⇦ | cynthiune.app [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for cynthiune.app in main

cynthiune.desktop - 1.0.0-3+b3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: cynthiune.desktop
Package: cynthiune.app
  C: Cynthiune
  bg: Свободна романтична програма за слушане на музика
  C: A free and romantic music player
  fr: >-
    <p>Cynthiune est un logiciel libre de lecture de musique extensible et romantique pour GNUstep et Mac OS X. Proche de
    XMMS, il peut lire les formats de fichier sont les plus connus : MP3, Ogg, , FLAC, Mod, XM, AIFF, WAV et bien plus...</p>

    <p>Très facile à utiliser, il s&apos;intègre bien avec le bureau GNUstep et offre un bel exemple d&apos;application OpenStep
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Cynthiune é um tocador de música extensível, fantástico e software livre para GNUstep e Mac OS X. Similar na aparência
    e no comportamento ao XMMS, ele pode ler os formatos de som mais conhecidos: MP3, Ogg, FLAC, Mod, XM, AIFF, WAV e muito

    <p>Muito fácil de usar, ele integra-se bem ao ambiente de área de trabalho GNUstep e mostra um bom exemplo de aplicação
    inter-plataforma OpenStep.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Cynthiune はフリーソフトで GNUstep および Mac OS X 用の魅惑的で拡張可能 な音楽プレイヤです。XMMS に似た外観をしており、MP3, Ogg, FLAC, Mod, XM, AIFF, WAV やその他多くの有名な形式のサウンドファイルを再生できます。</p>

    <p>とても使いやすく、GNUstep デスクトップ環境とよく統合されており、クロス プラットフォームな OpenStep アプリケーションの格好の見本です。</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Cynthiune è un riproduttore musicale romantico ed estensibile per GNUstep e Mac OS X ed è software libero. Simile per
    aspetto e stile a XMMS, può leggere i formati di file sonori più conosciuti: MP3, Ogg, FLAC, Mod, XM, AIFF, WAV e molti

    <p>Molto facile da usare, si integra bene con l&apos;ambiente desktop GNUstep e rappresenta un bell&apos;esempio di applicazione
    OpenStep multipiattaforma.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Cynthiune это свободный, красивый и расширяемый музыкальный проигрыватель для GNUstep и Mac OS X. Внешне он похож на
    XMMS, понимает все наиболее известные форматы звука: MP3, Ogg, FLAC, Mod, XM, AIFF, WAV и многие другие...</p>

    <p>Проигрыватель очень прост в использовании, хорошо вписывается в рабочий стол GNUstep, и представляет собой хороший
    пример кроссплатформенного приложения OpenStep.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Cynthiune is a free software, romantic and extensible music player for GNUstep and Mac OS X. Similar in look and feel
    to XMMS, it can read the most-known sound file formats: MP3, Ogg, FLAC, Mod, XM, AIFF, WAV and many more...</p>

    <p>Very easy to use, it integrates well with the GNUstep desktop environment and shows a nice example of a cross-platform
    OpenStep application.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Cynthiune er fri software og en romantisk musikafspiller for GNUstep og Mac OS X, der kan udvides. Ligner XMMS og kan
    læse de mest udbredte lydformater: MP3, Ogg, FLAC, Mod, XM, AIFF, WAV og mange flere ...</p>

    <p>Programmet er meget nemt at bruge, integrerer sig godt i GNUstep- skrivebordsmiljøet og er et godt eksempel på et OpenStep-program
    for flere platforme.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Cynthiune is a free software, romantic and extensible music player for GNUstep and Mac OS X. Similar in look and feel
    to XMMS, it can read the most-known sound file formats: MP3, Ogg, FLAC, Mod, XM, AIFF, WAV and many more...</p>

    <p>Very easy to use, it integrates well with the GNUstep desktop environment and shows a nice example of a cross-platform
    OpenStep application.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
- Player
  - аудио
  - песен
  - mp3
  - плейър
  - музика
  - audio
  - song
  - mp3
  - playlist
  - player
  - music
  - name: cynthiune.app_Cynthiune_128x128x32.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - Cynthiune.desktop
  - audio/mpegurl
  - audio/x-mpegurl
  - audio/scpls
  - audio/x-scpls
  - application/ogg
  - application/x-ogg
  - audio/flac
  - audio/x-flac
  - audio/mpeg
  - audio/x-mpeg
  - audio/mpeg3
  - audio/x-mpeg3
  - audio/mpg
  - audio/x-mpg
  - audio/mp3
  - audio/x-mp3
  - audio/musepack
  - audio/x-musepack
  - audio/669
  - audio/amf
  - audio/ams
  - audio/dbm
  - audio/dmf
  - audio/dsm
  - audio/far
  - audio/it
  - audio/j2b
  - audio/mdl
  - audio/med
  - audio/mod
  - audio/mt2
  - audio/mtm
  - audio/okt
  - audio/psm
  - audio/ptm
  - audio/s3m
  - audio/stm
  - audio/ult
  - audio/umx
  - audio/xm
  - audio/x-669
  - audio/x-amf
  - audio/x-ams
  - audio/x-dbm
  - audio/x-dmf
  - audio/x-dsm
  - audio/x-far
  - audio/x-it
  - audio/x-j2b
  - audio/x-mdl
  - audio/x-med
  - audio/x-mod
  - audio/x-mt2
  - audio/x-mtm
  - audio/x-okt
  - audio/x-psm
  - audio/x-ptm
  - audio/x-s3m
  - audio/x-stm
  - audio/x-ult
  - audio/x-umx
  - audio/x-xm
  - audio/aiff
  - audio/x-aiff
  - audio/basic
  - audio/x-basic
  - audio/au
  - audio/x-au
  - audio/x-ulaw
  - audio/avr
  - audio/x-avr
  - application/iff
  - application/x-iff
  - audio/nist
  - audio/x-nist
  - audio/snd
  - audio/x-snd
  - audio/wav
  - audio/x-wav