Type: desktop-application
ID: geophar.desktop
Package: geophar
C: Geophar
fr: Couteau suisse pour les amateurs de mathématiques
C: Swiss-army knife for math enthusiasts
it: >-
<p>Questa applicazione contiene ogni strumento che si desidera trovare quando si preparano corsi di matematica, esercizi
o le loro soluzioni. Caratteristiche: - calcolo simbolico; - tabelle di variazioni, sintassi LaTeX; - geometria dinamica;
- alberi di probabilità; - grafi; - disegno di funzioni; - istogrammi, ecc.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Ce paquet fournit tous les outils attendus lors de préparation de cours de mathématiques, d’exercices et de leurs solutions.
Caractéristiques : – calcul symbolique ; – tables de variations, syntaxe pour LaTeX ; – géométrie dynamique ; – arbres
de décision ; – graphes ; – tracé de fonctions ; – histogrammes, etc.</p>
C: >-
<p>this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features:
- symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function
plotting - histograms, etc.</p>
da: >-
<p>Dette program indeholder alle de værktøjer du måtte ønske at finde, når du forbereder matematikkurser, -øvelser eller
deres nøgler. - symbolsk beregning - variationstabeller, LaTeX-syntaks - dynamisk geometri - sandsynlighedstræer
- grafer - funktionsplot - histogrammer etc.</p>
en: >-
<p>this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features:
- symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function
plotting - histograms, etc.</p>
- Science
- Math
- Education
- name: geophar_geophar.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: geophar
- geophar.desktop