⇦ | eekboek-gui [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for eekboek-gui in main

ebwxshell.desktop - 2.04-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: ebwxshell.desktop
Package: eekboek-gui
  nl: EekBoek
  C: EekBoek
  nl: Eigenzinnig boekhouden voor kleine en middelgrote bedrijven
  C: Bookkeeping program for small to medium sized companies
  it: >-
    <p>Questo pacchetto include ebwxshell, la GUI di EekBoek. Offre un browser EekBoek, utile per vedere i dati amministrativi.
    È utile specialmente per generare, stampare ed evidenziare rapporti. Inoltre offre un&apos;interfaccia grezza alla Shell
    di EekBoek. Da ultimo offre una procedura guidata per aiutare a configurare nuove amministrazioni di registri contabili.</p>

    <p>Installarlo se si ha bisogno di un&apos;interfaccia amichevole per le funzionalità di rapporti di EekBoek o se si desidera
    aiuto nella configurazione di EekBoek. Tuttavia, se si preferisce lavorare in una modalità puramente testuale o non si
    vuole installare i pacchetti grafici WX, non si dovrebbe installare questo pacchetto.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Ce paquet fournit ebwxshell, l’interface graphique d’EekBoek. Il propose un navigateur pour EekBoek, utile pour visualiser
    les données administratives. Il est particulièrement utile pour la création, l’impression et l’identification précise
    de rapports. De plus, il propose une interface brute pour EekBoek Shell. Enfin, il propose un assistant pour aider à la
    configuration de l’administration d’une nouvelle tenue de comptes.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet est à installer pour une interface commode aux fonctions de rapport d’EekBoek ou pour une aide dans la configuration
    d’EekBoek. Cependant, si l’utilisateur préfère travailler en mode texte ou n’apprécie pas d’avoir à installer les paquets
    graphiques WX, il n’installera pas ce paquet.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This package includes ebwxshell, the EekBoek GUI.  It offers an EekBoek browser, useful for viewing the administrative
    data.  It&apos;s especially useful for generating, printing and pinpointing reports. Furthermore, it offers a raw interface
    to the EekBoek Shell.  Finally, it offers a Wizard to help configuring new bookkeeping administrations.</p>

    <p>Install it if you need a friendly interface to the EekBoek reporting facilities, or if you would like help in configuring
    EekBoek.  However, if you prefer working in pure text mode, or don&apos;t like to install the WX graphical packages, you
    should not install this package.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Denne pakke inkluderer ebwxshell, EekBoeks grafiske brugerflade. Den tilbyder en EekBoek-browser, nyttig for visning
    af administrative data. Den er specielt nyttig for oprettelse, udskrivning og indkredsning af rapporter. Derudover tilbyder
    en en rå grænseflade for EekBoek-skallen. Endelig tilbydes en guide til at hjælpe med konfiguration af nye bogføringsprocedurer.</p>

    <p>Installer den hvis du skal bruge en venlig grænseflade til EekBoek-rapporteringsfaciliteter, eller hvis du vil hjælpe
    med at konfigurere EekBoek. Hvis du foretrækker at arbejde i ren tekst-tilstand, eller ikke ønsker at installere de WX-grafiske
    pakker, så skal du ikke installere denne pakke.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This package includes ebwxshell, the EekBoek GUI.  It offers an EekBoek browser, useful for viewing the administrative
    data.  It&apos;s especially useful for generating, printing and pinpointing reports. Furthermore, it offers a raw interface
    to the EekBoek Shell.  Finally, it offers a Wizard to help configuring new bookkeeping administrations.</p>

    <p>Install it if you need a friendly interface to the EekBoek reporting facilities, or if you would like help in configuring
    EekBoek.  However, if you prefer working in pure text mode, or don&apos;t like to install the WX graphical packages, you
    should not install this package.</p>
- Office
- Finance
  - name: eekboek-gui_ebicon.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: ebicon
  - ebwxshell.desktop