⇦ | gourmet [main]
Last updated on: 2019-07-03 20:23 [UTC]

Metadata for gourmet in main

gourmet.desktop - 0.17.4-6 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: gourmet.desktop
Package: gourmet
  C: Gourmet
  he: סידור מתכונים, עריכת רשימת קניות, חישובי ערכים תזונתיים, ועוד.
  zh_CN: 整理食谱、创建购物单、计算营养信息、等等。
  sk: Zorganizujte svoje recepty, vytvárajte si nákupné zoznamy, spočítajte si nutričné hodnoty a omnoho viac.
  sl: Organizirajte recepte, ustvarjajte nakupovalne sezname, izračunajte hranljive vrednosti in več.
  C: Organize recipes, create shopping lists, calculate nutritional information, and more.
  fr: Organiser des recettes, créer des listes de courses, calculer des informations nutritionnelles, et bien d’autres choses.
  sr: Организујте рецепте, направите спискове за куповину, израчунајте хранљиве вредности и још много тога.
  nb: Organiser oppskrifter, lage handlelister, kalkulere næringsinformasjon og mer.
  hr: Organiziraj recepte, kreiraj liste za kupovinu, izračunaj nutricionističke vrijednosti i više.
  sv: Organisera recept, skapa inköpslistor och beräkna näringsinformation med mera
  ca: Organitzeu receptes, realitzeu llistes de la compra, calculeu informació nutricional i molt més.
  hu: Receptek rendezése, bevásárlólisták készítése, tápérték-információk számítása és egyéb szolgáltatások.
  af: Organiseer resepte, stel inkopieslyste op, bepaal voedingswaardes, en meer.
  nl: Recepten organiseren, boodschappenlijsten maken, voedingswaarden berekenen en meer.
  ar: تنسيق الوصفات, انشاء قائمة مشتريات, حساب القيمة الغذائية, و المزيد
  pl: Porządkuj przepisy, twórz listy zakupów, obliczaj informacje odżywcze i dużo więcej.
  el: Οργανώστε συνταγές, δημιουργήστε καταστάσεις αγορών, υπολογίστε τις διατροφικές πληροφορίες και άλλα
  cs: Správa receptů, vytváření nákupních seznamů, výpočet nutričních hodnot a mnohem více
  az: Reseptlərin yer-bə-yer edilməsi, alış-veriş siyahısının yaradılması, nurtonal məlumatın hesablanması və daha bir çox
  ro: Organizați rețete culinare, creați liste de cumpărături, calculați informații nutriționale și altele.
  es: Organiza recetas, crea listas de la compra, calcula información nutricional, y más.
  ru: Управляйте своими рецепты, создавайте списки покупок, расчитывайте информацию о питательной ценности продуктов и т.д.
  tr: Tarifleri düzenle, alışveriş listeleri yarat, beslenmeye ait bilgileri hesapla, ve daha fazlası
  oc: Organizar de recèptas, crear de listas de corsas, calcular de caracteristicas nutricionalas, e plan mai de causas encara.
  da: Organisér opskrifter, lav indkøbslister, udregn ernæringsmæssig information og mere.
  it: Organizza ricette, crea liste della spesa, calcola informazioni nutrizionali e molto altro ancora
  bg: Организиране на рецепти, създаване на списъци за покупки, изчисляване на хранителна информация и още.
  de: Rezepte organisieren, Einkaufslisten erstellen, Nährwertangaben berechnen und mehr.
  pt_BR: Organize as receitas, criar listas de compras, calcular as informações nutricionais, e muito mais.
  en_GB: Organise recipes, create shopping lists, calculate nutritional information, and more.
  fi: Järjestä reseptejä, luo ostoslistoja, laske ravintoarvoja ja muuta.
  C: >-
    <p>Gourmet Recipe Manager is a recipe-organizer that allows you to collect, search, organize, and browse your recipes.
    Gourmet can also generate shopping lists and calculate nutritional information.</p>

    <p>A simple index view allows you to look at all your recipes as a list and quickly search through them by ingredient,
    title, category, cuisine, rating, or instructions.</p>

    <p>Individual recipes open in their own windows, just like recipe cards drawn out of a recipe box. From the recipe card
    view, you can instantly multiply or divide a recipe, and Gourmet will adjust all ingredient amounts for you.</p>
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0
- Utility
  - recipes
  - cooking
  - nutrition
  - nutritional information
  - shopping lists
  homepage: http://thinkle.github.io/gourmet/
  - name: gourmet_gourmet.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: gourmet_gourmet.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: gourmet_gourmet.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: gourmet
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    width: 128
    height: 128
  - gourmet.desktop
- default: true
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    width: 1248
    height: 731
  - url: g/go/gourmet.desktop/54D53B07AB3C1DFC3C900A37F20E1198/screenshots/image-1_752x440.png
    width: 752
    height: 440
  - url: g/go/gourmet.desktop/54D53B07AB3C1DFC3C900A37F20E1198/screenshots/image-1_624x365.png
    width: 624
    height: 365
  - url: g/go/gourmet.desktop/54D53B07AB3C1DFC3C900A37F20E1198/screenshots/image-1_224x131.png
    width: 224
    height: 131
    url: g/go/gourmet.desktop/54D53B07AB3C1DFC3C900A37F20E1198/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1280
    height: 750
- thumbnails:
  - url: g/go/gourmet.desktop/54D53B07AB3C1DFC3C900A37F20E1198/screenshots/image-2_752x647.png
    width: 752
    height: 647
  - url: g/go/gourmet.desktop/54D53B07AB3C1DFC3C900A37F20E1198/screenshots/image-2_624x537.png
    width: 624
    height: 537
  - url: g/go/gourmet.desktop/54D53B07AB3C1DFC3C900A37F20E1198/screenshots/image-2_224x192.png
    width: 224
    height: 192
    url: g/go/gourmet.desktop/54D53B07AB3C1DFC3C900A37F20E1198/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 825
    height: 710