Type: desktop-application
ID: org.freedesktop.ibus.engine.typing_booster.emoji_picker
Package: ibus-typing-booster
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
sv: Emoji-väljare
es: Selector de emoyis
bn: ইমোজি বাছাইকারী
hu: Emodzsiválasztó
pt: Emoji Seletor
zh-Hans-CN: Emoji 选择器
it: Selettore Emoji
ja: 絵文字の選択
tr: Emoji Seçici
pl: Wybieranie emoji
sw: Kichaguzi Cha Emoji
fr: Présentoir à émoticônes
lt: Jaustukų rinkiklis
he: בוחר אמוג׳י
uk: Вибір емодзі
C: Emoji Picker
kab: Amefran n yimujiten
cs: Výběr emodži
de: Emoji Auswahl
ca: Selector d’emojis
or: ଇମୋଜି ବଛାରି
pt-BR: Seletor de emoji
ar: منتقي الإيموجي
ko: 이모지 선택기
ka: ემოჯის არჩევა
nl: Emoji-kiezer
ru: Подборка эмодзи
tr: Emoji görüntüleme aracı
uk: Інструмент навігації списком емоційок
ko: 이모지 검색 도구
pl: Narzędzie do przeglądania emoji
ka: ემოჯების დასათვალიერებელი პროგრამა
ja: 絵文字検索ツール
sv: Emoji bläddringsverktyg
kab: Afecku n tunigin n yimuji
cs: Nástroj pro prohlížení emodži
C: Emoji browsing tool
fr: Outil de navigation d'émoticônes
de: Emoji-Suchwerkzeug
tr: >-
<p>Emoji Seçici, Ibus-typing-booster emoji eşleştirme kodunu kullanan bir emoji görüntüleme aracıdır.</p>
uk: >-
<p>«Вибір емоційок» є інструментом навігації списком емоційок, де використано код встановлення відповідності емоційок
з Ibus-typing-booster.</p>
ko: >-
<p>이모지 선택기는 Ibus-typing-booster에서 이모지 대응 코드를 사용하는 이모지 검색하는 도구입니다.</p>
pl: >-
<p>Narzędzie do przeglądania emoji korzystające z kodu dopasowywania emoji z ibus-typing-booster.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Présentoir à émoticônes est un outil de navigation d'émoticônes utilisant le code de correspondance d'émoticônes d'Ibus-typing-booster.</p>
ja: >-
<p>Emoji Picker は、Ibus-typing-booster の絵文字検索アルゴリズムを利用した絵文字検索ツールです。</p>
sv: >-
<p>Emoji väljaren är ett emoji bläddringsverktyg som använder emoji-matchningskoden från Ibus-typing-booster.</p>
ka: >-
<p>ემოჯიების ამრჩევი პროგრამაა, რომელიც ემოჯიების ასარჩევად კოდს Ibus-typing-booster-დან იყენებს.</p>
cs: >-
<p>Výběr emodži je nástroj pro prohlížení emodži, který používá kód pro porovnávání emodži z Ibus-typing-booster.</p>
C: >-
Emoji Picker is an emoji browsing tool which uses the emoji matching
code from Ibus-typing-booster.
de: >-
<p>Emoji-Picker ist ein Werkzeug zum Suchen nach Emojis, das den Suchalgorithmus von Ibus-typing-booster verwendet, um
passende Emojis zu finden.</p>
id: io.github.mike-fabian
- Utility
- emoji
homepage: https://mike-fabian.github.io/ibus-typing-booster/
bugtracker: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues
help: https://mike-fabian.github.io/ibus-typing-booster/docs/user/
translate: https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/ibus-typing-booster/
- name: ibus-typing-booster_ibus-typing-booster.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: ibus-typing-booster_ibus-typing-booster.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: ibus-typing-booster_ibus-typing-booster.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: org/freedesktop/ibus.engine.typing_booster.emoji_picker/d62f9136493cd37039befeaab7fce2de/icons/128x128/ibus-typing-booster_ibus-typing-booster.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: ibus-typing-booster
- emoji-picker.desktop
- default: true
C: Emoji Picker screenshot
- url: org/freedesktop/ibus.engine.typing_booster.emoji_picker/d62f9136493cd37039befeaab7fce2de/screenshots/image-1_752x564@1.png
width: 752
height: 564
- url: org/freedesktop/ibus.engine.typing_booster.emoji_picker/d62f9136493cd37039befeaab7fce2de/screenshots/image-1_624x468@1.png
width: 624
height: 468
- url: org/freedesktop/ibus.engine.typing_booster.emoji_picker/d62f9136493cd37039befeaab7fce2de/screenshots/image-1_224x168@1.png
width: 224
height: 168
url: org/freedesktop/ibus.engine.typing_booster.emoji_picker/d62f9136493cd37039befeaab7fce2de/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
width: 1024
height: 768
- version: 2.27.28
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1740096000
urgency: medium
C: >-
<p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
Translation update from Weblate (ko 100%)
details: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.27.28
- version: 2.27.27
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1739750400
urgency: medium
C: >-
<p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
IBus.Keymap("in") does not work on Alpine Linux but the
deprectated IBus.Keymap.new("in") works
Allow changing case mode even when no lookup table is
shown and it effects only the preedit (Resolves:
Use itb_util.normalize_nfc_and_composition_exclusions(x)
*everywhere* instead of unicodedata.normalize('NFC', x)
(Resolves: github-issues#633)
Add a new gsettings option 'wordpredictions' to simplify
and improve the behaviour of engines emulating ibus-m17n
(Resolves: github-issues#629)
Add candidate_index, candidate_from, and candidate_to to
the API of the m17n Transliterator class
Translation update from Weblate (de 100%, fr 100%, ja 99.6%, ka 100%, kab 74.2 %, ko 32.9%, pl 100%, uk
details: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.27.27
- id: github-issues#640
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/640
- id: github-issues#633
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/633
- id: github-issues#629
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/629
- version: 2.27.24
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1739145600
urgency: medium
C: >-
<p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
Fix inline completion when option “Yes, without fallback
to popup” is chosen (Resolves: github-issues#626)
Don’t spellcheck the preedit if the top priority input
method is Japanese or Chinese (Resolves:
Update UnicodeData.txt, DerivedAge.txt to the Unicode 17.0.0 draft as of 2025-02-10
Translation update from Weblate (ko, new 17.1%)
details: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.27.24
- id: github-issues#626
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/626
- id: github-issues#624
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/624
- version: 2.27.23
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1738800000
urgency: medium
C: >-
<p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
Key combinations like A-C-l should also commit and pass
the key to the application (unless they have a
transliteration) (Resolves: github-issues#622)
Support m17n input methods which produce multiple
candidates (Resolves: github-issues#523)
Enable vi-tcvn, vi-telex, vi-viqr, vi-vni, zh-pinyin-vi,
zh-pinyin as restricted tb engines
details: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.27.23
- id: github-issues#622
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/622
- id: github-issues#523
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/523
oars-1.1: {}
Type: inputmethod
ID: org.freedesktop.ibus.engine.typing_booster
Package: ibus-typing-booster
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
sv: Typing Booster
es: Acelerador mecanográfico
bn: টাইপিং বুস্টার
he: מאיץ הקלדה
ja: タイピングブースター
it: Typing Booster
zh-Hans-CN: 打字加速器
tr: Yazma Yardımcısı
pl: Wspieranie pisania
sw: Kiongezi Kasi cha Uandishi
fr: L’accélérateur de saisie
de: Tippbeschleuniger
pt: Acelerador de digitação
uk: Пришвидшувач введення
C: Typing Booster
kab: Amesɣiwel n tira
cs: Urychlovač psaní
ca: Accelerador mecanogràfic
pt-BR: Impulsionador de Digitação
ar: مسرّع الكتابة
ko: 입력 가속기
ka: აკრეფის ამაჩქარებელი
nl: Typing Booster
sv: Förutsägande inmatningsmetod
es: Método de entrada predictivo
bn: ভবিষ্যদ্বাণীমূলক ইনপুট পদ্ধতি
he: שיטת קלט עם חיזוי
it: Metodo di inserimento predittivo
ca: Mètode d’entrada predictiu
zh-Hans-CN: 预测型输入法
tr: Tahmine dayalı giriş yöntemi
pl: Przewidująca metoda wprowadzania
sw: Mbinu ya kutabiri kinachoingizwa
fr: Méthode de saisie prédictive
de: Vorrausschauende Eingabemethode
ja: 予測入力方式
C: Predictive input method
uk: Передбачливий спосіб введення
cs: Prediktivní vstupní metoda
pt: Método de entrada preditivo
pt-BR: Método de entrada preditivo
ar: طريقة الإدخال التنبؤية
ko: 예측 입력 방식
ka: პროგნოზირებადი შეტანის მეთოდი
nl: Voorspellende invoermethode
sv: >-
<p>Ibus-typing-booster är en förutsägande inmatningsmetod och förutsäger hela ord baserat på sammanhang och ofullständig
inmatning. Man kan sedan enkelt välja det önskade ordet från en lista av förslag och förbättra sin skrivhastighet och
es: >-
<p>Ibus-typing-booster es un método de entrada que predice palabras completas en función del contexto y la entrada parcial.
Puede aumentar su velocidad de escritura y reducir faltas de ortografía gracias a la posibilidad de seleccionar la palabra
deseada de una lista de sugerencias.</p>
bn: >-
<p>আইবাস-টাইপিং-বুস্টার হল একটি ভবিষ্যদ্বাণীমূলক ইনপুট পদ্ধতি সেই সাথে প্রসঙ্গ এবং আংশিক ইনপুটের উপর ভিত্তি করে সম্পূর্ণ
শব্দের পূর্বাভাস দেয়। ব্যবহারকারী শব্দ পরামর্শের তালিকা থেকে পছন্দসই শব্দটি নির্বাচন করতে পারে এবং ব্যবহারকারীর টাইপিং
গতি এবং বানান উন্নত করতে পারে।</p>
he: >-
<p>Ibus-typing-booster היא שיטת קלט עם יכולות חיזוי והיא חוזה את המילים השלמות על בסיס ההקשר וקלט חלקי. ניתן לבחור את
המילה המבוקשת מרשימת הצעות ולשפר את מהירות ההקלדה וגם את האיות.</p>
ja: >-
it: >-
<p>Ibus-typing-booster è un metodo di inserimento predittivo che completa le parole in base al contesto o alla digitazione
parziale. E' possibile selezionare la parola scelta da una lista di suggerimenti e migliorare la propria velocità e correttezza
di digitazione.</p>
pt: >-
<p>O Ibus-typing-booster é um método de entrada preditivo que prevê palavras completas com base no contexto e na entrada
parcial. Pode-se então simplesmente selecionar a palavra desejada numa lista de sugestões e melhorar a velocidade de digitação
e a ortografia.</p>
tr: >-
<p>ibus-typing-booster, tahmine dayalı bir giriş yöntemidir ve içerik ve kısmi girişe dayanarak sözcüğün tamamı için öngörüde
bulunur. Bir kişi, bir öneri listesinden istediği sözcüğü seçebilir ve yazma hızını ve imlasını iyileştirebilir.</p>
de: >-
<p>Ibus-typing-booster ist eine vorausschauende Eingabemethode, die vollständige Wörter basiered auf dem Kontext und teilweisem
Input vorschlägt. Man kann einfach das gewünschte Wort aus einer Liste von Vorschlägen auswählen und so seine Tippgeschwindigkeit
und Rechtschreibung verbessern.</p>
pl: >-
<p>ibus-typing-booster to przewidująca metoda wprowadzania, przewidująca całe słowa na podstawie kontekstu i częściowo
wprowadzonego słowa. Można po prostu wybierać żądane słowa z listy sugestii i dzięki temu zwiększyć swoją prędkość i dokładność
fr: >-
<p>L’accélérateur de saisie « Ibus-typing-booster » est une méthode de saisie qui prédit des mots complets à partir du
contexte et de la saisie partielle. On peut ainsi améliorer sa vitesse d’écriture et son orthographe en sélectionnant
simplement le mot désiré dans une liste de suggestions.</p>
sw: >-
<p>Kiongezi-kasi cha uandishi cha Ibus ni mbinu ya kutabiri kinachoandikwa na kukijaliza kutegemea muktadha au sehemu
ya neno. Kinakuwezesha kuchagua neno uandikalo kutoka kwa orodha ya mapendekezo, na hivyo kuongeza kasi ya kuandika.</p>
zh-Hans-CN: >-
<p>Ibus-typing-booster 是个预测型输入法,从上下文和部分输入中预测完整的单词。用户可以从候选词列表中选择所要的单词,从而提升打字速度和拼写能力。</p>
C: >-
Ibus-typing-booster is a predictive input method and predicts
complete words based on context and partial input. One can then
simply select the desired word from a list of suggestions and
improve one’s typing speed and spelling.
uk: >-
<p>Ibus-typing-booster — спосіб введення із автоматичним доповненням, який визначає повну форму частково введених слів
за контекстом. Ви можете просто вибрати бажане слово зі списку пропозицій, отже пришвидшити введення тексту та поліпшити
його якість.</p>
cs: >-
<p>Ibus-typing-booster je prediktivní metoda vstupu a předvídá celá slova v závislosti na kontextu a části vstupu. Uživatel
může jednoduše vybrat požadované slovo ze seznamu návrhů a zlepšit svou rychlost psaní a pravopis.</p>
pt-BR: >-
<p>O ibus-typing-booster é um método de entrada preditivo e prevê palavras completas com base no contexto e entrada parcial.
Pode-se simplesmente selecionar a palavra desejada em uma lista de sugestões e melhorar a velocidade e a ortografia da
ar: >-
<p>معزز Ibus للكتابة هو طريقة إدخال تتنبأ كلمات كاملة بناء على السياق والمدخل الجزئي. يمكن للمستخدم عندئذ ببساطة أن يختار
الكلمة المرغوبة من قائمة من الاقتراحات مما يحسن من سرعة وإملاء المكتوب.</p>
ko: >-
<p>Ibus-typing-booster는 예측 입력 방식이고 문맥 및 부분 입력에 토대를 완전한 단어를 예측합니다. 그 다음에 간단히 제안 목록에서 원하는 단어를 선택하고 입력 속도와 철자를 개선 시킬 수 있습니다.</p>
ka: >-
<p>Ibus-typing-booster ამომცნობი შეტანის მეთოდია და შეუძლია სიტყვების დასრულება კონტექსტისა და ნაწილობრივი შეტანის საფუძველზე.
შეგიძლიათ უბრალოდ მონიშნოთ სასურველი სიტყვა მინიშნებების სიიდან და გააუმჯობესოთ კრეფის სიჩქარე და მართლწერა.</p>
nl: >-
<p>Ibus-typing-booster is een voorspellende invoermethode: er worden woorden aangevuld op basis van context en gedeeltelijke
invoer. Je kunt een woord kiezen uit de lijst met suggesties en zo je typsnelheid en spelling en grammatica verbeteren.</p>
id: io.github.mike-fabian
- input-method
- multilingual
- emoji
homepage: https://mike-fabian.github.io/ibus-typing-booster/
bugtracker: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues
help: https://mike-fabian.github.io/ibus-typing-booster/docs/user/
translate: https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/ibus-typing-booster/
- default: true
C: Typing Booster screenshot
- url: org/freedesktop/ibus.engine.typing_booster/755d16b5e81b3be6c718ef0ff73e205a/screenshots/image-1_224x54@1.png
width: 224
height: 54
url: org/freedesktop/ibus.engine.typing_booster/755d16b5e81b3be6c718ef0ff73e205a/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
width: 956
height: 233
- version: 2.27.28
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1740096000
urgency: medium
C: >-
<p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
Translation update from Weblate (ko 100%)
details: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.27.28
- version: 2.27.27
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1739750400
urgency: medium
C: >-
<p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
IBus.Keymap("in") does not work on Alpine Linux but the
deprectated IBus.Keymap.new("in") works
Allow changing case mode even when no lookup table is
shown and it effects only the preedit (Resolves:
Use itb_util.normalize_nfc_and_composition_exclusions(x)
*everywhere* instead of unicodedata.normalize('NFC', x)
(Resolves: github-issues#633)
Add a new gsettings option 'wordpredictions' to simplify
and improve the behaviour of engines emulating ibus-m17n
(Resolves: github-issues#629)
Add candidate_index, candidate_from, and candidate_to to
the API of the m17n Transliterator class
Translation update from Weblate (de 100%, fr 100%, ja 99.6%, ka 100%, kab 74.2 %, ko 32.9%, pl 100%, uk
details: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.27.27
- id: github-issues#640
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/640
- id: github-issues#633
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/633
- id: github-issues#629
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/629
- version: 2.27.24
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1739145600
urgency: medium
C: >-
<p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
Fix inline completion when option “Yes, without fallback
to popup” is chosen (Resolves: github-issues#626)
Don’t spellcheck the preedit if the top priority input
method is Japanese or Chinese (Resolves:
Update UnicodeData.txt, DerivedAge.txt to the Unicode 17.0.0 draft as of 2025-02-10
Translation update from Weblate (ko, new 17.1%)
details: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.27.24
- id: github-issues#626
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/626
- id: github-issues#624
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/624
- version: 2.27.23
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1738800000
urgency: medium
C: >-
<p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
Key combinations like A-C-l should also commit and pass
the key to the application (unless they have a
transliteration) (Resolves: github-issues#622)
Support m17n input methods which produce multiple
candidates (Resolves: github-issues#523)
Enable vi-tcvn, vi-telex, vi-viqr, vi-vni, zh-pinyin-vi,
zh-pinyin as restricted tb engines
details: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.27.23
- id: github-issues#622
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/622
- id: github-issues#523
url: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/523
oars-1.1: {}