⇦ | calamares-settings-debian [main]
Last updated on: 2019-07-03 20:23 [UTC]

Metadata for calamares-settings-debian in main

install-debian.desktop - 10.0.20-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: install-debian.desktop
Package: calamares-settings-debian
  C: Install Debian
  C: Calamares — Installer for Debian Live
  fr: >-
    <p>Calamares est un environnement d’installeur générique pour les distributions Linux. Par défaut, il contient un ensemble
    de textes et images standard. Ce paquet fournit les dernières illustrations Debian ainsi que les scripts qui prennent
    en charge les installations EFI.</p>

    <p>Il sert aussi d’exemple pour que les distributions dérivées puissent créer leurs propres paquets calamares-settings.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Calamares er en generisk installationsramme for Linuxdistributioner. Som standard indeholder den et sæt af boilerplateformuleringer
    og billeder. Denne pakke tilbyder den seneste Debiankunst samt skripter, som understøtter EFI-installationer.</p>

    <p>Den fungerer også som et eksempel på hvordan afledninger kan oprette deres egne calamares-settings-pakker.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Calamares is a generic installer framework for Linux distributions. By default, it contains a set of boilerplate wording
    and images. This package provides the latest Debian artwork as well as scripts that supports EFI installations.</p>

    <p>It also serves as an example for how derivatives can create their own calamares-settings packages.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Calamares is a generic installer framework for Linux distributions. By default, it contains a set of boilerplate wording
    and images. This package provides the latest Debian artwork as well as scripts that supports EFI installations.</p>

    <p>It also serves as an example for how derivatives can create their own calamares-settings packages.</p>
- System
  - calamares
  - system
  - install
  - debian
  - installer
  - name: calamares-settings-debian_install-debian.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: install-debian
  - install-debian.desktop