⇦ | basex [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for basex in main

basexgui.desktop - 10.5-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: basexgui.desktop
Package: basex
  C: BaseX XML Database
  C: Visually query and analyse your XML data
  it: >-
    <p>BaseX è un elaboratore XML per XPath/XQuery e database molto veloce, leggero, ma potente, che include la gestione per
    le ultime W3C Full Text e Update Recommendations. Gestisce grosse istanze XML e offre un frontend (basexgui) altamente
    interattivo. Ad eccezione di due modalità indipendenti locali, BaseX offre un&apos;architettura client/server.</p>

    <p>Il pacchetto fornisce i seguenti comandi:  * basex  ........  database XML locale indipendente. Interfaccia a riga                    
    di comando.  * basexgui  .....  database XML locale indipendente. Interfaccia utente                     grafica.  * basexserver 
    ..  server per database XML BaseX.  * basexclient  ..  client per database XML BaseX. Database XML BaseX e processore
  sk: >-
    <p>BaseX je veľmi rýchla a nenáročná, ale mocná XML databáza a procesor XPath/XQuery. Obsahuje podporu najnovších odporúčaní
    W3C Full Text and Update Recommendations. Podporuje veľké inštancie XML a ponúka veľmi interaktívne rozhranie (basexgui).
    Okrem dvoch samostatných režimov ponúka BaseX architektúru klient/server.</p>

    <p>Balík poskytuje nasledovné príkazy:  * basex        - Samostatná lokálna XML databáza. Rozhranie príkazového                  
    riadka.  * basexgui     - Samostatná lokálna XML databáza. Grafické používateľské                   rozhranie.  * basexserver 
    - BaseX server XML databáz.  * basexclient  - BaseX klient XML databáz. XML databáza a procesor XPath/XQuery</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>BaseX est une base de données XML et un processeur XPath/XQuery très rapide et léger mais puissant, prenant en charge
    les dernières recommandations « W3C Full Text and Update ». Il gère les grandes instances XML et propose basexgui, un
    frontal hautement interactif. Mis à part deux modes locaux autonomes, BaseX propose une architecture client/server.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit les commandes suivantes :  − basex : base de données locale autonome XML, interface en ligne de   
    commande ;  − basexgui : base de données locale autonome XML, interface graphique ;  − basexserver : serveur de base de
    données XML BaseX ;  − basexclient : client de base de données XML BaseX.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>BaseX is a very fast and light-weight, yet powerful XML database and XPath/XQuery processor, including support for
    the latest W3C Full Text and Update Recommendations. It supports large XML instances and offers a highly interactive front-end
    (basexgui). Apart from two local standalone modes, BaseX offers a client/server architecture.</p>

    <p>The package provides following commands:  * basex  ..........  Standalone local XML database. Command line interface. 
    * basexgui  .......  Standalone local XML database. Graphical user interface.  * basexserver  ....  BaseX XML Database
    Server.  * basexclient  ....  BaseX XML Database Client. BaseX XML database and XPath/XQuery processor</p>
  da: >-
    <p>BaseX er en meget hurtig og enkel, men stadig funktionsrig XML-database og XPath/XQuery-behandler, inklusiv understøttelse
    for den seneste W3C Full Text og opdateringsanbefalinger. Pakken understøtter store XML-instanser og tilbyder en meget
    interaktiv brugerflade (basexgui). Udover to lokale uafhængige tilstande tilbyder BaseX en klient/server-arktitektur.</p>

    <p>Pakken tilbyder følgende kommandoer:  * basex  ..........  Uafhængig lokal XML-database.                       Kommandolinjegrænseflade. 
    * basexgui  .......  Uafhængig lokal XML-database. Grafisk                       brugergrænseflade.  * basexserver  .... 
    BaseX XML-databaseserver.  * basexclient  ....  BaseX XML-databaseklient. BaseX XML-database og XPath/XQuery-behandler.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>BaseX is a very fast and light-weight, yet powerful XML database and XPath/XQuery processor, including support for
    the latest W3C Full Text and Update Recommendations. It supports large XML instances and offers a highly interactive front-end
    (basexgui). Apart from two local standalone modes, BaseX offers a client/server architecture.</p>

    <p>The package provides following commands:  * basex  ..........  Standalone local XML database. Command line interface. 
    * basexgui  .......  Standalone local XML database. Graphical user interface.  * basexserver  ....  BaseX XML Database
    Server.  * basexclient  ....  BaseX XML Database Client. BaseX XML database and XPath/XQuery processor</p>
- Development
- Utility
- Database
  - database
  - xquery
  - xpath
  - xml
  - information processing
  - name: basex_basex.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: basex_basex.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: basex_basex.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: b/ba/basexgui.desktop/513c03090309cc81f2f9b0915710b84d/icons/128x128/basex_basex.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: basex
  - basexgui.desktop
  - text/xml