⇦ | obs-studio [main]
Last updated on: 2019-07-03 20:23 [UTC]

Metadata for obs-studio in main

obs.desktop - 22.0.3+dfsg1-1 ⚙ amd64

Type: desktop-application
ID: obs.desktop
Package: obs-studio
  C: OBS
  ru: Бесплатная программа с открытым кодом для записи/трансляции видео
  C: Free and Open Source Streaming/Recording Software
  fr: >-
    <p>OBS est conçu pour enregistrer ou diffuser du contenu vidéo en direct. Il gère la diffusion RTP en direct vers divers
    sites de diffusion en temps réel.</p>

    <p>Les autres fonctions comprennent :  — encodage en utilisant H264 (x264) et AAC ;  — nombre illimité de scènes et de
    sources ;  — sortie de fichier en MP4 ou FLV ;  — capture de jeu basée sur le GPU pour une diffusion de jeu de haute   
    performance ;  — rééchantillonnage bilinéaire ou lanczos3.</p>

    <p>Il est à remarquer qu’OBS Studio nécessite une carte vidéo compatible avec OpenGL 3.2.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>OBS Studio is designed for efficiently recording and streaming live video content. It supports live RTP streaming to
    various streaming sites.</p>

    <p>Other features include:  * Encoding using H264 (x264) and AAC  * Unlimited number of scenes and sources  * File output
    to MP4 or FLV  * GPU-based game capture for high performance game streaming  * Bilinear or lanczos3 resampling</p>

    <p>Note that OBS Studio requires an OpenGL 3.2 compatible video card.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>OBS Studio je navrhnuté na efektívny záznam a streamovanie živého videa. Podporuje streamovanie RTP na rôzne streamovacie
    webové stránky.</p>

    <p>Medzi jeho vlastnosti patria:  * kódovanie do H264 (x264) a AAC  * neobmedzený počet scén a zdrojov  * výstup do súborov
    MP4 alebo FLV  * zachytávanie hier založené na GPU na výkonné streamovanie hrania  * bilineárne prevzorkovanie alebo lanczos3</p>

    <p>Všimnite si, že OBS Studio vyžaduje grafickú kartu kompatibilnú s OpenGL 3.2.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>OBS Studio è progettato per registrare e fare streaming di contenuti video live in modo efficiente. Gestisce streaming
    RTP live per vari siti di streaming.</p>

    <p>Altre funzionalità incluse:  * codifica usando H264 (x264) e AAC;  * numero illimitato di scene e sorgenti;  * output
    dei file in MP4 e FLV;  * cattura dei giochi basata su GPU per streaming di gioco ad alte    prestazioni;  * ricampionamento
    bilineare e lanczos3.</p>

    <p>Notare che OBS Studio richiede una scheda video compatibile con OpenGL 3.2.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>OBS Studio er designet til effektiv optagelse og udsendelse af live videoindhold. Programmet understøtter live RTP-udsendelse
    til diverse sider.</p>

    <p>Andre funktioner inkluderer:  * Kodning med H264 (x264) og AAC  * Ubegrænset antal scener og kilder  * Filer kan gemmes
    i MP4 eller FLV  * GPU-baseret spiloptagelse for højt ydende spiludsendelse  * Bilineær eller lanczos3-resampling</p>

    <p>Bemærk at OBS Studio kræver et OpenGL 3.2-kompatibelt videokort.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>OBS Studio is designed for efficiently recording and streaming live video content. It supports live RTP streaming to
    various streaming sites.</p>

    <p>Other features include:  * Encoding using H264 (x264) and AAC  * Unlimited number of scenes and sources  * File output
    to MP4 or FLV  * GPU-based game capture for high performance game streaming  * Bilinear or lanczos3 resampling</p>

    <p>Note that OBS Studio requires an OpenGL 3.2 compatible video card.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Recorder
  - name: obs-studio_obs.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: obs-studio_obs.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: obs
  - url: o/ob/obs.desktop/94CA7849B1BEAA551A91112AECDE321A/icons/128x128/obs-studio_obs.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - obs.desktop