⇦ | saga [main]
Last updated on: 2019-07-03 20:23 [UTC]

Hints for saga in main

general ⚙ amd64


  • legacy-metainfo-directory
    The AppStream metainfo file 'saga.appdata.xml' was found in a legacy path.
    Please install metainfo files into /usr/share/metainfo, as the old path will not be recognized anymore in the future.

saga.desktop ⚙ amd64


  • ancient-metadata
    The AppStream metadata should be updated to follow a more recent version of the specification.
    Please consult the XML quickstart guide for more information.
  • icon-scaled-up
    Icon file 'saga_saga.png' was scaled up from 63x64px to 64x64px. Please try to supply a bigger icon.
  • icon-scaled-up
    Icon file 'saga_saga.png' was scaled up from 127x128px to 128x128px. Please try to supply a bigger icon.