⇦ | jacktrip-gui [main]
Last updated on: 2023-01-08 18:14 [UTC]

Hints for jacktrip-gui in main

org.jacktrip.JackTrip ⚙ amd64


  • asv-desktop-entry-bad-data
    org.jacktrip.JackTrip.desktop - Key file contains key “Exec” which has a value that cannot be interpreted.
    Error while reading some data from the desktop-entry file.


  • asv-relation-control-in-requires
    org.jacktrip.JackTrip.metainfo.xml:42 -
    Found a user input control relation in a `requires` tag. This means users will not be able to even install the component without having the defined input control available on the system. This is usually not intended and you want to use `control` in the `recommends` tag instead.
  • asv-relation-control-in-requires
    org.jacktrip.JackTrip.metainfo.xml:41 -
    Found a user input control relation in a `requires` tag. This means users will not be able to even install the component without having the defined input control available on the system. This is usually not intended and you want to use `control` in the `recommends` tag instead.