⇦ | playitslowly [main]
Last updated on: 2022-12-17 14:28 [UTC]

Metadata for playitslowly in main

playitslowly.desktop - 1.5.0-1.1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: playitslowly.desktop
Package: playitslowly
  C: Play it Slowly
  fr: Un outil pour lire un morceau de musique à différentes vitesses ou tonalités
  C: A tool to play back a piece of music at a different speed or pitch
  ru: >-
    <p>Play it slowly — это небольшая программа, которая может воспроизводить аудио файлы на разной скорости или с разной
    высотой звучения. Кроме того, она позволит вам закольцевать выделенный фрагмент аудиофайла.</p>

    <p>Главное предназначение программы — помочь вам в изучении или транскрибировании песен. Кроме того, при помощи движка
    GStreamer можно проигрывать видео.</p>

    <p>Программа поддерживает ALSA и JACK Audio Connection Kit.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>« Play it slowly » (lisez-le lentement) est un logiciel pour lire des fichiers audio dans différentes vitesses et hauteurs.
    Il permet aussi de jouer en boucle une certaine partie de fichier.</p>

    <p>Il est conçu pour aider à apprendre ou transcrire des chansons. Il peut aussi lire des vidéos en utilisant GStreamer.</p>

    <p>Playitslowly fonctionne avec ALSA ou JACK (Jack Audio Connection Kit).</p>
  it: >-
    <p>&quot;Play it slowly&quot; è un software che riproduce file ad una velocità o tonalità diversa. Permette anche di riprodurre
    in continuo una certa porzione di un file.</p>

    <p>È pensato per aiutare a imparare o a trascrivere canzoni. Può anche riprodurre video grazie a GStreamer.</p>

    <p>&quot;Play it slowly&quot; funziona sia con ALSA sia con JACK Audio Connection Kit.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Play it slowly er et program til afspilning af lydfiler med forskellig hastighed eller tonehøjde. Du kan også loope
    over en bestemt del af en fil.</p>

    <p>Programmet er lavet for at hjælpe dig med at lære eller transskribere sange. Programmet kan også afspille videoer takket
    være GStreamer.</p>

    <p>Play it slowly virker med både ALSA og JACK Audio Connection Kit.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Play it slowly is a piece of software to play back audio files at a different speed or pitch. It also allows you to
    loop over a certain part of a file.</p>

    <p>It is intended to help you learn or transcribe songs. It can also play videos thanks to GStreamer.</p>

    <p>Play it slowly works with both ALSA and the JACK Audio Connection Kit.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Play it slowly (&quot;toque isto devagar&quot;) é um pequeno software para reproduzir áudio em velocidade e tom diferente.
    Ele também permite a reprodução de apenas um trecho do arquivo.</p>

    <p>Ele foi feito para ajudar no aprendizado ou tradução de músicas. E também pode reproduzir vídeos, graças ao GStreamer.</p>

    <p>Play it slowly trabalha tanto com ALSA quanto com o JACK Audio Connection Kit.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Play it slowly is a piece of software to play back audio files at a different speed or pitch. It also allows you to
    loop over a certain part of a file.</p>

    <p>It is intended to help you learn or transcribe songs. It can also play videos thanks to GStreamer.</p>

    <p>Play it slowly works with both ALSA and the JACK Audio Connection Kit.</p>
- AudioVideo
  - name: playitslowly_playitslowly.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: playitslowly
  - playitslowly.desktop