Type: desktop-application
ID: fuse-sdl.desktop
Package: fuse-emulator-sdl
C: Fuse (SDL)
C: Emulator of the 1980s ZX Spectrum home computer and its various clones
fr: >-
<p>Fuse est un émulateur du ZX Spectrum de Sinclair. Il prend en charge plusieurs modèles (dont 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3
et quelques clones), avec une émulation de l’image et du son assez fidèle.</p>
<p>Ses fonctions comprennent : — l’émulation précise des Spectrum 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 ; — l’émulation fonctionnelle
des Spectrum +3e et SE, Timex TC2048, TC2068 et TS2068, Pentagon 128, 512 (Pentagon 128 avec plus de mémoire) et
1024 et Scorpion ZS 256 ; — l’exécution à la vitesse réelle indiquée par Speccy sur n’importe quel ordinateur susceptible
d’être utilisé ; — le chargement d’instantanés des Z80, SZX et SNA, des fichiers de bandes virtuelles TAP et TZX (dont
le chargement accéléré), des images MDR de Microdrive et des images de disquettes DSK, entre autres ; — le son ;
— un débogueur interne ; — l’émulation de la plupart des manettes de jeu courantes utilisées avec le Spectrum (dont
celles de Kempston, Sinclair et Cursor) ; — l’émulation de quelques-unes des imprimantes susceptibles d’être branchées
sur un Spectrum ; — la prise en charge du format RZX de fichier d’enregistrement de saisies, incluant le retour en
arrière et le « mode competition » ; — l’enregistrement des vidéos dans des fichiers FMF ; — l’émulation des interfaces
Currah µSource, DivIDE, DivMMC, Interface 1, Kempston Mouse, Multiface One/128/3, Spectrum +3e, ZXATASP, ZXCF et
ZXMMC ; — l’émulation des interfaces audio Covox, Fuller Audio Box, Melodik et SpecDrum ; — l’émulation des interfaces
de disque Beta 128, +D, Didaktik 80/40, DISCiPLE et Opus Discovery ; — l’émulation des interfaces réseau Spectranet
et SpeccyBoot ; — la prise en charge du clavier Bluetooth Recreated ZX de Spectrum.</p>
<p>Ce paquet fournit les binaires pour la version SDL de Fuse.</p>
C: >-
<p>Fuse is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator. It supports several models (including 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 and some clones),
with quite faithful emulation of the display and sound.</p>
<p>Its features include: * Accurate Spectrum 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 emulation. * Working Spectrum +3e and SE, Timex
TC2048, TC2068 and TS2068, Pentagon 128, "512" (Pentagon 128 with extra memory) and 1024 and Scorpion
ZS 256 emulation. * Runs at true Speccy speed on any computer you're likely to try it on. * It can load Z80,
SZX and SNA snapshots, TAP and TZX virtual-tape files (including accelerated loading), MDR microdrive images and
DSK floppy disk images, among many others. * Sound. * Built-in debugger. * Emulation of most of the common joysticks
used on the Spectrum (including Kempston, Sinclair and Cursor joysticks). * Emulation of some of the printers you
could attach to a Spectrum. * Support for the RZX input recording file format, including rollback and 'competition
mode'. * Recording of movies to FMF files. * Emulation of the Currah µSource, DivIDE, DivMMC, Interface 1, Kempston
mouse, Multiface One/128/3, Spectrum +3e, ZXATASP, ZXCF and ZXMMC interfaces. * Emulation of the Covox, Fuller audio
box, Melodik and SpecDrum audio interfaces. * Emulation of the Beta 128, +D, Didaktik 80/40, DISCiPLE and Opus
Discovery disk interfaces. * Emulation of the Spectranet and SpeccyBoot network interfaces. * Support for the Recreated
ZX Spectrum Bluetooth keyboard.</p>
<p>This package provides binaries for the SDL version of Fuse.</p>
da: >-
<p>Fuse er en Sinclair ZX Spectrum-emulator. Den understøtter flere modeller (inklusive 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 og nogle
kloner), med ret så autentisk emulering af skærmen og lyden.</p>
<p>Inkluderede funktioner: * Præcis Spectrum 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3-emulering. * Working Spectrum +3e og SE, Timex TC2048,
TC2068 og TS2068, Pentagon 128, »512« (Pentagon 128 med ekstra hukommelse) og 1024 og Scorpion ZS 256-emulering.
* Kører med sand Speccy-hastighed på enhver computer som du kan finde på at afvikle den på. * Kan indlæse Z80-, SZX-
og SNA-øjebliksbilleder, TAP- og TZX-virtuelle bånd filer (inklusive accelereret indlæsning), MDR microdrive-aftryk
og DSK-diskettedrevaftryk blandt mange andre. * Lyd. * Indbygget fejlsøger. * Emulering af de mest gængse joystick
brugt på Spectrum (inklusive Kempston-, Sinclair- og Cursor-joystick). * Emulering af nogle af de printere du kunne
slutte til en Spectrum. * Understøttelse for RZX-inddataoptagelsesfilformatet, inklusive rollback og »competition-tilstand«.
* Optagelse af film til FMF-filer. * Emulering af grænsefladerne Currah µSource, DivIDE, DivMMC, Interface 1, Kempston
mouse, Multiface One/128/3, Spectrum +3e, ZXATASP, ZXCF og ZXMMC. * Emulering af grænsefladerne Beta 128, +D, Didaktik
80/40, DISCiple og Opus Discovery. * Emulering af netværksgrænsefladerne Spectranet og SpeccyBoot. * Understøttelse
for tastaturet Recreated ZX Spectrum Bluetooth</p>
<p>Denne pakke tilbyder binære filer for SDL-versionen af Fuse.</p>
it: >-
<p>Fuse è un emulatore del Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Gestisce diversi modelli (inclusi 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 e alcuni cloni),
con un'emulazione piuttosto fedele della grafica e del suono.</p>
<p>Le sue funzionalità includono: * emulazione accurata di Spectrum 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3; * emulazione funzionante
per Spectrum +3e e SE, Timex TC2048, TC2068 e TS2068, Pentagon 128, "512" (Pentagon 128 con memoria extra)
e 1024 e Scorpion ZS 256; * gira alla vera velocità degli Spectrum su qualsiasi computer su cui lo si usa; * può
caricare, tra le altre cose, snapshot Z80, SZX e SNA, file di nastri virtuali TAP e TZX (incluso il caricamento accelerato),
immagini microdrive MDR e immagini di dischi floppy DSK; * sonoro; * strumento di debug incorporato; * emulazione della
maggior parte dei joystick comuni usati con lo Spectrum (inclusi joystick Kempston, Sinclair e Cursor); * emulazione
di alcune delle stampanti che è possibile collegare a uno Spectrum; * gestione del formato di file per registrazione
dell'input RZX, incluso il rollback e la "modalità competizione"; * registrazione di filmati in file
FMF; * emulazione delle interfacce Currah µSource, DivIDE, DivMMC, Interface 1, mouse Kempston, Multiface One/128/3,
Spectrum +3e, ZXATASP, ZXCF e ZXMMC; * emulazione delle interfacce audio Covox, Fuller audio box, Melodik e SpecDrum;
* emulazione delle interfacce disco Beta 128, +D, Didaktik 80/40, DISCiPLE.e Opus Discovery; * emulazione delle interfacce
di rete Spectranet e SpeccyBoot; * gestione della tastiera bluetooth Recreated ZX Spectrum.</p>
<p>Questo pacchetto fornisce i binari per la versione SDL di Fuse.</p>
en: >-
<p>Fuse is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator. It supports several models (including 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 and some clones),
with quite faithful emulation of the display and sound.</p>
<p>Its features include: * Accurate Spectrum 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 emulation. * Working Spectrum +3e and SE, Timex
TC2048, TC2068 and TS2068, Pentagon 128, "512" (Pentagon 128 with extra memory) and 1024 and Scorpion
ZS 256 emulation. * Runs at true Speccy speed on any computer you're likely to try it on. * It can load Z80,
SZX and SNA snapshots, TAP and TZX virtual-tape files (including accelerated loading), MDR microdrive images and
DSK floppy disk images, among many others. * Sound. * Built-in debugger. * Emulation of most of the common joysticks
used on the Spectrum (including Kempston, Sinclair and Cursor joysticks). * Emulation of some of the printers you
could attach to a Spectrum. * Support for the RZX input recording file format, including rollback and 'competition
mode'. * Recording of movies to FMF files. * Emulation of the Currah µSource, DivIDE, DivMMC, Interface 1, Kempston
mouse, Multiface One/128/3, Spectrum +3e, ZXATASP, ZXCF and ZXMMC interfaces. * Emulation of the Covox, Fuller audio
box, Melodik and SpecDrum audio interfaces. * Emulation of the Beta 128, +D, Didaktik 80/40, DISCiPLE and Opus
Discovery disk interfaces. * Emulation of the Spectranet and SpeccyBoot network interfaces. * Support for the Recreated
ZX Spectrum Bluetooth keyboard.</p>
<p>This package provides binaries for the SDL version of Fuse.</p>
- Game
- Emulator
- sinclair
- zx
- game
- retro
- name: fuse-emulator-sdl_fuse.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: fuse-emulator-sdl_fuse.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: fuse-emulator-sdl_fuse.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: fuse
- url: f/fu/fuse-sdl.desktop/acd4e656db271de8ee375855fa37938c/icons/128x128/fuse-emulator-sdl_fuse.png
width: 128
height: 128
- fuse-sdl.desktop
- audio/x-spectrum-csw
- application/x-spectrum-dck
- application/x-spectrum-d80
- application/x-spectrum-dsk
- application/x-spectrum-fdi
- application/x-spectrum-hdf
- application/x-spectrum-img
- application/x-spectrum-ltp
- application/x-spectrum-mdr
- application/x-spectrum-mgt
- application/x-spectrum-mgtsnp
- application/x-spectrum-opd
- application/x-spectrum-opu
- application/x-spectrum-pzx
- application/x-spectrum-raw
- application/x-spectrum-rom
- application/x-spectrum-rzx
- application/x-spectrum-sad
- application/x-spectrum-scl
- application/x-spectrum-slt
- application/x-spectrum-sna
- application/x-spectrum-snp
- application/x-spectrum-sp
- application/x-spectrum-spc
- application/x-spectrum-sta
- application/x-spectrum-szx
- application/x-spectrum-td0
- application/x-spectrum-tap
- application/x-spectrum-trd
- application/x-spectrum-tzx
- application/x-spectrum-udi
- application/x-spectrum-z80
- application/x-spectrum-zxs
- audio/x-spectrum-wav
- application/x-spectrum-compressed
- application/x-spectrum-compressed-bz2