⇦ | din [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for din in main

din.desktop - 58.1+ds-1+b2 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: din.desktop
Package: din
  C: DIN
  fr: Un instrument musical
  C: An musical instrument
  de: Ein musikalisches Instrument
  it: >-
    <p>din è uno strumento musicale e un sintetizzatore audio. Permette di usare le curve di Bezier per disegnare e modellare
    le forme d&apos;onda, creare modelli di gate e di modulazione e creare feedback dei ritardi e modelli di volume. È possibile
    creare e modificare un numero illimitato di droni, modellare le loro forme d&apos;onda e modularle visivamente.</p>

    <p>din usa JACK per mandare in output l&apos;audio, gestisce MIDI, OSC e un bot IRC come input. din può essere esteso
    e personalizzato anche con script Tcl.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>din est un instrument musical et un synthétiseur audio. Il vous permet d&apos;utiliser les courbes de Bézier pour dessiner
    et sculpter des formes d&apos;onde, de créer des motifs de filtre et de modulation, et créer des délais de retour et des
    motifs de volume. Il est possible de créer et d&apos;éditer un nombre illimité de drones, de sculpter leur forme d&apos;onde
    et de les moduler visuellement.</p>

    <p>din utilise JACK pour sortir l&apos;audio, il prend en charge le MIDI, l&apos;OSC et un robot IRC pour l&apos;entrée.
    din peut également être étendu et personnalisé avec des scripts Tcl.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>din is a musical instrument and audio synthesizer. It allows one to use Bezier curves to draw and sculpt waveforms,
    create gating and modulation patterns and create delay feedback and volume patterns. It&apos;s possible to create and
    edit an unlimited number of drones, sculpt their waveform and visually modulate them.</p>

    <p>din uses JACK to output audio, it supports MIDI, OSC and an IRC bot for input. din can be extended and customised with
    Tcl scripts too.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Din er et musikalsk instrument og lydsynthesizer. Programmet giver mulighed for at bruge Bezierkurver til at tegne
    og skulptere waveformer, oprette gating og modulationsmønstre og oprette tilbagemelding for forsinkelsen og mønstre for
    lydstyrken. Det er muligt at oprette og redigere et ubegrænset antal droner, skulptere deres waveform og visuelt modulere
    dem. , Din bruger JACK til udgangslyden, den understøtter MIDI, OSC og en IRC-bot for indgang. Din kan også udvides og
    tilpasses med Tcl-skripter.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>din is a musical instrument and audio synthesizer. It allows one to use Bezier curves to draw and sculpt waveforms,
    create gating and modulation patterns and create delay feedback and volume patterns. It&apos;s possible to create and
    edit an unlimited number of drones, sculpt their waveform and visually modulate them.</p>

    <p>din uses JACK to output audio, it supports MIDI, OSC and an IRC bot for input. din can be extended and customised with
    Tcl scripts too.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
  - music
  - synthesiser
  - softsynth
  - midi
  - jack
  - realtime
  - standalone
  - name: din_din.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: din_din.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: din_din.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: d/di/din.desktop/4d1e0c8216ed07a2a0b6c5d5a762966a/icons/128x128/din_din.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: din
  - din.desktop

din.desktop - 58.1+ds-1+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: din.desktop
Package: din
  C: DIN
  fr: Un instrument musical
  C: An musical instrument
  de: Ein musikalisches Instrument
  it: >-
    <p>din è uno strumento musicale e un sintetizzatore audio. Permette di usare le curve di Bezier per disegnare e modellare
    le forme d&apos;onda, creare modelli di gate e di modulazione e creare feedback dei ritardi e modelli di volume. È possibile
    creare e modificare un numero illimitato di droni, modellare le loro forme d&apos;onda e modularle visivamente.</p>

    <p>din usa JACK per mandare in output l&apos;audio, gestisce MIDI, OSC e un bot IRC come input. din può essere esteso
    e personalizzato anche con script Tcl.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>din est un instrument musical et un synthétiseur audio. Il vous permet d&apos;utiliser les courbes de Bézier pour dessiner
    et sculpter des formes d&apos;onde, de créer des motifs de filtre et de modulation, et créer des délais de retour et des
    motifs de volume. Il est possible de créer et d&apos;éditer un nombre illimité de drones, de sculpter leur forme d&apos;onde
    et de les moduler visuellement.</p>

    <p>din utilise JACK pour sortir l&apos;audio, il prend en charge le MIDI, l&apos;OSC et un robot IRC pour l&apos;entrée.
    din peut également être étendu et personnalisé avec des scripts Tcl.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>din is a musical instrument and audio synthesizer. It allows one to use Bezier curves to draw and sculpt waveforms,
    create gating and modulation patterns and create delay feedback and volume patterns. It&apos;s possible to create and
    edit an unlimited number of drones, sculpt their waveform and visually modulate them.</p>

    <p>din uses JACK to output audio, it supports MIDI, OSC and an IRC bot for input. din can be extended and customised with
    Tcl scripts too.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Din er et musikalsk instrument og lydsynthesizer. Programmet giver mulighed for at bruge Bezierkurver til at tegne
    og skulptere waveformer, oprette gating og modulationsmønstre og oprette tilbagemelding for forsinkelsen og mønstre for
    lydstyrken. Det er muligt at oprette og redigere et ubegrænset antal droner, skulptere deres waveform og visuelt modulere
    dem. , Din bruger JACK til udgangslyden, den understøtter MIDI, OSC og en IRC-bot for indgang. Din kan også udvides og
    tilpasses med Tcl-skripter.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>din is a musical instrument and audio synthesizer. It allows one to use Bezier curves to draw and sculpt waveforms,
    create gating and modulation patterns and create delay feedback and volume patterns. It&apos;s possible to create and
    edit an unlimited number of drones, sculpt their waveform and visually modulate them.</p>

    <p>din uses JACK to output audio, it supports MIDI, OSC and an IRC bot for input. din can be extended and customised with
    Tcl scripts too.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
  - music
  - synthesiser
  - softsynth
  - midi
  - jack
  - realtime
  - standalone
  - name: din_din.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: din_din.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: din_din.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: d/di/din.desktop/4d1e0c8216ed07a2a0b6c5d5a762966a/icons/128x128/din_din.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: din
  - din.desktop