⇦ | dosbox [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for dosbox in main

dosbox.desktop - 0.74-3-5+b2 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: dosbox.desktop
Package: dosbox
  ca: Emulador DOSBox
  es: Emulador DOSBox
  de: DOSBox Emulator
  nl: DOSBox Simulator
  ua: Емулятор DOSBox
  it: DOSBox emulatore
  ru: Эмулятор DOSBox
  C: DOSBox Emulator
  ca: Executeu antigues aplicacions DOS
  es: Un emulador para ejecutar antiguas aplicaciones DOS
  de: Ein Emulator für alte DOS Programme
  nl: Een simulator om oude DOS-spellen te spelen
  ua: Запуск старих DOS-застосувань
  it: Un emulatore per far girare vecchi giochi DOS
  ru: Запуск старых DOS-приложений
  C: Run old DOS applications
  fr: >-
    <p>DOSBOX est un émulateur de machine x86 prenant en charge les modes graphiques Tandy, Hercules, CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA,
    le son et DOS. Il a été conçu pour exécuter les jeux DOS d&apos;époque sur des plateformes ne les prenant pas en charge.</p>

    <p>Les anciens périphériques de son suivants sont émulés : haut-parleur PC, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib,
    Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource et Gravis Ultrasound. Les sorties MPU-401 sont redirigées vers l&apos;hôte.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It&apos;s been designed to run
    old DOS games on platforms that don&apos;t support it.</p>

    <p>The following legacy sound devices are emulated: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound
    Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource and a Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 is forwarded to the host.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>DOSBox è un emulatore di x86 con grafica Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, sonoro e DOS. È stato progettato per eseguire
    vecchi giochi DOS su piattaforme che non li supportano.</p>

    <p>Sono emulati i seguenti dispositivi audio obsoleti: altoparlante del PC, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib,
    Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource e una Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 viene inoltrato all&apos;host.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>DOSBox er en x86-emulator med Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA-grafik, lyd og DOS. Programmet er designet til at køre
    gamle DOS-spil under platforme som ikke understøtter dette.</p>

    <p>De følgende forældede lydenheder emuleres: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 vocie, Adlib, Sound Blaster
    Pro/16, Disney Soundsource og et Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 videresendes til værten.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It&apos;s been designed to run
    old DOS games on platforms that don&apos;t support it.</p>

    <p>The following legacy sound devices are emulated: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound
    Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource and a Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 is forwarded to the host.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>DOSBox ist ein x86-Emulator mit Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA-Grafik, Audio und DOS. Er wurde entwickelt, um alte DOS-Spiele
    auf Plattformen laufen zu lassen, die dies nicht unterstützen.</p>

    <p>Folgende veraltete Audiogeräte werden emuliert: PC-Lautsprecher, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound
    Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource und Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 wird an den Rechner weitergeleitet.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>DOSBox é um emulador x86 com gráficos Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, som e DOS. Foi projetado para executar jogos
    antigos DOS em plataformas que não o suportam.</p>

    <p>Os seguintes dispositivos de som legados são emulados: alto-falante de PC, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice,
    Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource e um Gravis Ultrasound. O MPU-401 é encaminhado para a máquina.</p>
- Game
- Emulator
  - DOS Emulator
  - name: dosbox_dosbox.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: dosbox_dosbox.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: dosbox_dosbox.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: d/do/dosbox.desktop/595b44dfc44b468b4e8a0007a30c0da5/icons/128x128/dosbox_dosbox.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: dosbox
  - dosbox.desktop

dosbox.desktop - 0.74-3-5+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: dosbox.desktop
Package: dosbox
  ca: Emulador DOSBox
  es: Emulador DOSBox
  de: DOSBox Emulator
  nl: DOSBox Simulator
  ua: Емулятор DOSBox
  it: DOSBox emulatore
  ru: Эмулятор DOSBox
  C: DOSBox Emulator
  ca: Executeu antigues aplicacions DOS
  es: Un emulador para ejecutar antiguas aplicaciones DOS
  de: Ein Emulator für alte DOS Programme
  nl: Een simulator om oude DOS-spellen te spelen
  ua: Запуск старих DOS-застосувань
  it: Un emulatore per far girare vecchi giochi DOS
  ru: Запуск старых DOS-приложений
  C: Run old DOS applications
  fr: >-
    <p>DOSBOX est un émulateur de machine x86 prenant en charge les modes graphiques Tandy, Hercules, CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA,
    le son et DOS. Il a été conçu pour exécuter les jeux DOS d&apos;époque sur des plateformes ne les prenant pas en charge.</p>

    <p>Les anciens périphériques de son suivants sont émulés : haut-parleur PC, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib,
    Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource et Gravis Ultrasound. Les sorties MPU-401 sont redirigées vers l&apos;hôte.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It&apos;s been designed to run
    old DOS games on platforms that don&apos;t support it.</p>

    <p>The following legacy sound devices are emulated: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound
    Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource and a Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 is forwarded to the host.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>DOSBox è un emulatore di x86 con grafica Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, sonoro e DOS. È stato progettato per eseguire
    vecchi giochi DOS su piattaforme che non li supportano.</p>

    <p>Sono emulati i seguenti dispositivi audio obsoleti: altoparlante del PC, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib,
    Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource e una Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 viene inoltrato all&apos;host.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>DOSBox er en x86-emulator med Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA-grafik, lyd og DOS. Programmet er designet til at køre
    gamle DOS-spil under platforme som ikke understøtter dette.</p>

    <p>De følgende forældede lydenheder emuleres: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 vocie, Adlib, Sound Blaster
    Pro/16, Disney Soundsource og et Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 videresendes til værten.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It&apos;s been designed to run
    old DOS games on platforms that don&apos;t support it.</p>

    <p>The following legacy sound devices are emulated: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound
    Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource and a Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 is forwarded to the host.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>DOSBox ist ein x86-Emulator mit Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA-Grafik, Audio und DOS. Er wurde entwickelt, um alte DOS-Spiele
    auf Plattformen laufen zu lassen, die dies nicht unterstützen.</p>

    <p>Folgende veraltete Audiogeräte werden emuliert: PC-Lautsprecher, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound
    Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource und Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 wird an den Rechner weitergeleitet.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>DOSBox é um emulador x86 com gráficos Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, som e DOS. Foi projetado para executar jogos
    antigos DOS em plataformas que não o suportam.</p>

    <p>Os seguintes dispositivos de som legados são emulados: alto-falante de PC, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice,
    Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource e um Gravis Ultrasound. O MPU-401 é encaminhado para a máquina.</p>
- Game
- Emulator
  - DOS Emulator
  - name: dosbox_dosbox.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: dosbox_dosbox.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: dosbox_dosbox.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: d/do/dosbox.desktop/595b44dfc44b468b4e8a0007a30c0da5/icons/128x128/dosbox_dosbox.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: dosbox
  - dosbox.desktop