⇦ | robocode [main]
Last updated on: 2019-07-03 20:23 [UTC]

Metadata for robocode in main

robocode.desktop - ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: robocode.desktop
Package: robocode
  C: Robocode
  C: Java programming game with battle tanks
  de: Java-Programmierspiel mit Kampfpanzern
  fr: >-
    <p>Robocode est un jeu de programmation en Java où le but est de développer un robot char de combat pour lutter contre
    d’autres chars. Les batailles de robots se déroulent en temps réel et sur l’écran. La devise de Robocode est : « Construisez
    le meilleur, détruisez le reste ! ».</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Robocode is a Java programming game where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks.
    The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen. The motto of Robocode is: Build the best, destroy the rest!</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Robocode er et Java-programmeringsspil, hvor målet er at udvikle en kæmpende robottank, der kæmper mod andre tanks.
    Robotkampene kører i realtid og på skærmen. Mottoet for Robocode er: Byg den bedste, ødelæg resten!</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Robocode è un gioco di programmazione in Java in cui lo scopo è sviluppare carri armati da combattimento robotizzati
    per combattere contro altri carri armati. Le battaglie tra robot avvengono in tempo reale sullo schermo. Il motto di Robocode
    è: Costruisci il migliore e distruggi tutti gli altri!</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Robocode is a Java programming game where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks.
    The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen. The motto of Robocode is: Build the best, destroy the rest!</p>
- Game
- Development
- Java
  - programming
  - robots
  - AI
  - battle
  - tanks
  - Java
  - development
  - educational
  - name: robocode_robocode.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: robocode_robocode.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: robocode
  - robocode.desktop