⇦ | ibus-braille [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for ibus-braille in main

ibus-braille-preferences.desktop - 0.3-8 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: ibus-braille-preferences.desktop
Package: ibus-braille
  C: ibus-braille-preferences
  C: Change preferences of ibus-braille
  pl: >-
    <p>Ibus-braille pozwala na używanie klawiatury komputera do pisania tekstów w graficznych komputerach stacjonarnych w
    sposób podobny do Perkinsa, tj. wzorców brajlowskich.</p>

    <p>Obsługuje kilka tabel brajlowskich (angielską, francuską, indyjską, hiszpańską), zakodowany alfabet Braille&apos;a
    i skróty.</p>

    <p>Jest on dostarczany z edytorami tabel.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Ibus-braille allows one to use the PC keyboard to type text in graphical desktops in a Perkins-like way, i.e. braille

    <p>It supports several braille tables  (english, french, indian, spanish), contracted braille and abbreviations.</p>

    <p>It comes with table editors.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Ibus-braille giver mulighed for at bruge pc-tastaturet til at indtaste tekst i grafiske skriveborde på en Perkinslignende
    måde, dvs. braillemønstre.</p>

    <p>Der understøttes flere brailletabeller (engelsk, fransk, indisk, spansk), kontraheret braille og forkortelser.</p>

    <p>Der er også indeholdt redigeringsprogrammer for tabeller.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>ibus-braille permette di usare la tastiera del PC per digitare testo in desktop grafici in modo simile a Perkins, cioè
    con tabelle braille.</p>

    <p>Gestisce diverse tabelle braille (inglese, francese, indiana, spagnola), braille contratto e abbreviazioni.</p>

    <p>Viene fornito con editor di tabelle.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Ibus-braille allows one to use the PC keyboard to type text in graphical desktops in a Perkins-like way, i.e. braille

    <p>It supports several braille tables  (english, french, indian, spanish), contracted braille and abbreviations.</p>

    <p>It comes with table editors.</p>
- Utility
  - name: ibus-braille_ibus-braille.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - ibus-braille-preferences.desktop

ibus-braille-abbreviation-editor.desktop - 0.3-8 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: ibus-braille-abbreviation-editor.desktop
Package: ibus-braille
  en-IN: ibus-braille-abbreviation-editor
  C: ibus-braille-abbreviation-editor
  C: Change preferences of ibus-braille
  pl: >-
    <p>Ibus-braille pozwala na używanie klawiatury komputera do pisania tekstów w graficznych komputerach stacjonarnych w
    sposób podobny do Perkinsa, tj. wzorców brajlowskich.</p>

    <p>Obsługuje kilka tabel brajlowskich (angielską, francuską, indyjską, hiszpańską), zakodowany alfabet Braille&apos;a
    i skróty.</p>

    <p>Jest on dostarczany z edytorami tabel.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Ibus-braille allows one to use the PC keyboard to type text in graphical desktops in a Perkins-like way, i.e. braille

    <p>It supports several braille tables  (english, french, indian, spanish), contracted braille and abbreviations.</p>

    <p>It comes with table editors.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Ibus-braille giver mulighed for at bruge pc-tastaturet til at indtaste tekst i grafiske skriveborde på en Perkinslignende
    måde, dvs. braillemønstre.</p>

    <p>Der understøttes flere brailletabeller (engelsk, fransk, indisk, spansk), kontraheret braille og forkortelser.</p>

    <p>Der er også indeholdt redigeringsprogrammer for tabeller.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>ibus-braille permette di usare la tastiera del PC per digitare testo in desktop grafici in modo simile a Perkins, cioè
    con tabelle braille.</p>

    <p>Gestisce diverse tabelle braille (inglese, francese, indiana, spagnola), braille contratto e abbreviazioni.</p>

    <p>Viene fornito con editor di tabelle.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Ibus-braille allows one to use the PC keyboard to type text in graphical desktops in a Perkins-like way, i.e. braille

    <p>It supports several braille tables  (english, french, indian, spanish), contracted braille and abbreviations.</p>

    <p>It comes with table editors.</p>
- Utility
  - name: ibus-braille_ibus-braille.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - ibus-braille-abbreviation-editor.desktop

ibus-braille-language-editor.desktop - 0.3-8 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: ibus-braille-language-editor.desktop
Package: ibus-braille
  en-IN: ibus-braille-language-editor
  C: ibus-braille-language-editor
  C: Change edit languages of ibus-braille
  pl: >-
    <p>Ibus-braille pozwala na używanie klawiatury komputera do pisania tekstów w graficznych komputerach stacjonarnych w
    sposób podobny do Perkinsa, tj. wzorców brajlowskich.</p>

    <p>Obsługuje kilka tabel brajlowskich (angielską, francuską, indyjską, hiszpańską), zakodowany alfabet Braille&apos;a
    i skróty.</p>

    <p>Jest on dostarczany z edytorami tabel.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Ibus-braille allows one to use the PC keyboard to type text in graphical desktops in a Perkins-like way, i.e. braille

    <p>It supports several braille tables  (english, french, indian, spanish), contracted braille and abbreviations.</p>

    <p>It comes with table editors.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Ibus-braille giver mulighed for at bruge pc-tastaturet til at indtaste tekst i grafiske skriveborde på en Perkinslignende
    måde, dvs. braillemønstre.</p>

    <p>Der understøttes flere brailletabeller (engelsk, fransk, indisk, spansk), kontraheret braille og forkortelser.</p>

    <p>Der er også indeholdt redigeringsprogrammer for tabeller.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>ibus-braille permette di usare la tastiera del PC per digitare testo in desktop grafici in modo simile a Perkins, cioè
    con tabelle braille.</p>

    <p>Gestisce diverse tabelle braille (inglese, francese, indiana, spagnola), braille contratto e abbreviazioni.</p>

    <p>Viene fornito con editor di tabelle.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Ibus-braille allows one to use the PC keyboard to type text in graphical desktops in a Perkins-like way, i.e. braille

    <p>It supports several braille tables  (english, french, indian, spanish), contracted braille and abbreviations.</p>

    <p>It comes with table editors.</p>
- Utility
  - name: ibus-braille_ibus-braille.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - ibus-braille-language-editor.desktop