Type: desktop-application
ID: xca.desktop
Package: xca
fr: Création et gestion de certificats conformes à la norme X.509
C: A graphical user interface for handling and issuing X.509 compliant Certificates
hr: Grafičko korisničko sučelje za upravljanje životnim ciklusom X.509 sukladnih potvrda
de: Eine graphische Oberfläche zur Erstellung von X.509 konformen Zertifikaten
fi: Graafinen X.509-varmenteiden hallintatyökalu
nl: Een grafische gebruikers interface voor behandeling en uitgifte van X.509 conforme certificaten
fr: >-
<p>XCA crée et gère les autorités de certification, et aide les utilisateurs dans la création et la gestion des clefs,
certificats, requêtes de signature de certificat, listes de révocations de certificat, etc.</p>
<p>Toutes les données sont enregistrées dans une base de données chiffrée et portable, et peuvent être exportées dans
divers formats courants. XCA est aussi disponible pour MacOS X et les systèmes Windows.</p>
<p>Pour un bon déroulement du processus, des modèles de certificat peuvent être définis pour faciliter la création de
nouveaux certificats.</p>
ko: >-
<p>XCA는 인증 기관을 만들고 관리하며 사용자가 키, 인증서, 인증서 서명 요청서, 인증서 해지 목록을 만들고 관리할 수 있도록 합니다.</p>
<p>모든 데이타는 암호화된 포터블 데이타베이스에 저장되며, 다양한 표준 형식으로 내보낼 수 있습니다. XCA는 MacOS 및 윈도우 시스템에서도 사용할 수 있습니다.</p>
<p>좋은 워크플로우를 위해, 새로운 인증서를 쉽게 만들수 있도록 인증서 템플릿을 정의할 수 있습니다.</p>
C: >-
<p>XCA creates and manages Certificate authorities and helps the user to create and manage keys, certificates, certificate
sign requests, certificate revocation lists etc.</p>
<p>All data is saved in an encrypted, portable database, and can be exported in various standard formats. XCA is also
available for MacOS X and Windows systems.</p>
<p>For a good workflow, certificate templates can be defined to make the creation of new certificates an easy task.</p>
it: >-
<p>XCA crea e gestisce autorità di certificazione e aiuta l'utente a creare e gestire chiavi, certificati, richieste
di firma di certificati, elenchi di revoche di certificati, ecc.</p>
<p>Tutti i dati sono salvati in un database cifrato portabile e possono essere esportati in svariati formati standard.
XCA è disponibile anche per sistemi MacOS X e Windows.</p>
<p>Per migliorare il flusso di lavoro, possono essere definiti modelli di certificati per rendere facile la creazione
di nuovi certificati.</p>
da: >-
<p>XCA opretter og håndterer certifikatautoriteter og hjælper brugeren til at oprette og håndtere nøgler, certifikater,
forespørgsel for certifikatunderskrift, lister for certifikattilbagekaldelser etc.</p>
<p>Al data gemmes i en krypteret, flytbar database, og kan eksporteres i forskellige standardformater. XCA er også tilgængelig
for MacOS X og Windows.</p>
<p>For et godt arbejdsforløb kan certifikatskabeloner defineres for at gøre oprettelsen af nye certifikater nem.</p>
en: >-
<p>XCA creates and manages Certificate authorities and helps the user to create and manage keys, certificates, certificate
sign requests, certificate revocation lists etc.</p>
<p>All data is saved in an encrypted, portable database, and can be exported in various standard formats. XCA is also
available for MacOS X and Windows systems.</p>
<p>For a good workflow, certificate templates can be defined to make the creation of new certificates an easy task.</p>
- Utility
- name: xca_xca.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xca_xca.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: xca
- xca.desktop
- application/x-xca-database
- application/x-xca-template
- application/x-x509-ca-cert
- application/pkcs10
- application/x-pkcs7-certificates
- application/x-pkcs12