⇦ | prboom-plus [main]
Last updated on: 2019-07-03 20:23 [UTC]

Metadata for prboom-plus in main

prboom-plus.desktop - 2: ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x ⚙ mips64el

Type: desktop-application
ID: prboom-plus.desktop
Package: prboom-plus
  C: PrBoom+
  C: enhanced clone of the classic first-person shooter Doom
  fr: >-
    <p>PrBoom+ est un portage moderne du source du jeu classique en 3D de tir en vue à la première personne, Doom, publié
    originellement par id Software en 1993. Il utilise la bibliothèque SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) et propose facultativement
    un rendu avec OpenGL. Il est basé sur PrBoom, MBF et LxDoom, qui sont eux basés sur Boom de TeamTNT, un portage disponible
    librement de Doom pour DOS.</p>

    <p>En plus des caractéristiques de PrBoom, PrBoom+ propose fréquence de trame non plafonnée, vitesse de jeu variable,
    re-record, walkcam, chasecam, mouselook complet, FOV et autres fonctionnalités sans perte de compatibilité avec le jeu
    Doom original.</p>

    <p>PrBoom+ a besoin de données de jeu pour fonctionner. Des données de jeu libres sont disponibles dans le paquet freedoom.
    Des données de jeux commerciaux peuvent être empaquetées avec game-data-packager. PrBoom+ prend en charge toutes variétés
    de Doom, incluant The Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 et Final Doom ainsi que Chex(R) Quest, HACX, FreeDoom et FreeDM.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>PrBoom+ is an enhanced source port of the classic 3D first-person shooter game Doom, first released by id Software
    in 1993. It uses the Simple Direct Media layer (SDL) library and features an optional OpenGL renderer. It is based on
    PrBoom, MBF and LxDoom, which in turn are based on TeamTNT&apos;s Boom, a freely available port of Doom for DOS.</p>

    <p>In addition to PrBoom&apos;s features, PrBoom+ offers uncapped framerate, variable gamespeed, re-record, walkcam, chasecam,
    full mouselook, FOV, and other features without loss of compatibility with the original Doom.</p>

    <p>PrBoom+ requires game data to run. Free game data is available in the freedoom package. Commercial game data can be
    packaged using game-data-packager. PrBoom+ supports all flavors of Doom, including The Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 and Final
    Doom as well as Chex(R) Quest, HACX, FreeDoom and FreeDM.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>PrBoom+ er en forbedret kildeport af de klassiske 3D skydespil Doom, først udgivet af id Software i 1993. Porten bruger
    Simple Direct Media Layer-biblioteket (SDL) og indeholder en valgfri OpenGL-optegner. Den er baseret på PrBoom, MBF og
    LxDoom, som igen er baseret på TeamTNT&apos;s Doom, en fri tilgængelig port af Doom for DOS.</p>

    <p>Udover funktionerne fra PrBoom tilbyder PrBoom+ uncapped billedhastighed, variabel spilhastighed, genoptag igen, walkcam,
    chasecam, fuld musekig, FOV og andre funktioner uden at miste kompatibilitet med det oprindelige Doom.</p>

    <p>PrBoom+ kræver spildata for at køre. Frie spildata er tilgængelige i pakken freedom. Kommercielle spildata kan pakkes
    med game-data-packager. PrBoom+ understøtter alle varianter af Doom inklusive The Ultimate Doom Doom 2 og Final Doom samt
    Chex(R) Quest, HACX, FreeDoom og FreeDM.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>PrBoom+ è un port sorgente migliorato del classico sparatutto 3D in prima persona Doom, rilasciato originariamente
    da id Software nel 1993. Usa la libreria SDL (Simple Direct Media layer) e ha uno strumento di rendering OpenGL opzionale.
    È basato su PrBoom, MBF e LxDoom, a loro volta basati su Boom di TeamTNT: un port liberamente disponibile di Doom per
    il DOS.</p>

    <p>In aggiunta alle funzionalità di PrBoom, PrBoom+ offre frequenza di immagini non limitata, velocità di gioco variabile,
    ri-registrazione, walkcam, chasecam, movimenti completi con mouse, campo visivo e altre funzionalità senza perdita di
    compatibilità con l&apos;originale Doom.</p>

    <p>Per poter funzionare PrBoom+ richiede i dati di gioco. Dati di gioco liberi sono disponibili nel pacchetto freedoom.
    Dati di gioco commerciali possono essere pacchettizzati usando game-data-packager. PrBoom+ gestisce tutte le varianti
    di Doom, incluse Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 e Final Doom, così come Chex® Quest, HACX, FreeDoom e FreeDM.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>PrBoom+ is an enhanced source port of the classic 3D first-person shooter game Doom, first released by id Software
    in 1993. It uses the Simple Direct Media layer (SDL) library and features an optional OpenGL renderer. It is based on
    PrBoom, MBF and LxDoom, which in turn are based on TeamTNT&apos;s Boom, a freely available port of Doom for DOS.</p>

    <p>In addition to PrBoom&apos;s features, PrBoom+ offers uncapped framerate, variable gamespeed, re-record, walkcam, chasecam,
    full mouselook, FOV, and other features without loss of compatibility with the original Doom.</p>

    <p>PrBoom+ requires game data to run. Free game data is available in the freedoom package. Commercial game data can be
    packaged using game-data-packager. PrBoom+ supports all flavors of Doom, including The Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 and Final
    Doom as well as Chex(R) Quest, HACX, FreeDoom and FreeDM.</p>
- Game
- ActionGame
  - first
  - person
  - shooter
  - doom
  - name: prboom-plus_prboom-plus.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: prboom-plus_prboom-plus.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: prboom-plus_prboom-plus.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: prboom-plus
  - url: p/pr/prboom-plus.desktop/B9C0C6C0DA24598B5A59D0C7D17F7009/icons/128x128/prboom-plus_prboom-plus.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - prboom-plus.desktop
  - application/x-doom-wad