Type: desktop-application
ID: pysiogame.desktop
Package: pysiogame
C: pySioGame
C: A little set of educational apps for kids
it: >-
<p>pySioGame è un insieme di giochi e attività educative per bambini dai 3 ai 10 anni. Le attività sono basate su griglie
e possono essere giocate tutte in un'unica finestra. pySioGame include attività di matematica, lettura, scrittura,
disegno e memoria.</p>
pl: >-
<p>pySioGame to zestaw działań edukacyjnych i gier dla dzieci w wieku od 3 do 10 lat. Działania te oparte są na siatce
i można je wszystkie odtwarzać w jednym oknie. pySioGame obejmuje: matematykę, czytanie, pisanie, malowanie i działania
związane z naszą pamięcią.</p>
C: >-
<p>pySioGame is a set of educational activities and games for children aged between 3 and 10. The activities are grid
based and can be played all in a single window. pySioGame includes maths, reading, writing, painting, and memory activities.</p>
da: >-
<p>PySioGAme er et sæt af undervisningsaktiviteter og spil for børn i aldersgruppen 3 - 10 år. Aktiviteterne er gitterbaseret
og kan alle spilles i et enkelt vindue. PySioGame inkluderer matematik, læsning, skrivning, maling og hukommelsestræning.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>pySioGame é um conjunto de atividades e jogos educacionais para crianças de 3 a 10 anos. As atividades são "grid
based" e podem ser jogadas todas em uma única janela. pySioGame inclui atividades de matemática, leitura, escrita,
pintura e memória.</p>
en: >-
<p>pySioGame is a set of educational activities and games for children aged between 3 and 10. The activities are grid
based and can be played all in a single window. pySioGame includes maths, reading, writing, painting, and memory activities.</p>
- Game
- Education
- name: pysiogame_pysiogame.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: pysiogame
- pysiogame.desktop