metadata for kitty in main

kitty.desktop - 0.26.5-5 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ mipsel ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: kitty.desktop
Package: kitty
  C: kitty
  C: Fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
  it: >-
    <p>Kitty gestisce funzionalità per terminale moderne come: grafica, Unicode, true-color, ligature OpenType, protocollo
    per mouse, tracciamento del focus e incolla con parentesi.</p>

    <p>Kitty ha un&apos;infrastruttura per &quot;kitten&quot;, piccoli programmi per terminale che possono essere utilizzati
    per estenderne le funzionalità.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Kitty supports modern terminal features like: graphics, unicode, true-color, OpenType ligatures, mouse protocol, focus
    tracking, and bracketed paste.</p>

    <p>Kitty has a framework for &quot;kittens&quot;, small terminal programs that can be used to extend its functionality.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Kitty understøtter moderne terminalfunktioner såsom: grafik, unicode, true-color, OpenType-ligaturer, museprotokol,
    fokusregistrering og parentesindsættelse.</p>

    <p>Kitty har en ramme for »kittens«, små terminalprogrammer som kan bruges til at udvide programmets funktionalitet.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>kitty unterstützt moderne Terminalfunktionen wie: Grafik, Unicode, True-Color, OpenType-Ligaturen, Mausprotokoll, Fokusverfolgung
    und (ein)geklammertes Einfügen (bracketed paste).</p>

    <p>kitty verfügt über ein Gerüst für »Kittens«, kleine Terminalprogramme, mit denen sein Funktionsumfang erweitert werden
  en: >-
    <p>Kitty supports modern terminal features like: graphics, unicode, true-color, OpenType ligatures, mouse protocol, focus
    tracking, and bracketed paste.</p>

    <p>Kitty has a framework for &quot;kittens&quot;, small terminal programs that can be used to extend its functionality.</p>
- System
- TerminalEmulator
  - name: kitty_kitty.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: kitty_kitty.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: kitty_kitty.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: k/ki/kitty.desktop/68df0dd39ed227723079f72dbfa9e58e/icons/128x128/kitty_kitty.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: kitty
  - kitty.desktop