⇦ | goldencheetah [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for goldencheetah in main

goldencheetah.desktop - 1:3.5-7 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el

Type: desktop-application
ID: goldencheetah.desktop
Package: goldencheetah
  C: GoldenCheetah
  C: Cycling Power Analysis Software.
  it: >-
    <p>GoldenCheetah è un pacchetto software che:  * fornisce un ricco insieme di strumenti di analisi, tra i quali un   
    grafico di potenza critica, calcolo BikeScore, analisi per istogramma,    un ricercatore dell&apos;intervallo migliore
    e un grafico forza del    pedale/velocità del pedale, giusto per nominarne alcuni;  * scarica direttamente dati del percorso
    dai dispositivi gestiti;  * importa dati del percorso scaricati con altri programmi, tra i quali    TrainingPeaks WKO+
    e il software dei produttori per i dispositivi    Ergomo, Garmin, Polar, PowerTap e SRM.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>GoldenCheetah est un paquet logiciel qui :  — fournit un ensemble riche d’outils d’analyse, incluant un graphe de   
    puissance critique, le calcul de la facilité de circuit (BikeScore),    l’analyse d’histogramme, un meilleur découvreur
    de zones et un graphique    force sur la pédale versus vélocité de pédalage, pour n&apos;en nommer que    quelques-uns ; 
    — télécharge les données de parcours directement à partir des appareils    pris en charge ;  — importe les données de
    parcours téléchargées avec d’autres programmes,    incluant TrainingPeaks WKO+ et les logiciels de constructeurs pour
    les    appareils Ergomo, Garmin, Polar, PowerTap et SRM.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>GoldenCheetah is a software package that:  * Provides a rich set of analysis tools, including a critical power graph,  
    BikeScore calculation, histogram analysis, a best interval finder, and   a pedal force versus pedal velocity chart, to
    name just a few.  * Downloads ride data directly from supported devices.  * Imports ride data downloaded with other programs,
    including   TrainingPeaks WKO+ and the manufacturers&apos; software for the Ergomo,   Garmin, Polar, PowerTap, and SRM
  da: >-
    <p>GoldenCheetah er en programpakke som:  * Tilbyder et rigt sæt af analyseværktøjer, inklusive en kritisk    strømgraf,
    BikeScore-beregning, histogramanalyse, et program til at    finde bedste interval og et diagram for pedalkraft versus   
    pedalhastighed, bare for at nævne nogle få.  * Henter løbsdata direkte fra understøttede enheder.  * Importerer løbsdata
    hentet med andre programmer, inklusive    TrainingPeaks WKO+ og leverandørens program for enhederne Ergomo,    Garmin,
    Polar, PowerTap og SRM.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>GoldenCheetah is a software package that:  * Provides a rich set of analysis tools, including a critical power graph,  
    BikeScore calculation, histogram analysis, a best interval finder, and   a pedal force versus pedal velocity chart, to
    name just a few.  * Downloads ride data directly from supported devices.  * Imports ride data downloaded with other programs,
    including   TrainingPeaks WKO+ and the manufacturers&apos; software for the Ergomo,   Garmin, Polar, PowerTap, and SRM
- Utility
- Sports
- Monitor
  - Cycling
  - Training
  - Bike
  - Ride
  - name: goldencheetah_gc.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - GoldenCheetah.desktop

org.goldencheetah - 1:3.5-7 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el

Type: generic
ID: org.goldencheetah
Package: goldencheetah
  C: goldencheetah
  C: set of analysis tools for cycling performance
  C: >-
    <p>GoldenCheetah is a software package that:</p>

      <li>Provides a rich set of analysis tools, including a critical
          power graph, BikeScore calculation, histogram analysis, a best
          interval finder, and a pedal force versus pedal velocity chart,
          to name just a few.</li>
      <li>Downloads ride data directly from supported devices.</li>
      <li>Imports ride data downloaded with other programs, including
          TrainingPeaks WKO+ and the manufacturers' software for the
          Ergomo, Garmin, Polar, PowerTap, and SRM devices.</li>
  - usb:v0FCFp1004d*
  - usb:v0FCFp1008d*
  - usb:v0FCFp1009d*