⇦ | otpclient [main]
Last updated on: 2022-12-17 14:28 [UTC]

Hints for otpclient in main

com.github.paolostivanin.OTPClient.desktop ⚙ amd64


  • asv-id-tag-has-type
    com.github.paolostivanin.OTPClient.appdata.xml:4 - com.github.paolostivanin.OTPClient.desktop
    The <id/> tag still contains a `type` property, probably from an old conversion to the recent metainfo format.
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    com.github.paolostivanin.OTPClient.appdata.xml:8 - GTK+ application for managing TOTP and HOTP tokens with built-in encryption.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).