⇦ | muse [main]
Last updated on: 2022-12-17 14:28 [UTC]

Hints for muse in main

org.musesequencer.Muse3 ⚙ amd64


  • asv-tag-empty
    org.musesequencer.Muse3.appdata.xml:9 - translation
    The mentioned tag is empty, which is highly likely not intended as it should have content.
  • asv-type-property-required
    org.musesequencer.Muse3.appdata.xml:9 - translation ()
    This tag requires a type property.
  • screenshot-save-error
    Unable to store screenshot for 'https://muse-sequencer.github.io/img/arranger_new.png': Can not store source screenshot: Fatal error reading PNG image file: bad adaptive filter value