Type: desktop-application
ID: qashctl.desktop
Package: qashctl
C: QasHctl
ru: ALSA HCTL микшер
he: מערבל ALSA HCTL
C: ALSA HCTL mixer
it: ALSA HCTL mixer
de: ALSA HCTL mixer
it: >-
<p>QasTools è una raccolta di applicazioni per il desktop per il sistema sonoro per Linux ALSA.</p>
<p>Le applicazioni incluse sono: - QasConfig - navigatore per l'albero di configurazione di ALSA; - QasHctl - mixer
per l'interfaccia di controllo di alto livello di ALSA; - QasMixer - mixer per il desktop con funzionalità simili
ad alsamixer.</p>
<p>QasHctl è un'applicazione mixer per l'"interfaccia di controllo di alto livello" di ALSA. Questa
interfaccia permette un'interazione più complessa della "semplice interfaccia mixer" che è usata da alsamixer
e QasMixer.</p>
fr: >-
<p>QasTools est un ensemble applications de bureau pour le système Linux de son ALSA.</p>
<p>Les applications fournies sont : — QasConfig — navigateur pour l’arbre de configuration de ALSA ; — QasHctl — mixeur
pour l’interface de contrôle de haut niveau d’ALSA ; — QasMixer — mixeur pour le bureau avec des caractéristiques similaires
à alsamixer.</p>
<p>QasHctl est une application le mixage pour une « interface de contrôle de haut niveau » d’ALSA. Cette interface permet
des interactions plus complexes que « l’interface simple de mixage » utilisée par alsamixer et QasMixer.</p>
C: >-
<p>QasTools is a collection of desktop applications for the Linux sound system ALSA.</p>
<p>The applications included are: - QasConfig - browser for the ALSA configuration tree - QasHctl - mixer for ALSA's
High level Control Interface - QasMixer - desktop mixer with features similar to alsamixer</p>
<p>QasHctl is a mixer application for ALSA's "High level Control Interface". This interface allows more
complex interaction than the "Simple Mixer Interface" which is used by alsamixer and QasMixer.</p>
da: >-
<p>QasTools er en samling af skrivebordsprogrammer for lydsystemet ALSA for Linux.</p>
<p>De inkluderede programmer: - QasConfig - browser for ALSA-konfigurationstræet - QasHctl - mikser for ALSA's
High level Control Interface - QasMixer - skrivebordsmikser med funktioner svarende til alsamixer</p>
<p>QasHctl er et mikserprogram for ALSA's »High level Control Interface«. Denne grænseflade tillader mere kompleks
interaktion end »Simple Mixer Interface«, som bruges af alsamixer og QasMixer.</p>
en: >-
<p>QasTools is a collection of desktop applications for the Linux sound system ALSA.</p>
<p>The applications included are: - QasConfig - browser for the ALSA configuration tree - QasHctl - mixer for ALSA's
High level Control Interface - QasMixer - desktop mixer with features similar to alsamixer</p>
<p>QasHctl is a mixer application for ALSA's "High level Control Interface". This interface allows more
complex interaction than the "Simple Mixer Interface" which is used by alsamixer and QasMixer.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
- Mixer
- Audio
- Mixer
- Qt
- name: qashctl_qashctl.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: qashctl_qashctl.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: qashctl_qashctl.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: q/qa/qashctl.desktop/6d8e378deb9a5eebfce60185be3418be/icons/128x128/qashctl_qashctl.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: qashctl
- qashctl.desktop