⇦ | xterm [main]
Last updated on: 2024-02-25 04:58 [UTC]

Metadata for xterm in main

debian-uxterm.desktop - 379-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ mipsel ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: debian-uxterm.desktop
Package: xterm
  C: UXTerm
  C: xterm wrapper for Unicode environments
  fr: >-
    <p>Le programme xterm est un émulateur de terminal pour X Window. Il gère les émulations DEC VT102 et Tektronix 4014 pour
    les programmes qui ne peuvent pas utiliser directement le système de fenêtrage. Cette version gère les couleurs ISO/ANSI
    et la plupart des séquences de contrôle des terminaux DEC VT220.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit quatre commandes : xterm, l’émulateur de terminal traditionnel, uxterm, qui est une enveloppe de
    xterm qui gère les réglages de paramètres régionaux (« locales »), notamment ceux qui utilisent l&apos;encodage UTF-8
    et qui a besoin du programme luit fourni dans le paquet luit, koi8xterm, un programme analogue gérant le jeu de caractères
    KOI8-R et enfin lxterm, une autre enveloppe qui choisit celui de ces programmes qui est le plus approprié en fonction
    des paramètres régionaux de l&apos;utilisateur. La liste complète des séquences de contrôle gérées par l’émulateur de
    terminal X est fournie dans /usr/share/doc/xterm.</p>

    <p>Le programme xterm utilise des images matricielles fournies par le paquet xbitmaps.</p>

    <p>Les utilisateurs intéressés par le programme koi8xterm devraient également installer le paquet xfonts-cyrillic.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System.  It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals
    for programs that cannot use the window system directly.  This version implements ISO/ANSI colors and most of the control
    sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals.</p>

    <p>This package provides four commands: xterm, which is the traditional terminal emulator; uxterm, which is a wrapper
    around xterm that is intelligent about locale settings (especially those which use the UTF-8 character encoding), but
    which requires the luit program from the luit package; koi8rxterm, a wrapper similar to uxterm for locales that use the
    KOI8-R character set; and lxterm, a simple wrapper that chooses which of the previous commands to execute based on the
    user&apos;s locale settings.</p>

    <p>A complete list of control sequences supported by the X terminal emulator is provided in /usr/share/doc/xterm.</p>

    <p>The xterm program uses bitmap images provided by the xbitmaps package.</p>

    <p>Those interested in using koi8rxterm will likely want to install the xfonts-cyrillic package as well.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>xterm è un emulatore di terminale per il sistema X Window. Fornisce un terminale compatibile con DEC VT102 e Tektronix
    4014 e lo mette a disposizione di quei programmi che non possono usare direttamente l&apos;interfaccia a finestre. Questa
    versione gestisce i colori ISO/ANSI e la maggior parte delle sequenze di controllo dei terminali DEC VT220.</p>

    <p>Questo pacchetto fornisce quattro comandi: xterm, che è l&apos;emulatore di terminale tradizionale; uxterm, che è un
    wrapper per xterm che gestisce in modo intelligente le impostazioni di localizzazione (specialmente quelle che usano la
    codifica di caratteri UTF-8), ma che richiede il programma luit contenuto nel pacchetto luit; koi8rxterm, un wrapper simile
    a uxterm per localizzazioni che usano il set di caratteri KOI8-R; lxterm, un wrapper semplice che sceglie quale dei comandi
    sopra menzionati eseguire in base alle impostazioni di localizzazione dell&apos;utente.</p>

    <p>Il file /usr/share/doc/xterm riporta l&apos;elenco completo delle sequenze di controllo supportate dall&apos;emulatore
    di terminale.</p>

    <p>Il programma xterm usa le immagini bitmap fornite dal pacchetto xbitmaps.</p>

    <p>Qualora si desideri usare koi8rxterm, si vorrà probabilmente installare anche il pacchetto xfonts-cyrillic.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Xterm er en terminalemulator for X Window-systemet. Den understøtter DEC VT102 og Tektronix 4014 kompatible terminaler
    for programmer, der ikke kan bruge vinduesystemet direkte. Denne version implementerer ISO-/ANSI-farver og de fleste kontrolsekvenser
    fra DEC VT220-terminalerne.</p>

    <p>Denne pakke indeholder 4 kommandoer: xterm, som er den traditionelle terminalemulator; uxterm, som er en wrapper omkring
    xterm som er specielt egnet til regionale indstillinger (specielt dem der bruger UTF-8 tegnkodning), men kræver luit-programmet
    fra luit-pakken; koi8rxterm, er en wrapper i stil med uxterm, men specielt egnet til tegnkodningen KOI8-R; og lxterm,
    en simpel wrapper, som vælger hvilken af de førnævnte wrappere, der skal bruges udfra brugerens regionale indstillinger.</p>

    <p>En komplet liste over kontrolsekvenser som understøttes af X terminalemulatoren er tilgængelig i /usr/share/doc/xterm</p>

    <p>Xterm-programmet bruger bitmapbilleder fra xbitmaps-pakken.</p>

    <p>Hvis du vil bruge koi8rxtern, vil du sansynligvis også bruge pakken xfonts-cryllic.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System.  It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals
    for programs that cannot use the window system directly.  This version implements ISO/ANSI colors and most of the control
    sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals.</p>

    <p>This package provides four commands: xterm, which is the traditional terminal emulator; uxterm, which is a wrapper
    around xterm that is intelligent about locale settings (especially those which use the UTF-8 character encoding), but
    which requires the luit program from the luit package; koi8rxterm, a wrapper similar to uxterm for locales that use the
    KOI8-R character set; and lxterm, a simple wrapper that chooses which of the previous commands to execute based on the
    user&apos;s locale settings.</p>

    <p>A complete list of control sequences supported by the X terminal emulator is provided in /usr/share/doc/xterm.</p>

    <p>The xterm program uses bitmap images provided by the xbitmaps package.</p>

    <p>Those interested in using koi8rxterm will likely want to install the xfonts-cyrillic package as well.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Xterm ist ein Terminal-Emulator für das X-Window-System. Er bietet DEC-VT102- und Tektronix-4014-kompatible Terminals
    für Programme, die das Fenstersystem nicht direkt verwenden können. Diese Version implementiert ISO/ANSI-Farben und die
    meisten der Steuersequenzen, die von DEC-VT220-Terminals verwendet werden.</p>

    <p>Dieses Paket bietet vier Kommandos:  * xterm, der traditionelle Terminal-Emulator;  * uxterm, ein Wrapper, um xterm
    mit intelligentem Wissen    über Locale-Einstellungen auszuführen (insbesondere wenn die    UTF-8-Zeichencodierung verwendet
    wird). Er benötigt aber das    Programm luit aus dem Paket luit.  * koi8rxterm, ein Wrapper ähnlich zu uxterm für Locales,
    die die    KOI8-R-Zeichencodierung verwenden.  * lxterm, ein einfacher Wrapper, der anhand der Locale-Einstellungen des   
    Benutzers auswählt, welches der aufgeführten Kommandos zu starten ist.</p>

    <p>Eine komplette Liste der Steuersequenzen, die vom X-Terminal-Emulator unterstützt werden, steht in /usr/share/doc/xterm.</p>

    <p>Das Programm xterm verwendet Bitmap-Bilder aus dem Paket xbitmaps.</p>

    <p>Diejenigen, die an der Verwendung von koi8rxterm interessiert sind, werden wahrscheinlich auch das Paket »xfonts-cyrillic«
    installieren wollen.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>xterm é um emulador de terminal para o X Window System.  Fornece terminais compatíveis com DEC VT102 e Tektronix 4014
    para programas que não podem usar o sistema de janelas diretamente.  Esta versão implementa cores ISO/ANSI e a maioria
    das sequências de controle usadas nos terminais DEC VT220.</p>

    <p>Este pacote fornece quatro comandos: xterm, que é o tradicional emulador terminal; uxterm, que é um wrapper em volta
    do xterm que é inteligente sobre configurações de localização (especialmente a utilização de codificação de caracteres
    UTF-8), mas que requer o programa de luit do pacote; koi8rxterm, um invólucro semelhante ao uxterm para localizações que
    utilizam o conjunto de caracteres KOI8-R; e lxterm, um simples wrapper que escolhe qual dos comandos anteriores a executar
    com base nas definições de configurações de localização do(a) utilizador(a).</p>

    <p>Uma lista completa de sequências de controle suportadas pelo emulador de terminal X é fornecida em /usr/share/doc/xterm.</p>

    <p>O programa xterm usa imagens de bitmap fornecidas pelo pacote xbitmaps.</p>

    <p>Quem se interessar em usar o koi8rxterm provavelmente vai querer instalar o pacote xfonts-cyrillic.</p>
- System
- TerminalEmulator
  - shell
  - prompt
  - command
  - commandline
  - cmd
  - name: xterm_mini.xterm.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: xterm_mini.xterm.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: xterm_mini.xterm.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: d/de/debian-uxterm.desktop/03cdd46469168a26d82edaac6419f058/icons/128x128/xterm_mini.xterm.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: mini.xterm
  - debian-uxterm.desktop

debian-xterm.desktop - 379-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ mipsel ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: debian-xterm.desktop
Package: xterm
  C: XTerm
  C: standard terminal emulator for the X window system
  fr: >-
    <p>Le programme xterm est un émulateur de terminal pour X Window. Il gère les émulations DEC VT102 et Tektronix 4014 pour
    les programmes qui ne peuvent pas utiliser directement le système de fenêtrage. Cette version gère les couleurs ISO/ANSI
    et la plupart des séquences de contrôle des terminaux DEC VT220.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit quatre commandes : xterm, l’émulateur de terminal traditionnel, uxterm, qui est une enveloppe de
    xterm qui gère les réglages de paramètres régionaux (« locales »), notamment ceux qui utilisent l&apos;encodage UTF-8
    et qui a besoin du programme luit fourni dans le paquet luit, koi8xterm, un programme analogue gérant le jeu de caractères
    KOI8-R et enfin lxterm, une autre enveloppe qui choisit celui de ces programmes qui est le plus approprié en fonction
    des paramètres régionaux de l&apos;utilisateur. La liste complète des séquences de contrôle gérées par l’émulateur de
    terminal X est fournie dans /usr/share/doc/xterm.</p>

    <p>Le programme xterm utilise des images matricielles fournies par le paquet xbitmaps.</p>

    <p>Les utilisateurs intéressés par le programme koi8xterm devraient également installer le paquet xfonts-cyrillic.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System.  It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals
    for programs that cannot use the window system directly.  This version implements ISO/ANSI colors and most of the control
    sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals.</p>

    <p>This package provides four commands: xterm, which is the traditional terminal emulator; uxterm, which is a wrapper
    around xterm that is intelligent about locale settings (especially those which use the UTF-8 character encoding), but
    which requires the luit program from the luit package; koi8rxterm, a wrapper similar to uxterm for locales that use the
    KOI8-R character set; and lxterm, a simple wrapper that chooses which of the previous commands to execute based on the
    user&apos;s locale settings.</p>

    <p>A complete list of control sequences supported by the X terminal emulator is provided in /usr/share/doc/xterm.</p>

    <p>The xterm program uses bitmap images provided by the xbitmaps package.</p>

    <p>Those interested in using koi8rxterm will likely want to install the xfonts-cyrillic package as well.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>xterm è un emulatore di terminale per il sistema X Window. Fornisce un terminale compatibile con DEC VT102 e Tektronix
    4014 e lo mette a disposizione di quei programmi che non possono usare direttamente l&apos;interfaccia a finestre. Questa
    versione gestisce i colori ISO/ANSI e la maggior parte delle sequenze di controllo dei terminali DEC VT220.</p>

    <p>Questo pacchetto fornisce quattro comandi: xterm, che è l&apos;emulatore di terminale tradizionale; uxterm, che è un
    wrapper per xterm che gestisce in modo intelligente le impostazioni di localizzazione (specialmente quelle che usano la
    codifica di caratteri UTF-8), ma che richiede il programma luit contenuto nel pacchetto luit; koi8rxterm, un wrapper simile
    a uxterm per localizzazioni che usano il set di caratteri KOI8-R; lxterm, un wrapper semplice che sceglie quale dei comandi
    sopra menzionati eseguire in base alle impostazioni di localizzazione dell&apos;utente.</p>

    <p>Il file /usr/share/doc/xterm riporta l&apos;elenco completo delle sequenze di controllo supportate dall&apos;emulatore
    di terminale.</p>

    <p>Il programma xterm usa le immagini bitmap fornite dal pacchetto xbitmaps.</p>

    <p>Qualora si desideri usare koi8rxterm, si vorrà probabilmente installare anche il pacchetto xfonts-cyrillic.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Xterm er en terminalemulator for X Window-systemet. Den understøtter DEC VT102 og Tektronix 4014 kompatible terminaler
    for programmer, der ikke kan bruge vinduesystemet direkte. Denne version implementerer ISO-/ANSI-farver og de fleste kontrolsekvenser
    fra DEC VT220-terminalerne.</p>

    <p>Denne pakke indeholder 4 kommandoer: xterm, som er den traditionelle terminalemulator; uxterm, som er en wrapper omkring
    xterm som er specielt egnet til regionale indstillinger (specielt dem der bruger UTF-8 tegnkodning), men kræver luit-programmet
    fra luit-pakken; koi8rxterm, er en wrapper i stil med uxterm, men specielt egnet til tegnkodningen KOI8-R; og lxterm,
    en simpel wrapper, som vælger hvilken af de førnævnte wrappere, der skal bruges udfra brugerens regionale indstillinger.</p>

    <p>En komplet liste over kontrolsekvenser som understøttes af X terminalemulatoren er tilgængelig i /usr/share/doc/xterm</p>

    <p>Xterm-programmet bruger bitmapbilleder fra xbitmaps-pakken.</p>

    <p>Hvis du vil bruge koi8rxtern, vil du sansynligvis også bruge pakken xfonts-cryllic.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System.  It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals
    for programs that cannot use the window system directly.  This version implements ISO/ANSI colors and most of the control
    sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals.</p>

    <p>This package provides four commands: xterm, which is the traditional terminal emulator; uxterm, which is a wrapper
    around xterm that is intelligent about locale settings (especially those which use the UTF-8 character encoding), but
    which requires the luit program from the luit package; koi8rxterm, a wrapper similar to uxterm for locales that use the
    KOI8-R character set; and lxterm, a simple wrapper that chooses which of the previous commands to execute based on the
    user&apos;s locale settings.</p>

    <p>A complete list of control sequences supported by the X terminal emulator is provided in /usr/share/doc/xterm.</p>

    <p>The xterm program uses bitmap images provided by the xbitmaps package.</p>

    <p>Those interested in using koi8rxterm will likely want to install the xfonts-cyrillic package as well.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Xterm ist ein Terminal-Emulator für das X-Window-System. Er bietet DEC-VT102- und Tektronix-4014-kompatible Terminals
    für Programme, die das Fenstersystem nicht direkt verwenden können. Diese Version implementiert ISO/ANSI-Farben und die
    meisten der Steuersequenzen, die von DEC-VT220-Terminals verwendet werden.</p>

    <p>Dieses Paket bietet vier Kommandos:  * xterm, der traditionelle Terminal-Emulator;  * uxterm, ein Wrapper, um xterm
    mit intelligentem Wissen    über Locale-Einstellungen auszuführen (insbesondere wenn die    UTF-8-Zeichencodierung verwendet
    wird). Er benötigt aber das    Programm luit aus dem Paket luit.  * koi8rxterm, ein Wrapper ähnlich zu uxterm für Locales,
    die die    KOI8-R-Zeichencodierung verwenden.  * lxterm, ein einfacher Wrapper, der anhand der Locale-Einstellungen des   
    Benutzers auswählt, welches der aufgeführten Kommandos zu starten ist.</p>

    <p>Eine komplette Liste der Steuersequenzen, die vom X-Terminal-Emulator unterstützt werden, steht in /usr/share/doc/xterm.</p>

    <p>Das Programm xterm verwendet Bitmap-Bilder aus dem Paket xbitmaps.</p>

    <p>Diejenigen, die an der Verwendung von koi8rxterm interessiert sind, werden wahrscheinlich auch das Paket »xfonts-cyrillic«
    installieren wollen.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>xterm é um emulador de terminal para o X Window System.  Fornece terminais compatíveis com DEC VT102 e Tektronix 4014
    para programas que não podem usar o sistema de janelas diretamente.  Esta versão implementa cores ISO/ANSI e a maioria
    das sequências de controle usadas nos terminais DEC VT220.</p>

    <p>Este pacote fornece quatro comandos: xterm, que é o tradicional emulador terminal; uxterm, que é um wrapper em volta
    do xterm que é inteligente sobre configurações de localização (especialmente a utilização de codificação de caracteres
    UTF-8), mas que requer o programa de luit do pacote; koi8rxterm, um invólucro semelhante ao uxterm para localizações que
    utilizam o conjunto de caracteres KOI8-R; e lxterm, um simples wrapper que escolhe qual dos comandos anteriores a executar
    com base nas definições de configurações de localização do(a) utilizador(a).</p>

    <p>Uma lista completa de sequências de controle suportadas pelo emulador de terminal X é fornecida em /usr/share/doc/xterm.</p>

    <p>O programa xterm usa imagens de bitmap fornecidas pelo pacote xbitmaps.</p>

    <p>Quem se interessar em usar o koi8rxterm provavelmente vai querer instalar o pacote xfonts-cyrillic.</p>
- System
- TerminalEmulator
  - shell
  - prompt
  - command
  - commandline
  - cmd
  - name: xterm_mini.xterm.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: xterm_mini.xterm.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: xterm_mini.xterm.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: d/de/debian-xterm.desktop/54abf89f9d23215fc0843fc87c8d40ad/icons/128x128/xterm_mini.xterm.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: mini.xterm
  - debian-xterm.desktop