⇦ | ddd [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for ddd in main

ddd.desktop - 1:3.3.12-5.4+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: ddd.desktop
Package: ddd
  C: Data Display Debugger
  fr: Interface graphique pour débogueur
  C: Graphical debugger frontend
  C: >-
    <p>The Data Display Debugger (DDD) is a popular graphical user interface to UNIX debuggers such as GDB, DBX, XDB, JDB
    and others. Besides typical front-end features such as viewing source texts and breakpoints, DDD provides an interactive
    graphical data display, where data structures are displayed as graphs. Using DDD, you can reason about your application
    by watching its data, not just by viewing it execute lines of source code.</p>

    <p>Other DDD features include: debugging of programs written in Ada, Bash, C, C++, Chill, Fortran, Java, Modula, Pascal,
    Perl and Python; machine-level debugging; hypertext source navigation and lookup; breakpoint, backtrace, and history editors;
    preferences and settings editors; program execution in terminal emulator window; debugging on remote host; on-line manual;
    interactive help on the Motif user interface; GDB/DBX/XDB command-line interface with full editing, history, and completion

    <p>This version is linked against Lesstif, an LGPL-ed implementation of Motif.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Datavisningsafluseren (Data Display Debugger, DDD) er en populær grafisk brugerflade til UNIX-aflusere såsom GDB, DBX,
    XDB og JDB. Udover almindelige brugerfladefunktioner som at se kildekoden og stoppunkter, har DDD en interaktiv grafisk
    datavisning, hvor datastrukturer vises som grafer. Ved at bruge DDD kan du følge dit program ved at overvåge dets data,
    og ikke kun ved at se det udføre kildetekstlinjer.</p>

    <p>Andre DDD-funktioner: aflusning af programmer skrevet i Ada, bash, C, C++, Chill, Fortran, Java, Modula, Pascal, Perl
    og Python. Aflusning på maskinniveau. Hypertekst kildekodenavigation og -opslag. Stoppunkter. Udførelsesspor (backtrace).
    Historikredigering. Indstillingsredigering. Programudførelse i terminalemulatorvinduet. Aflusning på fjernmaskine. Skærmmanual.
    Interaktiv hjælp på Motif-brugerflade. GDB/DBX/XDB kommandolinjegrænseflade med fuld redigering, historik og fuldførelse.</p>

    <p>Denne version er lænket mod lesstif, en LGPL&apos;ed implementering af Motif.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Il Data Display Debugger (DDD) è una diffusa interfaccia grafica ai debugger UNIX come GDB, DBX, XDB, JDB e altri.
    Oltre alle caratteristiche tipiche delle interfacce come la possibilità di vedere i sorgenti e i punti di interruzione,
    DDD offre un visualizzatore grafico e interattivo dei dati, in cui le strutture di dati sono rappresentate come grafi.
    Grazie a DDD è possibile ragionare su di un&apos;applicazione osservando i suoi dati, non solo guardandola eseguire una
    riga di codice per volta.</p>

    <p>Le altre caratteristiche di DDD comprendono: debug di programmi scritti in Ada, Bash, C, C++, Chill, Fortran, Java,
    Modula, Pascal, Perl e Python; debug a livello macchina; navigazione e ricerca ipertestuali nei sorgenti; editor dei punti
    di interruzione, del backtrace e della cronologia; editor delle preferenze e della configurazione; lancio dei programmi
    in una finestra con l&apos;emulatore di terminale; debug da remoto; manuale in linea; guida interattiva sull&apos;interfaccia
    utente Motif; interfaccia a riga di comando per GBD/DBX/XDB con possibilità di modifica, cronologia e completamento automatico.</p>

    <p>Questa versione utilizza Lesstif, un&apos;implementazione libera (ai sensi della LGPL) di Motif.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>The Data Display Debugger (DDD) is a popular graphical user interface to UNIX debuggers such as GDB, DBX, XDB, JDB
    and others. Besides typical front-end features such as viewing source texts and breakpoints, DDD provides an interactive
    graphical data display, where data structures are displayed as graphs. Using DDD, you can reason about your application
    by watching its data, not just by viewing it execute lines of source code.</p>

    <p>Other DDD features include: debugging of programs written in Ada, Bash, C, C++, Chill, Fortran, Java, Modula, Pascal,
    Perl and Python; machine-level debugging; hypertext source navigation and lookup; breakpoint, backtrace, and history editors;
    preferences and settings editors; program execution in terminal emulator window; debugging on remote host; on-line manual;
    interactive help on the Motif user interface; GDB/DBX/XDB command-line interface with full editing, history, and completion

    <p>This version is linked against Lesstif, an LGPL-ed implementation of Motif.</p>
- Development
  - name: ddd_ddd.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: ddd
  - ddd.desktop

ddd.desktop - 1:3.3.12-5.4+b2 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: ddd.desktop
Package: ddd
  C: Data Display Debugger
  fr: Interface graphique pour débogueur
  C: Graphical debugger frontend
  C: >-
    <p>The Data Display Debugger (DDD) is a popular graphical user interface to UNIX debuggers such as GDB, DBX, XDB, JDB
    and others. Besides typical front-end features such as viewing source texts and breakpoints, DDD provides an interactive
    graphical data display, where data structures are displayed as graphs. Using DDD, you can reason about your application
    by watching its data, not just by viewing it execute lines of source code.</p>

    <p>Other DDD features include: debugging of programs written in Ada, Bash, C, C++, Chill, Fortran, Java, Modula, Pascal,
    Perl and Python; machine-level debugging; hypertext source navigation and lookup; breakpoint, backtrace, and history editors;
    preferences and settings editors; program execution in terminal emulator window; debugging on remote host; on-line manual;
    interactive help on the Motif user interface; GDB/DBX/XDB command-line interface with full editing, history, and completion

    <p>This version is linked against Lesstif, an LGPL-ed implementation of Motif.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Datavisningsafluseren (Data Display Debugger, DDD) er en populær grafisk brugerflade til UNIX-aflusere såsom GDB, DBX,
    XDB og JDB. Udover almindelige brugerfladefunktioner som at se kildekoden og stoppunkter, har DDD en interaktiv grafisk
    datavisning, hvor datastrukturer vises som grafer. Ved at bruge DDD kan du følge dit program ved at overvåge dets data,
    og ikke kun ved at se det udføre kildetekstlinjer.</p>

    <p>Andre DDD-funktioner: aflusning af programmer skrevet i Ada, bash, C, C++, Chill, Fortran, Java, Modula, Pascal, Perl
    og Python. Aflusning på maskinniveau. Hypertekst kildekodenavigation og -opslag. Stoppunkter. Udførelsesspor (backtrace).
    Historikredigering. Indstillingsredigering. Programudførelse i terminalemulatorvinduet. Aflusning på fjernmaskine. Skærmmanual.
    Interaktiv hjælp på Motif-brugerflade. GDB/DBX/XDB kommandolinjegrænseflade med fuld redigering, historik og fuldførelse.</p>

    <p>Denne version er lænket mod lesstif, en LGPL&apos;ed implementering af Motif.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Il Data Display Debugger (DDD) è una diffusa interfaccia grafica ai debugger UNIX come GDB, DBX, XDB, JDB e altri.
    Oltre alle caratteristiche tipiche delle interfacce come la possibilità di vedere i sorgenti e i punti di interruzione,
    DDD offre un visualizzatore grafico e interattivo dei dati, in cui le strutture di dati sono rappresentate come grafi.
    Grazie a DDD è possibile ragionare su di un&apos;applicazione osservando i suoi dati, non solo guardandola eseguire una
    riga di codice per volta.</p>

    <p>Le altre caratteristiche di DDD comprendono: debug di programmi scritti in Ada, Bash, C, C++, Chill, Fortran, Java,
    Modula, Pascal, Perl e Python; debug a livello macchina; navigazione e ricerca ipertestuali nei sorgenti; editor dei punti
    di interruzione, del backtrace e della cronologia; editor delle preferenze e della configurazione; lancio dei programmi
    in una finestra con l&apos;emulatore di terminale; debug da remoto; manuale in linea; guida interattiva sull&apos;interfaccia
    utente Motif; interfaccia a riga di comando per GBD/DBX/XDB con possibilità di modifica, cronologia e completamento automatico.</p>

    <p>Questa versione utilizza Lesstif, un&apos;implementazione libera (ai sensi della LGPL) di Motif.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>The Data Display Debugger (DDD) is a popular graphical user interface to UNIX debuggers such as GDB, DBX, XDB, JDB
    and others. Besides typical front-end features such as viewing source texts and breakpoints, DDD provides an interactive
    graphical data display, where data structures are displayed as graphs. Using DDD, you can reason about your application
    by watching its data, not just by viewing it execute lines of source code.</p>

    <p>Other DDD features include: debugging of programs written in Ada, Bash, C, C++, Chill, Fortran, Java, Modula, Pascal,
    Perl and Python; machine-level debugging; hypertext source navigation and lookup; breakpoint, backtrace, and history editors;
    preferences and settings editors; program execution in terminal emulator window; debugging on remote host; on-line manual;
    interactive help on the Motif user interface; GDB/DBX/XDB command-line interface with full editing, history, and completion

    <p>This version is linked against Lesstif, an LGPL-ed implementation of Motif.</p>
- Development
  - name: ddd_ddd.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: ddd
  - ddd.desktop