Type: desktop-application
ID: eu.vcmi.VCMI
Package: vcmi
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0-or-later
cs: Herní engine s otevřeným kódem pro Heroes of Might and Magic III
C: Open-source game engine for Heroes of Might and Magic III
de: Open-Source-Spielengine für Heroes of Might and Magic III
uk: Ігровий рушій з відкритим початковим кодом для Heroes of Might and Magic III
cs: >-
<p>VCMI je engine s otevřeným kódem a novými možnostmi pro Heroes of Might and Magic III. Roky usilovné práce vyústily
v úchvatném počtu nových funkcí. Mezi současnými funkcemi jsou:</p>
<li>Kompletní herní mechaniky</li>
<li>Skoro všechny předměty, schopnosti, kouzla a ostatní obsah</li>
<li>Základní AI boje a mapy světa</li>
<li>Mnoho vylepšení rozhraní: vyšší rozlišení, fronta oddílů a okno bojovníků</li>
<li>Pokročilá a jednoduchá podpora modifikací - přidání nových měst, bojovníků, hrdinů, artefaktů a kouzel bez limitů
a konfliktů</li>
<li>Spouštěč pro jednoduché nastavení - stahujte modifikace z našeho serveru a hned je instalujte!</li>
<li>Náhodný generátor map, který podporuje předměty přidané modifikacemi</li>
<p>Poznámka: pokud chcete hrát hru přes VCMI, musíte vlastnit datové soubory Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow
of Death.</p>
<p>Pokud chcete pomoct, prosíme, podívejte se na naše fórum nebo GitHub.</p>
C: >-
<p>VCMI is an open-source engine for Heroes of Might and Magic III with new possibilities. Years of intensive work resulted
in an impressive amount of features. Among the current features are:</p>
<li>Complete gameplay mechanics</li>
<li>Almost all objects, abilities, spells and other content</li>
<li>Basic battle AI and adventure AI</li>
<li>Many GUI improvements: high resolutions, stack queue, creature window</li>
<li>Advanced and easy mod support - add new towns, creatures, heroes, artifacts and spells without limits or conflicts</li>
<li>Launcher for easy configuration - download mods from our server and install them immediately!</li>
<li>Random map generator that supports objects added by mods</li>
<p>Note: In order to play the game using VCMI you need to own data files for Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow
of Death.</p>
<p>If you want help, please check our forum, bug tracker or GitHub page.</p>
de: >-
<p>VCMI ist eine Open-Source-Engine für Heroes of Might and Magic III mit neuen Möglichkeiten. Jahrelange intensive Arbeit
führte zu einer beeindruckenden Anzahl von Features. Zu den aktuellen Features gehören:</p>
<li>Vollständige Spielmechanik</li>
<li>Fast alle Objekte, Fähigkeiten, Zaubersprüche und andere Inhalte</li>
<li>Grundlegende Kampf- und Abenteuer-KI</li>
<li>Viele GUI-Verbesserungen: Hohe Auflösungen, Truppenwarteschlange, Kreaturenfenster</li>
<li>Erweiterte und einfache Mod-Unterstützung - füge neue Städte, Kreaturen, Helden, Artefakte und Zaubersprüche ohne
Einschränkungen oder Konflikte hinzu</li>
<li>Launcher für einfache Konfiguration - Mods von unserem Server herunterladen und sofort installieren!</li>
<li>Zufallsgenerator für Karten, der von Mods hinzugefügte Objekte unterstützt</li>
<p>Hinweis: Um das Spiel mit VCMI spielen zu können, sind die Originaldateien für Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow
of Death erforderlich.</p>
<p>Wird Hilfe benötigt, besucht bitte unser Forum, den Bugtracker oder die GitHub-Seite.</p>
uk: >-
<p>VCMI - це рушій з відкритим початковим кодом для Heroes of Might and Magic III з новими можливостями. Роки інтенсивної
роботи вилилися у вражаючу кількість функцій. Серед поточних можливостей можна виділити наступні:</p>
<li>Уся ігрова механіка</li>
<li>Практично всі об'єкти, вміння, закляття та інший вміст</li>
<li>Базовий ШІ для бою та для мапи пригод</li>
<li>Численні покращення графічного інтерфейсу: висока роздільна здатність, черга ходу істот, нове вікно істот</li>
<li>Просунута і проста підтримка модів - додавайте нові міста, істот, героїв, артефакти і закляття без обмежень і конфліктів</li>
<li>Лаунчер для легкого налаштування гри - завантажуйте моди з нашого сервера та встановлюйте їх одразу!</li>
<li>Генератор випадкових карт, який підтримує об'єкти, додані модами</li>
<p>Примітка: Для того, щоб грати в гру за допомогою VCMI, вам потрібно мати файли даних для гри Heroes of Might and Magic
III: The Shadow of Death.</p>
<p>Якщо вам потрібна допомога, зверніться до нашого форуму, баг-трекера або на сторінку GitHub.</p>
id: eu.vcmi
cs: Tým VCMI
C: VCMI Team
- Game
- StrategyGame
- heroes3
- homm3
contact: https://discord.gg/chBT42V
homepage: https://vcmi.eu/
bugtracker: https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/issues
help: https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/blob/master/docs/Readme.md
translate: https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/blob/master/docs/translators/Translations.md
faq: https://vcmi.eu/faq/
vcs-browser: https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi
- name: vcmi_vcmiclient.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: vcmi_vcmiclient.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: vcmi_vcmiclient.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/icons/128x128/vcmi_vcmiclient.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: vcmiclient
- vcmilauncher.desktop
- control: pointing
- control: keyboard
- control: touch
- control: gamepad
- vcmibuilder
- vcmiclient
- vcmieditor
- vcmilauncher
- vcmiserver
- default: true
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-1_1248x702@1.png
width: 1248
height: 702
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-1_752x423@1.png
width: 752
height: 423
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-1_624x351@1.png
width: 624
height: 351
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-1_224x126@1.png
width: 224
height: 126
url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
width: 1920
height: 1080
- thumbnails:
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-2_1248x702@1.png
width: 1248
height: 702
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-2_752x423@1.png
width: 752
height: 423
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-2_624x351@1.png
width: 624
height: 351
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width: 224
height: 126
url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
width: 1920
height: 1080
- thumbnails:
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-3_1248x702@1.png
width: 1248
height: 702
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height: 423
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width: 624
height: 351
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-3_224x126@1.png
width: 224
height: 126
url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-3_orig.png
width: 1920
height: 1080
- thumbnails:
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-4_1248x702@1.png
width: 1248
height: 702
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-4_752x423@1.png
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height: 351
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-4_224x126@1.png
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height: 126
url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-4_orig.png
width: 1920
height: 1080
- thumbnails:
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width: 1248
height: 702
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-5_752x423@1.png
width: 752
height: 423
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-5_624x351@1.png
width: 624
height: 351
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-5_224x126@1.png
width: 224
height: 126
url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-5_orig.png
width: 1920
height: 1080
- thumbnails:
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-6_1248x702@1.png
width: 1248
height: 702
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-6_752x423@1.png
width: 752
height: 423
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-6_624x351@1.png
width: 624
height: 351
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-6_224x126@1.png
width: 224
height: 126
url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-6_orig.png
width: 1920
height: 1080
- thumbnails:
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-7_1248x702@1.png
width: 1248
height: 702
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-7_752x423@1.png
width: 752
height: 423
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-7_624x351@1.png
width: 624
height: 351
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-7_224x126@1.png
width: 224
height: 126
url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-7_orig.png
width: 1920
height: 1080
- thumbnails:
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-8_1248x702@1.png
width: 1248
height: 702
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-8_752x423@1.png
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width: 624
height: 351
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-8_224x126@1.png
width: 224
height: 126
url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-8_orig.png
width: 1920
height: 1080
- thumbnails:
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-9_1248x702@1.png
width: 1248
height: 702
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-9_752x423@1.png
width: 752
height: 423
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-9_624x351@1.png
width: 624
height: 351
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-9_224x126@1.png
width: 224
height: 126
url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-9_orig.png
width: 1920
height: 1080
- thumbnails:
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-10_1248x702@1.png
width: 1248
height: 702
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-10_752x423@1.png
width: 752
height: 423
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-10_624x351@1.png
width: 624
height: 351
- url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-10_224x126@1.png
width: 224
height: 126
url: eu/vcmi/VCMI/5ee0e2688f94b14817c8aca09ed120f8/screenshots/image-10_orig.png
width: 1920
height: 1080
- version: 1.6.5
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1738540800
- version: 1.6.4
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1738281600
- version: 1.6.3
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1736467200
- version: 1.6.2
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1735862400
violence-cartoon: moderate
violence-fantasy: moderate
violence-bloodshed: moderate
social-chat: intense
Type: desktop-application
ID: vcmieditor.desktop
Package: vcmi
cs: Editor map VCMI
C: VCMI Map Editor
de: VCMI Karteneditor
cs: Editor map pro open-source engine Heroes of Might and Magic III
C: Map editor for the open-source recreation of Heroes of Might & Magic III
de: Karteneditor für den Open-Source-Nachbau von Heroes of Might and Magic III
C: >-
<p>The purpose of VCMI project is to create a free implementation of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake
of Gods" engine to overcome limitations of the original engine for better modding support, higher resolutions, bigger
map sizes and extended engine limits.</p>
<p>VCMI is a turn-based strategy game where the player controls a number of heroes commanding an army of creatures. The
player explores the game map with their heroes, conquers enemy towns and improves their own.</p>
<p>VCMI stands for Vinyar Callor Meletya Ingole which means "New Heroes of Might and Magic" in Quenya.</p>
<p>This game requires the graphics, sound and videos of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods"
game. After installing this package, run either one of the following commands depending on whether you have access to
the Good Old Games installer (1), the original CDs (2) or just the installed game directory (3):</p>
<p> (1): vcmibuilder --gog /path/to/gog.com/installer (2): vcmibuilder --cd1 /path/to/iso/or/cd --cd2 /path/to/second/cd
(3): vcmibuilder --data /path/to/h3/data</p>
<p>Alternatively, use `game-data-packager heroes3`.</p>
<p>This package contains the game engine.</p>
en: >-
<p>The purpose of VCMI project is to create a free implementation of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake
of Gods" engine to overcome limitations of the original engine for better modding support, higher resolutions, bigger
map sizes and extended engine limits.</p>
<p>VCMI is a turn-based strategy game where the player controls a number of heroes commanding an army of creatures. The
player explores the game map with their heroes, conquers enemy towns and improves their own.</p>
<p>VCMI stands for Vinyar Callor Meletya Ingole which means "New Heroes of Might and Magic" in Quenya.</p>
<p>This game requires the graphics, sound and videos of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods"
game. After installing this package, run either one of the following commands depending on whether you have access to
the Good Old Games installer (1), the original CDs (2) or just the installed game directory (3):</p>
<p> (1): vcmibuilder --gog /path/to/gog.com/installer (2): vcmibuilder --cd1 /path/to/iso/or/cd --cd2 /path/to/second/cd
(3): vcmibuilder --data /path/to/h3/data</p>
<p>Alternatively, use `game-data-packager heroes3`.</p>
<p>This package contains the game engine.</p>
- Game
- StrategyGame
- heroes of might and magic
- heroes
- homm
- homm3
- strategy
- name: vcmi_vcmieditor.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: vcmi_vcmieditor.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: vcmi_vcmieditor.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: v/vc/vcmieditor.desktop/fa78ec27b75d140efe27e063ca77209b/icons/128x128/vcmi_vcmieditor.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: vcmieditor
- vcmieditor.desktop
Type: desktop-application
ID: vcmiclient.desktop
Package: vcmi
cs: VCMI Klient
C: VCMI Client
de: VCMI Client
cs: Open-source engine pro Heroes of Might and Magic III
C: Open engine for Heroes of Might and Magic 3
de: Offene Engine für Heroes of Might and Magic 3
C: >-
<p>The purpose of VCMI project is to create a free implementation of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake
of Gods" engine to overcome limitations of the original engine for better modding support, higher resolutions, bigger
map sizes and extended engine limits.</p>
<p>VCMI is a turn-based strategy game where the player controls a number of heroes commanding an army of creatures. The
player explores the game map with their heroes, conquers enemy towns and improves their own.</p>
<p>VCMI stands for Vinyar Callor Meletya Ingole which means "New Heroes of Might and Magic" in Quenya.</p>
<p>This game requires the graphics, sound and videos of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods"
game. After installing this package, run either one of the following commands depending on whether you have access to
the Good Old Games installer (1), the original CDs (2) or just the installed game directory (3):</p>
<p> (1): vcmibuilder --gog /path/to/gog.com/installer (2): vcmibuilder --cd1 /path/to/iso/or/cd --cd2 /path/to/second/cd
(3): vcmibuilder --data /path/to/h3/data</p>
<p>Alternatively, use `game-data-packager heroes3`.</p>
<p>This package contains the game engine.</p>
en: >-
<p>The purpose of VCMI project is to create a free implementation of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake
of Gods" engine to overcome limitations of the original engine for better modding support, higher resolutions, bigger
map sizes and extended engine limits.</p>
<p>VCMI is a turn-based strategy game where the player controls a number of heroes commanding an army of creatures. The
player explores the game map with their heroes, conquers enemy towns and improves their own.</p>
<p>VCMI stands for Vinyar Callor Meletya Ingole which means "New Heroes of Might and Magic" in Quenya.</p>
<p>This game requires the graphics, sound and videos of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods"
game. After installing this package, run either one of the following commands depending on whether you have access to
the Good Old Games installer (1), the original CDs (2) or just the installed game directory (3):</p>
<p> (1): vcmibuilder --gog /path/to/gog.com/installer (2): vcmibuilder --cd1 /path/to/iso/or/cd --cd2 /path/to/second/cd
(3): vcmibuilder --data /path/to/h3/data</p>
<p>Alternatively, use `game-data-packager heroes3`.</p>
<p>This package contains the game engine.</p>
- Game
- StrategyGame
- heroes
- homm3
- name: vcmi_vcmiclient.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: vcmi_vcmiclient.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: vcmi_vcmiclient.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: v/vc/vcmiclient.desktop/ee62018f6e942bc45160e536e8e29c8f/icons/128x128/vcmi_vcmiclient.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: vcmiclient
- vcmiclient.desktop