⇦ | kildclient [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for kildclient in main

kildclient.desktop - 3.2.1-1+b3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: kildclient.desktop
Package: kildclient
  eo: KildClient
  C: KildClient
  pt_BR: KildClient
  eo: Konektu al MUD-oj (Multi User Dungeons)
  C: Connect to MUDs (Multi User Dungeons)
  pt_BR: Conecte-se a MUDs (Multi User Dungeons)
  it: >-
    <p>KildClient è un client MUD scritto con il toolkit a finestre GTK+. Gestisce molte funzionalità comuni di altri client,
    come trigger, gag, alias, macro, timer e molto altro. La sua caratteristica principale però è l&apos;interprete Perl incorporato.
    In qualsiasi momento si possono eseguire istruzioni e funzioni Perl per fare cose molto più potenti del semplice invio
    di testo al MUD. Le istruzioni possono anche essere eseguite, per esempio, come azioni dopo un trigger permettendo di
    fare cose complesse. Alcune funzioni incorporate di KildClient permettono l&apos;interazione con il mondo, come inviare
    comandi ad esso.</p>

    <p>KildClient ha una gestione di ANSI estesa: gestisce non solo i 16 colori comuni, ma anche il testo sottolineato (con
    linea singola e doppia), corsivo, sbarrato, in colori invertiti e nascosto. Gestisce anche i caratteri vt100 per tracciare
    linee e le sequenze di escape di xterm per una modalità a 256 colori. Tutte queste funzionalità fanno di KildClient uno
    dei client con più funzionalità per mostrare l&apos;output MUD.</p>

    <p>KildClient gestisce il protocollo MCCP (Mud Client Compression Protocol), versione 1 e 2, per ridurre la banda necessaria.</p>

    <p>KildClient permette connessioni tramite server proxy SOCKS4/5 e HTTP.</p>

    <p>KildClient gestisce i protocolli GMCP (noto anche come ATCP2) e MSDP per le comunicazioni fuori banda tra server e

    <p>Questo pacchetto contiene il programma principale. Per accedere al manuale HTML si installi il pacchetto kildclient-doc.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>KildClient est un client pour MUD écrit avec le système de fenêtrage, GTK+. Il prend en charge la plupart des fonctions
    courantes des autres clients, telles que « triggers », « gags », « aliases », « macros », « timers » entre autres. Mais
    sa principale caractéristique est l’interpréteur Perl interne. Il est à tout moment possible d’exécuter des instructions
    et fonctions de Perl pour réaliser des choses plus puissantes que de simplement envoyer du texte au MUD. Les instructions
    en Perl peuvent aussi être exécutées, par exemple, comme action d’un « trigger », permettant de réaliser des choses complexes.
    Quelques fonctions internes de KildClient permettent une interaction avec le monde, telle que l’envoi de commandes.</p>

    <p>La prise en charge d’ANSI de KildClient est complète : elle gère non seulement les seize couleurs courantes, mais aussi
    le texte souligné (simple ou double), le texte en italiques, le texte barré, la vidéo inversée et le texte « caché ».
    Il prend aussi en charge les caractères de dessin de ligne de vt100 et les séquences d’échappement d’xterm pour un mode
    256 couleurs. Toutes ces caractéristiques font de KildClient un des clients ayant le plus de fonctions pour afficher la
    sortie de MUD.</p>

    <p>Kildclient gère le protocole MCCP (Mud Client Compression Protocol) en version un et deux pour réduire la bande passante

    <p>KildClient permet la connexion à travers des serveurs mandataires SOCKS4/5 et HTTP.</p>

    <p>KildClient gère aussi les protocoles GMCP (aussi appelé ATCP2) et MSDP pour des communications hors de bande entre
    serveur et client.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit le programme principal. Le paquet kildclient-doc est à installer pour accéder au manuel en HTML.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>KildClient is a MUD Client written with the GTK+ windowing toolkit. It supports many common features of other clients,
    such as triggers, gags, aliases, macros, timers, and much more. But its main feature is the built-in Perl interpreter.
    You can at any moment execute Perl statements and functions to do things much more powerful than simply sending text the
    mud. Perl statements can also be run, for example, as the action of a trigger, allowing you to do complex things. Some
    built-in functions of KildClient allow interaction with the world, such as sending commands to it.</p>

    <p>KildClient&apos;s ANSI support is extensive: it supports not only the common 16 colors, but also support underlined
    text (singly and doubly), text in italics, text striked through, reverse video and &quot;hidden&quot; text. It also supports
    vt100&apos;s line-drawing characters, and xterm&apos;s escape sequences for a 256-color mode. All these features make
    KildClient one of the clients with the most features for displaying the mud output.</p>

    <p>Kildclient supports the MCCP (Mud Client Compression Protocol) protocol, versions 1 and 2, to reduce the necessary

    <p>KildClient allows connection through SOCKS4/5 and HTTP proxy servers.</p>

    <p>KildClient supports the GMCP (also called ATCP2) and MSDP protocols for out-of-band communications between server and

    <p>This package contains the main program. Install the kildclient-doc package to access the HTML manual.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>KildClient er en MUD-klient skrevet med GTK+-vinduesværktøjssættet. Klienten understøtter mange gængse funktioner fra
    andre klienter, såsom udløsere, gags, aliasser, makroer, tidsudløsere og meget mere. Men dens hovedfunktion er den indbyggede
    Perlfortolker. Du kan i øjeblikket køre Perludtryk og funktioner så tingene udføres meget mere effektivt end ved at sende
    tekst til mud&apos;en. Perludtryk kan også køres, for eksempel, som handling efter en udløser, hvilket gør at du kan udføre
    komplekse ting. Nogle indbyggede funktioner i KildClient tillader interaktion med verden, såsom at sende kommandoer til

    <p>KildClients ANSI-understøttelse er omfattende: Klienten understøtter ikke kun de gængse 16-farver, men understøtter
    også understreget tekst (enkelt og dobbelt), tekst i kursiv, tekst med gennemstregning, omvendt video og »skjult« tekst.
    Den understøtter også en tilstand med 256-farver. Alle disse funktioner gør KildClient til en af de klienter med flest
    funktioner til at vise mud-resultatet.</p>

    <p>KildClient understøtter MCCP-protokollen (Mud Client Compression Protocol), version 1 og 2, for at reducere den nødvendige

    <p>KildClient tillader forbindelse via SOCKS4/5- og HTTP-proxyservere.</p>

    <p>KildClient understøtter GMCP (også kaldt ATCP2) og MSDP-protokoller for out-of-band (uden for bånd) kommunikation mellem
    server og klient.</p>

    <p>Denne pakke indeholder hovedprogrammet. Installer pakken kildclient-doc for at tilgå HTML-manualen.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>KildClient is a MUD Client written with the GTK+ windowing toolkit. It supports many common features of other clients,
    such as triggers, gags, aliases, macros, timers, and much more. But its main feature is the built-in Perl interpreter.
    You can at any moment execute Perl statements and functions to do things much more powerful than simply sending text the
    mud. Perl statements can also be run, for example, as the action of a trigger, allowing you to do complex things. Some
    built-in functions of KildClient allow interaction with the world, such as sending commands to it.</p>

    <p>KildClient&apos;s ANSI support is extensive: it supports not only the common 16 colors, but also support underlined
    text (singly and doubly), text in italics, text striked through, reverse video and &quot;hidden&quot; text. It also supports
    vt100&apos;s line-drawing characters, and xterm&apos;s escape sequences for a 256-color mode. All these features make
    KildClient one of the clients with the most features for displaying the mud output.</p>

    <p>Kildclient supports the MCCP (Mud Client Compression Protocol) protocol, versions 1 and 2, to reduce the necessary

    <p>KildClient allows connection through SOCKS4/5 and HTTP proxy servers.</p>

    <p>KildClient supports the GMCP (also called ATCP2) and MSDP protocols for out-of-band communications between server and

    <p>This package contains the main program. Install the kildclient-doc package to access the HTML manual.</p>
- Network
- RolePlaying
  - konecti
  - ludi
  - dungeon
  - mush
  - connect
  - play
  - dungeon
  - mush
  - conectar
  - jogar
  - dungeon
  - mush
  - name: kildclient_kildclient.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: kildclient
  - kildclient.desktop