⇦ | qasmixer [main]
Last updated on: 2022-12-17 14:28 [UTC]

Metadata for qasmixer in main

qasmixer.desktop - 0.23.0-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x ⚙ mips64el

Type: desktop-application
ID: qasmixer.desktop
Package: qasmixer
  C: QasMixer
  cs: Grafický směšovač pro ALSA
  ru: Графический микшер для звуковой системы ALSA
  he: יישום מערבל גרפי עבור ALSA
  it: Mixer grafico per ALSA
  C: Graphical mixer application for the ALSA
  es: Mezclador gráfico para ALSA
  de: Graphische Mixeranwendung für ALSA
  it: >-
    <p>QasTools è una raccolta di applicazioni per il desktop per il sistema sonoro per Linux ALSA.</p>

    <p>Le applicazioni incluse sono:  - QasConfig - navigatore per l&apos;albero di configurazione di ALSA;  - QasHctl - mixer
    per l&apos;interfaccia di controllo di alto livello di ALSA;  - QasMixer - mixer per il desktop con funzionalità simili
    ad alsamixer.</p>

    <p>QasMixer è un&apos;applicazione mixer per il desktop per la &quot;Simple Mixer Interface&quot; di ALSA e offre funzionalità
    simili a quelle di alsamixer. Ha anche un&apos;icona per il vassoio di sistema con funzionalità base per il mixer.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>QasTools je kolekcia desktopových aplikácií pre Linuxový zvukový systém ALSA.</p>

    <p>Obsahuje aplikácie:  * QasConfig - prehliadač konfiguračného stromu ALSA  * QasHctl   - zmiešavač pre vysokoúrovňové
    ovládacie rozhranie ALSA  * QasMixer  - zmiešavač pre stolné počítače s podobnými funkciami                ako má alsamixer</p>

    <p>QasMixer je aplikácia zmiešavača pre stolné počítače pre ALSA „Simple Mixer Interface“ a ponúka podobné vlastnosti
    ako alsamixer. Tiež používa ikonu v oznamovacej oblasti systému so základnými funkciami zmiešavača zuvku.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>QasTools est un ensemble applications de bureau pour le système Linux de son ALSA.</p>

    <p>Les applications fournies sont :  — QasConfig — navigateur pour l’arbre de configuration de ALSA ;  — QasHctl — mixeur
    pour l’interface de contrôle de haut niveau d’ALSA ;  — QasMixer — mixeur pour le bureau avec des caractéristiques similaires
    à               alsamixer.</p>

    <p>QasMixer est un mixeur graphique pour la « Simple Mixer Interface » d&apos;ALSA et il offre des fonctionnalités identiques
    à alsamixer. Il affiche aussi une icône sur le bureau donnant accès aux fonctions basiques du mixeur.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>QasTools is a collection of desktop applications for the Linux sound system ALSA.</p>

    <p>The applications included are:  - QasConfig - browser for the ALSA configuration tree  - QasHctl - mixer for ALSA&apos;s
    High level Control Interface  - QasMixer - desktop mixer with features similar to alsamixer</p>

    <p>QasMixer is a desktop mixer application for ALSA&apos;s &quot;Simple Mixer Interface&quot; and offers features similar
    to alsamixer. It also features a system tray icon with basic mixer functionality.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>QasTools er en samling af skrivebordsprogrammer for lydsystemet ALSA for Linux.</p>

    <p>De inkluderede programmer:  - QasConfig - browser for ALSA-konfigurationstræet  - QasHctl - mikser for ALSA&apos;s
    High level Control Interface  - QasMixer - skrivebordsmikser med funktioner svarende til alsamixer</p>

    <p>QasMixer er et skrivebordsmikserprogram for ALSA&apos;s »Simple Mixer Interface« og tilbyder funktioner der svarer
    til alsamixer. Programmet har også et ikon for statusfeltet med grundlæggende mikserfunktionalitet.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>QasTools is a collection of desktop applications for the Linux sound system ALSA.</p>

    <p>The applications included are:  - QasConfig - browser for the ALSA configuration tree  - QasHctl - mixer for ALSA&apos;s
    High level Control Interface  - QasMixer - desktop mixer with features similar to alsamixer</p>

    <p>QasMixer is a desktop mixer application for ALSA&apos;s &quot;Simple Mixer Interface&quot; and offers features similar
    to alsamixer. It also features a system tray icon with basic mixer functionality.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
- Mixer
  - ALSA
  - Audio
  - Mixer
  - Qt
  - name: qasmixer_qasmixer.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: qasmixer_qasmixer.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: qasmixer_qasmixer.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: q/qa/qasmixer.desktop/487ef9ac2ce824e5f21e4ade974d94d7/icons/128x128/qasmixer_qasmixer.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: qasmixer
  - qasmixer.desktop