Type: desktop-application
ID: veyon-configurator.desktop
Package: veyon-configurator
C: Veyon Configurator
C: Configuration tool for Veyon (Virtual Eye On Networks)
de: Einrichtungswerkzeug für Veyon (Virtual Eye On Networks)
it: >-
<p>Veyon è un software per monitoraggio di computer e gestione di aule con supporto per Windows e Linux. Permette agli
insegnanti di vedere e controllare i laboratori informatici e interagire con gli studenti. Veyon è disponibile in molte
lingue diverse e fornisce molte funzionalità che aiutano gli insegnanti e gli amministratori nel lavoro di tutti i giorni:</p>
<p> - Panoramica: monitoraggio di tutti i computer in una o più posizioni o classi - Accesso remoto: vede o controlla
computer per guardare e dare supporto agli utenti - Demo: trasmette lo schermo dell'insegnante in tempo reale
(a schermo intero o in una finestra) - Blocco dello schermo: portare l'attenzione su ciò che conta in quel
momento - Comunicazione: invio di messaggi di testo agli studenti - Inizio e fine di lezioni: connessione e disconnessione
di tutti gli utenti insieme - Istantanee dello schermo: registra il progresso dell'apprendimento e infrazioni
ai documenti - Programmi e siti web: avvia programmi e apre URL di siti web da remoto - Materiale didattico: distribuisce
e apre documenti, immagini e video facilmente - Amministrazione: accensione, spegnimento e riavvio di computer da
<p>Veyon è il proseguimento di iTALC.</p>
<p>Questo pacchetto contiene un gestore grafico della configurazione per Veyon.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Veyon est un logiciel pour la supervision d’ordinateurs et la gestion de salle de cours acceptant Windows et Linux.
Il permet aux enseignants de visualiser et contrôler des laboratoires d’informatique, et d’interagir avec les élèves.
Veyon est disponible en plusieurs langues et fournit un tas de fonctionnalités utiles soutenant les enseignants et les
administrateurs dans leurs tâches journalières :</p>
<p> – supervision : suivi de tous les ordinateurs dans un plusieurs endroits ou classes ; – accès distant :
vue et contrôle des ordinateurs pour surveiller et aider des utilisateurs ; – démonstration : diffusion
de l’écran de l’enseignant (plein d’écran ou fenêtrage) ; – verrouillage d’écran : attraction de l’attention
sur ce qui importe à l’instant ; – communication : envoi de messages textuels aux élèves ;
– début et fin du cours : connexion ou déconnexion de tous les utilisateurs au même moment ;
– instantanés : enregistrement de la progression de l’apprentissage et contrefaçons de document ; – programmes
et sites web : lancement de programmes et ouverture d’URL à distance ; – matériel d’enseignement :
distribution et ouverture de documents, images et vidéos facilement ; – administration :
allumage, extinction et redémarrage des ordinateurs à distance.</p>
<p>Veyon est la continuation d’iTALC.</p>
<p>Ce paquet fournit un gestionnaire de configuration graphique pour Veyon.</p>
C: >-
<p>Veyon is a software for computer monitoring and classroom management supporting Windows and Linux. It enables teachers
to view and control computer labs and interact with students. Veyon is available in many different languages and provides
numerous features supporting teachers and administrators at their daily work:</p>
<p> - Overview: monitor all computers in one or multiple locations or classrooms - Remote access: view or control computers
to watch and support users - Demo: broadcast the teacher's screen in realtime (fullscreen/window) - Screen lock:
draw attention to what matters right now - Communication: send text messages to students - Start and end lessons:
log in and log out users all at once - Screenshots: record learning progress and document infringements - Programs
& websites: launch programs and open website URLs remotely - Teaching material: distribute and open documents, images
and videos easily - Administration: power on/off and reboot computers remotely</p>
<p>Veyon is the continuation of iTALC.</p>
<p>This package contains a graphical configuration manager for Veyon.</p>
da: >-
<p>Veyon er et program til computerovervågning og klasseværelsehåndtering, der understøtter Windows og Linux. Det gør
det muligt for lærere at se og kontrollere computerlaboratorier og interagerer med studenter. Veyon er tilgængelig i forskellige
sprog og tilbyder en masse nyttige funktioner, der understøtter lærere og administratorer i deres daglige arbejde:</p>
<p> - se hvad der sker i computerlaboratorier i overblikstilstand og tag skærmbilleder - kontroller eksternt computere
for at understøtte og hjælpe brugere - send lærerens skærm til studenter i realtid ved at bruge demotilstand (enten
i fuldskærm eller i et vindue) - send tekstbeskeder til studenter - tænk/sluk og genstart computere eksternt - ekstern
sluk og ekstern kørsel af arbitrære kommandoer/skripter - hjemmearbejde - Vejons netværksteknologi er ikke begrænset
til et undernet og derfor kan studenter slutte sig til lektioner hjemmefra via VPN-forbindelser ved bare at installere
tjenesten Veyon</p>
<p>Veyon er fortsættelsen af iTALC.</p>
<p>Denne pakke indeholder en grafisk konfigurationshåndtering for Veyon.</p>
en: >-
<p>Veyon is a software for computer monitoring and classroom management supporting Windows and Linux. It enables teachers
to view and control computer labs and interact with students. Veyon is available in many different languages and provides
numerous features supporting teachers and administrators at their daily work:</p>
<p> - Overview: monitor all computers in one or multiple locations or classrooms - Remote access: view or control computers
to watch and support users - Demo: broadcast the teacher's screen in realtime (fullscreen/window) - Screen lock:
draw attention to what matters right now - Communication: send text messages to students - Start and end lessons:
log in and log out users all at once - Screenshots: record learning progress and document infringements - Programs
& websites: launch programs and open website URLs remotely - Teaching material: distribute and open documents, images
and videos easily - Administration: power on/off and reboot computers remotely</p>
<p>Veyon is the continuation of iTALC.</p>
<p>This package contains a graphical configuration manager for Veyon.</p>
- Education
- Network
- Settings
- System
- RemoteAccess
- classroom,control,computer,room,lab,monitoring,teacher,student,settings,configuration
- name: veyon-configurator_veyon-configurator.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: veyon-configurator_veyon-configurator.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: veyon-configurator_veyon-configurator.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: v/ve/veyon-configurator.desktop/c29b3b1191de35be2b712dc9fb6a25c2/icons/128x128/veyon-configurator_veyon-configurator.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: veyon-configurator
- veyon-configurator.desktop