⇦ | qtcreator [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-03 20:13 [UTC]

Hints for qtcreator in main

org.qt-project.qtcreator ⚙ amd64


  • asv-cid-rdns-contains-hyphen
    org.qt-project.qtcreator.appdata.xml:4 - org.qt-project.qtcreator
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus in its domain part. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`). Hyphens are only allowed in the last segment of a component ID.
  • asv-release-time-missing
    org.qt-project.qtcreator.appdata.xml:59 - date
    The release entry is missing either the `date` (preferred) or the `timestamp` property.