⇦ | jami [main]
Last updated on: 2022-12-17 14:28 [UTC]

Hints for jami in main

net.jami.Jami ⚙ amd64


  • asv-description-has-plaintext-url
    jami-gnome.appdata.xml:29 - p
    The description contains a web URL in plain text. This is not allowed, please use the <url/> tag instead to share links.
  • metainfo-screenshot-but-no-media
    A screenshot has been found for this component, but apparently it does not have any images or videos defined. The screenshot entry has been ignored.
  • metainfo-screenshot-but-no-media
    A screenshot has been found for this component, but apparently it does not have any images or videos defined. The screenshot entry has been ignored.
  • metainfo-screenshot-but-no-media
    A screenshot has been found for this component, but apparently it does not have any images or videos defined. The screenshot entry has been ignored.
  • metainfo-screenshot-but-no-media
    A screenshot has been found for this component, but apparently it does not have any images or videos defined. The screenshot entry has been ignored.