⇦ | pychess [main]
Last updated on: 2022-12-17 14:28 [UTC]

Metadata for pychess in main

pychess.desktop - 1.0.0-1.2 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: pychess.desktop
Package: pychess
  C: PyChess
  C: PyChess is a fully featured, nice looking, easy to use chess client for the Gnome desktop
  it: >-
    <p>Lo scopo di pychess è di fornire un client per scacchi per il desktop GNOME completo, bello e facile da usare.</p>

    <p>Il client dovrebbe essere usabile sia da chi è completamente nuovo degli scacchi sia da chi vuole usare un computer
    per migliorare ulteriormente il proprio gioco.</p>

    <p>Le sue caratteristiche includono:  interfaccia a schede,  supporto per pgn+epd in lettura e scrittura,  suggerimenti
    e modalità spia,  supporto per motore xboard/cecp,  motore basato su Python incorporato,  Openingbook usando sqlite, 
    interfaccia e finestre di dialogo pulite,  convalida delle mosse incorporata,  evidenziazione delle mosse legittime, 
    supporto per drag&amp;drop.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Le but de pychess est de fournir un client de jeu d’échecs, entièrement fonctionnel, d’apparence plaisante et d’utilisation
    facile pour le bureau de GNOME.</p>

    <p>Le client devrait être utilisable pour ceux totalement nouveaux aux échecs et pour ceux voulant utiliser un ordinateur
    pour améliorer leur jeu.</p>

    <p>Caractéristiques :  — lecture et écriture aux formats PGN et EPD ;  — mode suggestions pour joueur et adversaire (hint/spy
    mode) ;  — prise en charge des moteurs d’XBoard et du protocole CECP ;  — moteur interne basé sur Python ;  — bibliothèque
    d’ouvertures utilisant SQLite ;  — interface et dialogues clairs ;  — validation interne des déplacements ;  — mise en
    surbrillance des déplacements autorisés ;  — prise en charge du glisser-déposer.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>The goal of pychess, is to provide a fully featured, nice looking, easy to use chess client for the gnome-desktop.</p>

    <p>The client should be usable both to those totally new to chess, and those who want to use a computer to further enchance
    their play.</p>

    <p>Features include:  Tabbed interface  pgn+epd read/write support  Hints and spymode  xboard/cecp engine support  Builtin
    Python based engine  Openingbook using sqlite  Clean interface and dialogs  Builtin move validator  Legal move highlighting 
    Supports drag&apos;n&apos;drop.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Formålet med pychess er at tilbyde en klient med alle funktioner, der ser godt ud og er nem at bruge for GNOME-skrivebordet.</p>

    <p>Klienten kan bruges både af personer helt nye indenfor skak og dem som ønsker at bruge en computer for yderligere at
    forbedre deres spil.</p>

    <p>Funktioner inkluderer:  Faneopdelt grænseflade  pgn+epd læs/skriv-understøttelse  Fif og spiontilstand  xboard/cecp-motorunderstøttelse 
    Indbygget Pythonbaseret motor  Åbningsbog med sqlite  Pæn grænseflade og dialoger  Indbygget validering af træk  Fremhævelse
    af lovlige træk  Understøtter træk og slip</p>
  en: >-
    <p>The goal of pychess, is to provide a fully featured, nice looking, easy to use chess client for the gnome-desktop.</p>

    <p>The client should be usable both to those totally new to chess, and those who want to use a computer to further enchance
    their play.</p>

    <p>Features include:  Tabbed interface  pgn+epd read/write support  Hints and spymode  xboard/cecp engine support  Builtin
    Python based engine  Openingbook using sqlite  Clean interface and dialogs  Builtin move validator  Legal move highlighting 
    Supports drag&apos;n&apos;drop.</p>
- Game
- BoardGame
  - name: pychess_pychess.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: pychess_pychess.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: pychess_pychess.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: p/py/pychess.desktop/e17c252eaac82c41c0d053930b2c1c2f/icons/128x128/pychess_pychess.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: pychess
  - pychess.desktop
  - application/x-chess-pgn
  - application/x-chess-epd
  - application/x-chess-fen
  - application/x-chess-pychess