Type: desktop-application
ID: tutka.desktop
Package: tutka
fr: Tracker MIDI Tutka
C: Tutka MIDI Tracker
fr: Composer de la musique en utilisant du MIDI
C: Compose music using MIDI
it: >-
<p>Questo è un sequenziatore MIDI, i brani sono costituiti da blocchi e ciascun blocco rappresenta un periodo nel tempo.
Questi blocchi possono essere riprodotti in qualunque ordine per formare un brano completo. I blocchi sono fatti di tracce
su cui vengono messe le note. Tutte le tracce di un blocco vengono riprodotte simultaneamente. Solo una nota alla volta
può essere suonata su una traccia. I blocchi possono variare in lunghezza e avere un diverso numero di tracce.</p>
<p>Ciascuna nota viene suonata utilizzando uno strumento e ciascuno di essi può avere proprietà quali nome, canale MIDI,
volume predefinito, tempo tenuto e così via. Alle note possono essere applicati anche effetti. In Tutka gli effetti includono
aspetti quali il volume, dopo-tocco, pitch bend, ritardo delle note, impostazione del tempo e così via. Possono essere
usati anche controllori MIDI.</p>
<p>Utilizza un formato di file basato su XML personalizzato per memorizzare i brani. Possono anche essere caricati e salvati
brani nel formato di file MMD2 di OctaMED SoundStudio.</p>
fr: >-
<p>C'est un séquenceur MIDI, les morceaux sont fait de blocs. Chaque bloc représente une période de temps. Ces blocs
peuvent être joués dans n'importe quel ordre pour former un morceau complet. Les blocs sont constitués de pistes
sur lesquelles les notes sont placées. Toutes les pistes d'un bloc sont lues simultanément. Une seule note peut être
jouée sur une piste à la fois. Les blocs peuvent varier en longueur et avoir un nombre différent de pistes.</p>
<p>Chaque note est jouée avec un instrument. Chaque instrument peut avoir des propriétés telles qu'un nom, un canal
MIDI, un volume par défaut, un temps de maintien, et ainsi de suite. Des effets peuvent également être appliqués aux notes.
Dans Tutka, les effets incluent des choses comme le volume, l'aftertouch, le pitch bending, les délais de note, le
réglage du tempo, et autres. Des contrôleurs MIDI peuvent également être utilisés.</p>
<p>Il utilise un format de fichier XML personnalisé pour stocker les morceaux. Les morceaux au format de fichier MMD2
d'OctaMED SoundStudio peuvent également être chargés et enregistrés.</p>
C: >-
<p>This is a MIDI sequencer, songs are made of blocks. Each block represents a period in time. These blocks can be played
in any order to form a complete song. Blocks are made of tracks on which the notes are placed. All tracks of a block are
played simultaneously. Only one note can be played on one track at a time. Blocks can vary in length and may have different
number of tracks.</p>
<p>Each note is played using an instrument. Each instrument can have properties such as name, MIDI channel, default volume,
hold time and so on. Effects can also be applied to notes. In Tutka effects include things like volume, aftertouch, pitch
bending, note delays, setting tempo and so on. MIDI controllers can also be used.</p>
<p>It uses a custom XML based file format for storing songs. Songs in OctaMED SoundStudio's MMD2 file format can
also be loaded and saved.</p>
da: >-
<p>Dette er en MIDI-sekvenser, sange udgøres af blokke. Hver blok repræsenterer en periode i tid. Disse blokke kan afspilles
i enhver rækkefølge for at forme en fuldstændig sang. Blokke udgøres af spor hvorpå noderne placeres. Alle spor for en
blok spilles simultant. Kun en node kan afspilles på et spor ad gangen. Blokke kan variere i længde og have forskellige
antal spor.</p>
<p>Hver node afspilles via et instrument. Hvert instrument kan have egenskaber såsom navn, MIDI-kanal, lydstyrke, stoptid
og så videre. Effekter kan også anvendes på noderne. I Tutka inkluderer effekter ting som lydstyrke, efterbehandling,
bøjning af tonehøjde, nodeforsinkelser, indstilling af tempo og så videre. MIDI-controllere kan også anvendes.</p>
<p>Programmet bruger et tilpasset XML-baseret filformat til at lagre sange. Sange i OctaMED SoundStudios MMD2-filformatet
kan også indlæses og gemmes.</p>
en: >-
<p>This is a MIDI sequencer, songs are made of blocks. Each block represents a period in time. These blocks can be played
in any order to form a complete song. Blocks are made of tracks on which the notes are placed. All tracks of a block are
played simultaneously. Only one note can be played on one track at a time. Blocks can vary in length and may have different
number of tracks.</p>
<p>Each note is played using an instrument. Each instrument can have properties such as name, MIDI channel, default volume,
hold time and so on. Effects can also be applied to notes. In Tutka effects include things like volume, aftertouch, pitch
bending, note delays, setting tempo and so on. MIDI controllers can also be used.</p>
<p>It uses a custom XML based file format for storing songs. Songs in OctaMED SoundStudio's MMD2 file format can
also be loaded and saved.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
- Midi
- Sequencer
- name: tutka_tutka.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: tutka_tutka.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: tutka_tutka.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: t/tu/tutka.desktop/4b143a0caeab6979fd065bb1e1b4af34/icons/128x128/tutka_tutka.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: tutka
- tutka.desktop