⇦ | git-annex [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for git-annex in main

git-annex.desktop - 10.20241202-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: git-annex.desktop
Package: git-annex
  C: Git Annex
  C: Track and sync the files in your Git Annex
  it: >-
    <p>git-annex permette di gestire grandi file con git, senza gestire il loro contenuto in git. È in grado di sincronizzare,
    fare il backup ed archiviare dati offline e online. Le somme di controllo (checksum) e la cifratura mantengono i dati
    integri e al sicuro. Con git-annex si trasferisce la potenza e la natura distribuita di git nella gestione di grandi file.</p>

    <p>Può conservare file grandi in molti luoghi, da dischi locali a un buon numero di servizi di archiviazione su cloud,
    inclusi S3, WebDAV e rsync, con dozzine di fornitori di archiviazione su cloud utilizzabili grazie a plugin. I file possono
    essere conservati cifrati con gpg, in modo che il fornitore di archiviazione su cloud non possa vedere i dati dell&apos;utente.
    git-annex tiene traccia di dove ogni file è archiviato, in modo da sapere quante copie sono disponibili, ed ha parecchie
    funzionalità per assicurare che i dati dell&apos;utente siano preservati.</p>

    <p>git-annex può anche essere usato per mantenere una cartella sincronizzata tra computer, notando quando i file vengono
    cambiati e facendo il commit automatico su git trasferendoli ad altri computer. L&apos;applicazione web git-annex facilita
    la configurazione e l&apos;uso di git-annex per questo scopo.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Git-annex permet la gestion de grands fichiers avec git, sans stocker leur contenu dans git. Il peut synchroniser,
    restaurer et archiver les données en ligne ou hors ligne. Les sommes de contrôle et le chiffrement rendent les données
    sécurisées. Utilisez la puissance et la nature distribuée de git pour prendre en charge de grands fichiers avec git-annex.</p>

    <p>Il peut stocker de gros fichiers à divers endroits, depuis les disques durs locaux à un grand nombre de services de
    stockage en ligne, y compris S3, WebDAV ou rsync et des douzaines de fournisseurs de stockage en ligne utilisables à partir
    de greffons. Les fichiers peuvent être stockés chiffrés avec gpg, de telle sorte que le fournisseur de stockage en ligne
    ne puisse pas voir les données. Git-annex conserve la trace de l&apos;endroit où est stocké chaque fichier, afin de savoir
    combien de copies sont disponibles, et possède de nombreuses fonctionnalités pour assurer la préservation des données</p>

    <p>Git-annex peut aussi être utilisé pour assurer la synchronisation d&apos;un dossier entre plusieurs ordinateurs, en
    détectant les modifications de fichier et en les transmettant automatiquement à git pour transfert aux autres ordinateurs.
    L&apos;application web de git-annex facilite la configuration et l&apos;utilisation de git-annex à cette fin.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>git-annex allows managing large files with git, without storing the file contents in git. It can sync, backup, and
    archive your data, offline and online. Checksums and encryption keep your data safe and secure. Bring the power and distributed
    nature of git to bear on your large files with git-annex.</p>

    <p>It can store large files in many places, from local hard drives, to a large number of cloud storage services, including
    S3, WebDAV, and rsync, with dozens of cloud storage providers usable via plugins. Files can be stored encrypted with gpg,
    so that the cloud storage provider cannot see your data. git-annex keeps track of where each file is stored, so it knows
    how many copies are available, and has many facilities to ensure your data is preserved.</p>

    <p>git-annex can also be used to keep a folder in sync between computers, noticing when files are changed, and automatically
    committing them to git and transferring them to other computers. The git-annex webapp makes it easy to set up and use
    git-annex this way.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Git-annex tillader håndtering af filer med git, uden at lagre filindholdet i git. Programmet kan synkronisere, lave
    sikkerhedskopi og arkivere dine data, lokalt eller på nettet. Kontrolsummer og kryptering holder dine data sikre. Hent
    kraften og den distribuerede natur i git til dine store filer med git-annex.</p>

    <p>Programmet kan lagre store filer på mange steder, fra lokale harddiske til et stort antal skytjenester, inklusive S3,
    WebDAV og rsync, med et stort antal skyleverandører via udvidelsesmoduler. Filer kan lagres krypteret med gpg, så at skyleverandøren
    ikke kan se dine data. Git-annex holder styr på hvor hver fil er lagret, så den ved hvor mange kopier, der er tilgængelige,
    og har mange faciliteter til at sikre at dine data bevares.</p>

    <p>Git-annex kan også bruges til at holde en mappe i synkronisering mellem computere, ved at holde øje med hvornår filer
    ændres og automatisk sende dem til git og overføre dem til andre computere. Netprogrammet for git-annex gør det nemt at
    opsætte og bruge git-annex på denne måde.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>git-annex allows managing large files with git, without storing the file contents in git. It can sync, backup, and
    archive your data, offline and online. Checksums and encryption keep your data safe and secure. Bring the power and distributed
    nature of git to bear on your large files with git-annex.</p>

    <p>It can store large files in many places, from local hard drives, to a large number of cloud storage services, including
    S3, WebDAV, and rsync, with dozens of cloud storage providers usable via plugins. Files can be stored encrypted with gpg,
    so that the cloud storage provider cannot see your data. git-annex keeps track of where each file is stored, so it knows
    how many copies are available, and has many facilities to ensure your data is preserved.</p>

    <p>git-annex can also be used to keep a folder in sync between computers, noticing when files are changed, and automatically
    committing them to git and transferring them to other computers. The git-annex webapp makes it easy to set up and use
    git-annex this way.</p>
- Network
- FileTransfer
  - name: git-annex_git-annex.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: git-annex_git-annex.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: git-annex_git-annex.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: g/gi/git-annex.desktop/b791a9fa37ab72444f42cdf04cc4b06b/icons/128x128/git-annex_git-annex.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: git-annex
  - git-annex.desktop