⇦ | tagainijisho [main]
Last updated on: 2019-07-03 20:23 [UTC]

Metadata for tagainijisho in main

tagainijisho.desktop - 1.0.2-2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x ⚙ mips64el

Type: desktop-application
ID: tagainijisho.desktop
Package: tagainijisho
  pl: Tagaini Jisho
  de: Tagaini Jisho
  fi_FI: Tagaini Jisho
  ar: Tagaini Jisho
  C: Tagaini Jisho
  id: Kamus Tagaini
  cs: Tagaini Jisho
  ru: Tagaini Jisho
  tr: Tagaini Jisho
  vi: Tagaini Jisho
  sv: Tagaini jisho
  fr: Tagaini Jisho
  nb: Tagaini Jisho
  fa_IR: تاگااینی جیشو
  es: Tagaini Jisho
  it: Tagaini Jisho
  nl: Tagaini Jisho
  pl: Darmowy słownik języka japońskiego, mogący  służyć również jako pomoc w nauce.
  de: Ein freies Japanisch-Wörterbuch und Studienhelfer
  fi_FI: Ilmainen japaninkielinen sanakirja ja opiskeluavustaja
  ar: قاموس ياباني حر، وبرنامج مساعد على الدراسة.
  C: A free Japanese dictionary and study assistant
  id: Kamus dan pembantu pelajaran bahasa jepang GRATIS
  cs: Japonský slovník zdarma a pomocník při učení
  ru: Бесплатный словарь японского языка и помощник в обучении
  tr: Ücretsiz Japonca sözlük ve çalışma yardımcısı
  vi: Từ điển và công cụ hỗ trợ học tiếng Nhật miễn phí
  sv: En öppen/fri japansk ordbok med studiehjälpmedel
  fr: Un dictionnaire libre et assistant d'étude du japonais
  nb: En gratis japansk ordbok og studieassistent
  fa_IR: یک فرهنگ واژگان ژاپنی و دستیار مطالعهٔ آزاد
  es: Un diccionario de Japonés gratuito, además de un asistente para el estudio
  it: Un dizionario Giapponese e un assistente di studio gratuito
  sk: >-
    <p>Tagaini Jisho je slobodný, open-source japonský slovník a nástroj na vyhľadávanie kandži.</p>

    <p>Kladie si za cieľ stať sa vaším asistentom pri štúdiu japončiny tým, že vám umožní rýchlo vyhľadávať položky a označiť
    tie, ktoré sa chcete naučiť spolu so štítkami a osobnými poznámkami. Umožní vám tieto položky trénovať položky a sledovať
    váš postup pri ich zapamätávaní. Napokon umožňuje jednoducho zopakovať si položky, ktoré ste si nezapamätali vypísaním
    na obrazovku alebo ich vytlačením na papier.</p>

    <p>Tagaini Jishou tiež obsahuje kompletné animácie poradia ťahov viac ako 6 000 kandži, výcvik pomocou kartičiek, tvorbu
    papierových študijných pomôcok a rozšírené možnosti vyhľadávania slovíčok a kandži vrátane slovných druhov úrovní JLPT.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Tagaini Jisho er en fri, i åben kildekode, japansk ordbog og opslagsværktøj for kanji.</p>

    <p>Programmet forsøger at blive din japanske studieassistent ved at give dig mulighed for hurtigt at søge for poster og
    markere dem du ønsker at studere, sammen med mærker og personlige noter. Du kan også træne poster, du studerer og følge
    dine fremskridt i at huske dem. Endelig kan du nemt gense poster du ikke huskede ved at vise dem på skærmen eller udskrive
    dem i et lille hæfte.</p>

    <p>Tagaini Jisho har også mere end 6.000 tegneanimationer for kanji, huskekorttræning, produktion af materiale for indlæring
    og omfattende søgeindstillinger for ordforråd og kanji&apos;er inklusive part-of-speech- og JLPT-niveauer.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Tagaini Jisho is a free, open-source Japanese dictionary and kanji lookup tool.</p>

    <p>It aims at becoming your Japanese study assistant by allowing you to quickly search for entries and mark those that
    you wish to study, along with tags and personal notes. It also let you train entries you are studying and follows your
    progression in remembering them. Finally, it makes it easy to review entries you did not remember by listing them on screen
    or printing them on a small booklet.</p>

    <p>Tagaini Jisho also features complete stroke order animations for more than 6000 kanji, flashcard-like training, production
    of paper material for studying, and extended search options for vocabulary and kanjis including part-of-speech and JLPT
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>Tagaini Jisho(互译辞典)是一个自由开源的日语辞典和汉字 查询工具。</p>

    <p>本软件的目标是成为您的日语学习助手,允许您快速搜索词目并 使用标签与个人注记来标记想要学习的词目。它还能让您练习正 在学习的词目,按照您记忆词目的进度。此外,它还能将未记住 的词目在屏幕上列出或这在小本上打印出来,以方便复习。</p>

    <p>互译辞典能够显示超过 6000 个汉字的笔顺动画,类似抽认卡的 练习方式,文本学习材料生成,针对词汇和汉字的扩展搜索选项 (含词类及 JLPT (日本语能力测试)等级)。</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Tagaini Jisho è un dizionario giapponese e uno strumento di ricerca per kanji libero e open source.</p>

    <p>Mira a diventare un assistente per lo studio del giapponese, permettendo di ricercare velocemente voci e contrassegnare
    quelle che si desidera studiare, insieme a etichette e annotazioni personali. Permette anche di allenarsi sulle voci che
    si stanno studiando e seguire i propri progressi nel ricordarle. Da ultimo rende facile rivedere le voci che non si ricordano
    elencandole sulla schermo o stampandole in un piccolo libricino.</p>

    <p>Tagaini Jisho ha inoltre animazioni complete per l&apos;ordine dei tratti per più di 6000 kanji, allenamento con carte
    mnemoniche, produzione di materiale cartaceo per lo studio e opzioni di ricerca estese per vocabolario e kanji, inclusi
    parti del discorso e livelli JLPT.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Tagaini Jisho é um dicionário de japonês e buscador de kanji livre e de código aberto.</p>

    <p>Ele pretende ser o seu assitente de estudo de japonês, buscando rapidamente entradas e marcando aquelas que você quer
    estudar, junto com etiquetas e notas pessoais. Serve também para treinar entradas que você está estudando e acompanhar
    seu progresso lembrando delas. Finalmente, ele facilita a revisão de entradas que você não lembra listando-as na tela
    ou imprimindo um pequeno livreto.</p>

    <p>Tagaini Jisho também apresenta animações de ordem de traços completas para mais de 6000 kanji, trainamento com cartões
    de memória, produção de material de estudo impresso e extensas opções de busca por vocabulário e kanjis, incluindo &quot;part-of-speech&quot;
    e níveis do JLPT.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Tagaini Jisho is a free, open-source Japanese dictionary and kanji lookup tool.</p>

    <p>It aims at becoming your Japanese study assistant by allowing you to quickly search for entries and mark those that
    you wish to study, along with tags and personal notes. It also let you train entries you are studying and follows your
    progression in remembering them. Finally, it makes it easy to review entries you did not remember by listing them on screen
    or printing them on a small booklet.</p>

    <p>Tagaini Jisho also features complete stroke order animations for more than 6000 kanji, flashcard-like training, production
    of paper material for studying, and extended search options for vocabulary and kanjis including part-of-speech and JLPT
- Languages
- Education
  - name: tagainijisho_tagainijisho.png
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  - name: tagainijisho_tagainijisho.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: tagainijisho
  - url: t/ta/tagainijisho.desktop/4DE979B6EF531B996C8843CD7C55479B/icons/128x128/tagainijisho_tagainijisho.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - tagainijisho.desktop