⇦ | wfview [main]
Last updated on: 2024-02-25 04:59 [UTC]

Metadata for wfview in main

wfview.desktop - 1.60-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ mipsel ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: wfview.desktop
Package: wfview
  C: wfview
  C: Control and visualize data from amateur radios
  it: >-
    <p>wfview è un&apos;applicazione open source di interfaccia per:</p>

    <p> * Icom IC-705 radio SDR HF amatoriale portatile;  * Icom IC-7300 radio SDR HF amatoriale;  * Icom IC-7610 radio SDR
    HF amatoriale;  * Icom IC-7850 radio SDR HF ibrida amatoriale;  * Icom IC-7851 radio SDR HF ibrida amatoriale;  * Icom
    IC-9700 radio SDR VHF/UHF amatoriale.</p>

    <p>wfview supporta la visualizzazione a cascata dello spettro e la maggior parte dei normali controlli della radio. Usando
    wfview, la radio può essere controllata usando il mouse o solo la tastiera (fantastico per chi ha problemi di vista) o
    perfino uno schermo touch. La bellissima visualizzazione a cascata dello spettro può essere visualizzata su un monitor
    di qualsiasi dimensione e può perfino essere proiettata su un muro per una presentazione.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>wfview est un frontal au code source ouvert pour les radios logicielles de radioamateur :</p>

    <p> – Icom IC-705 HF portable ;  – Icom IC-7300 HF ;  – Icom IC-7610 HF ;  – Icom IC-7850 HF hybride ;  – Icom IC-7851
    HF hybride ;  – Icom IC-9700 VHF/UHF.</p>

    <p>wfview gère l’affichage du spectre waterfall et la plupart des contrôles habituels de radio. Avec wfview, la radio
    peut être manipulée en utilisant la souris ou simplement le clavier (parfait pour les déficients visuels), ou même avec
    un écran tactile. Le splendide spectre waterfall peut être affiché sur un moniteur de n’importe quelle taille, et même
    projeté sur un mur pour une présentation.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>wfview is an open-source front-end application for the</p>

    <p> * Icom IC-705 HF portable SDR Amateur Radio  * Icom IC-7300 HF SDR Amateur Radio  * Icom IC-7610 HF SDR Amateur Radio 
    * Icom IC-7850 HF Hybrid SDR Amateur Radio  * Icom IC-7851 HF Hybrid SDR Amateur Radio  * Icom IC-9700 VHF/UHF SDR Amateur

    <p>wfview supports viewing the spectrum display waterfall and most normal radio controls. Using wfview, the radio can
    be operated using the mouse, or just the keyboard (great for those with visual impairments), or even a touch screen display.
    The gorgous waterfall spectrum can be displayed on a monitor of any size, and can even projected onto a wall for a presentation.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Wfview er et brugerfladeprogram udviklet i åben kildekode for</p>

    <p> * Icom IC-705 HF portable SDR Amateur Radio  * Icom IC-7300 HF SDR Amateur Radio  * Icom IC-7610 HF SDR Amateur Radio 
    * Icom IC-7850 HF Hybrid SDR Amateur Radio  * Icom IC-7851 HF Hybrid SDR Amateur Radio  * Icom IC-9700 VHF/UHF SDR Amateur

    <p>Wfview understøtter visning af spektrummets vandfald og de mest gængse radiokontroller. Ved at bruge wfview kan radioen
    betjenes via musen eller bare tastaturet (godt for dem med visuelle begrænsninger), eller endda en trykskærm. Det super
    gode vandfaldsspektrum kan vises på en skærm uanset dennes størrelse og kan endda projekteres op på en væg for præsentation.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>wfview is an open-source front-end application for the</p>

    <p> * Icom IC-705 HF portable SDR Amateur Radio  * Icom IC-7300 HF SDR Amateur Radio  * Icom IC-7610 HF SDR Amateur Radio 
    * Icom IC-7850 HF Hybrid SDR Amateur Radio  * Icom IC-7851 HF Hybrid SDR Amateur Radio  * Icom IC-9700 VHF/UHF SDR Amateur

    <p>wfview supports viewing the spectrum display waterfall and most normal radio controls. Using wfview, the radio can
    be operated using the mouse, or just the keyboard (great for those with visual impairments), or even a touch screen display.
    The gorgous waterfall spectrum can be displayed on a monitor of any size, and can even projected onto a wall for a presentation.</p>
- Network
- HamRadio
  - name: wfview_wfview.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: wfview
  - wfview.desktop