⇦ | corsix-th [contrib]
Last updated on: 2022-09-10 14:27 [UTC]

Hints for corsix-th in contrib

com.corsixth.CorsixTH ⚙ amd64


  • asv-description-has-plaintext-url
    com.corsixth.CorsixTH.appdata.xml:16 - ul
    The description contains a web URL in plain text. This is not allowed, please use the <url/> tag instead to share links.
  • screenshot-download-error
    Error while downloading screenshot from 'http://corsixth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/screenshot9-1024x640.jpg': HTTP request returned status code 404 (Not Found)
    This might be a temporary server issue, or the screenshot is no longer available.
  • screenshot-download-error
    Error while downloading screenshot from 'http://corsixth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/screenshot0-1024x640.jpg': HTTP request returned status code 404 (Not Found)
    This might be a temporary server issue, or the screenshot is no longer available.


  • asv-screenshot-media-url-not-secure
    com.corsixth.CorsixTH.appdata.xml:31 - http://corsixth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/screenshot9-1024x640.jpg
    Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL to reference this screenshot image or video.
  • asv-url-not-secure
    com.corsixth.CorsixTH.appdata.xml:72 - http://forums.corsixth.com/index.php/board,11.0.html
    Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL for this web link.
  • asv-url-not-secure
    com.corsixth.CorsixTH.appdata.xml:70 - http://corsixth.com
    Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL for this web link.
  • asv-screenshot-media-url-not-secure
    com.corsixth.CorsixTH.appdata.xml:34 - http://corsixth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/screenshot0-1024x640.jpg
    Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL to reference this screenshot image or video.