Hints for plasma-desktop in main
org.kde.plasma.desktop.defaultPanel ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.desktop.defaultPanel' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.windowlist ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.windowlist' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.desktop ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.desktop' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.icontasks ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.icontasks' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.kicker ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.kicker' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.kimpanel ⚙ amd64
The icon 'draw-freehand' was not found in the archive. This issue can have multiple reasons:- The icon is not present in the archive.
- The icon is in a wrong directory.
- The icon is not available in a suitable size (at least 64x64px)
- On Debian and Ubuntu, the icon is a symlink. The generator cannot read symlinks on these distributions - make the icon a real file.
and ensure theIcon=
value of the .desktop file is set correctly.
org.kde.plasma.minimizeall ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.minimizeall' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.trash ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.trash' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasmashell ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasmashell' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.desktop.appmenubar ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.desktop.appmenubar' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.folder ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.folder' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.taskmanager ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.taskmanager' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.showActivityManager ⚙ amd64
The icon 'activities' was not found in the archive. This issue can have multiple reasons:- The icon is not present in the archive.
- The icon is in a wrong directory.
- The icon is not available in a suitable size (at least 64x64px)
- On Debian and Ubuntu, the icon is a symlink. The generator cannot read symlinks on these distributions - make the icon a real file.
and ensure theIcon=
value of the .desktop file is set correctly.
org.kde.plasma.showdesktop ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.showdesktop' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.activitypager ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.activitypager' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.desktop.emptyPanel ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.desktop.emptyPanel' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.keyboardlayout ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.keyboardlayout' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.paneltoolbox ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.paneltoolbox' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.pager ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.pager' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.plasma.marginsseparator ⚙ amd64
The icon 'filename-divider' was not found in the archive. This issue can have multiple reasons:- The icon is not present in the archive.
- The icon is in a wrong directory.
- The icon is not available in a suitable size (at least 64x64px)
- On Debian and Ubuntu, the icon is a symlink. The generator cannot read symlinks on these distributions - make the icon a real file.
and ensure theIcon=
value of the .desktop file is set correctly.
org.kde.plasma.kickoff ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.plasma.kickoff' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.
org.kde.desktopcontainment ⚙ amd64
The component-id 'org.kde.desktopcontainment' already appeared in package 'plasma-desktop-data'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.