⇦ | doublecmd-common [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for doublecmd-common in main

doublecmd.desktop - 1.1.22-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: doublecmd.desktop
Package: doublecmd-common
  C: Double Commander
  ru: Double Commander — это кроссплатформенный двухпанельный файловый менеджер с открытым кодом.
  C: Double Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side.
  it: >-
    <p>Double Commander è un gestore di file open source multipiattaforma con due pannelli affiancati. È ispirato a Total
    Commander e ha alcune nuove idee.</p>

    <p>La gestione degli archivi RAR può essere abilitata installando il pacchetto libunrar-dev dalla sezione non-free.</p>

    <p>Questo pacchetto contiene i file comuni.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Double Commander est un gestionnaire de fichiers multiplateforme au source ouvert avec deux panneaux côte à côte. Il
    s’inspire de Total Commander et intègre quelques nouvelles fonctionnalités.</p>

    <p>La gestion des archives RAR peut être établie en installant le paquet libunrar-dev à partir de la section non-free.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit les fichiers communs.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Double Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side. It is inspired by Total
    Commander and features some new ideas.</p>

    <p>Support for RAR archives can be enabled by installing the libunrar-dev package from non-free.</p>

    <p>This package contains common files.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Double Commander er en filhåndtering med to paneler side om side, udviklet for flere platforme og i åben kildekode.
    Det er inspireret af Total Commander men indeholder også nogle nye ideer.</p>

    <p>Understøttelse for RAR-arkiver kan aktiveres ved at installere pakken libunrar-dev fra non-free.</p>

    <p>Denne pakke indholder fælles filer.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Double Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side. It is inspired by Total
    Commander and features some new ideas.</p>

    <p>Support for RAR archives can be enabled by installing the libunrar-dev package from non-free.</p>

    <p>This package contains common files.</p>
- Utility
- FileTools
- FileManager
  - folder
  - manager
  - explore
  - disk
  - filesystem
  - orthodox
  - copy
  - queue
  - queuing
  - operations
  - name: doublecmd-common_doublecmd.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: doublecmd-common_doublecmd.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: doublecmd-common_doublecmd.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: d/do/doublecmd.desktop/34872a84168fc4daa601049149590f7c/icons/128x128/doublecmd-common_doublecmd.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: doublecmd
  - doublecmd.desktop
  - inode/directory