⇦ | lure-of-the-temptress [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for lure-of-the-temptress in main

lure-of-the-temptress.desktop - 1.1+ds3-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: lure-of-the-temptress.desktop
Package: lure-of-the-temptress
  C: Lure of the Temptress
  fr: Jeux classique d'aventure pointer-et-cliquer en 2D
  C: classic 2D point and click fantasy adventure game
  it: Gioco classico di avventura punta e clicca 2D
  de: klassisches 2D-Fantasie-Abenteuerspiel in Point-and-Click-Manier
  it: >-
    <p>Lure of the Temptress è stato il primissimo gioco di avventura di Revolution che è stato iniziato nel 1989, prima ancora
    che Revolution diventasse effettivamente un&apos;azienda di sviluppo di giochi.</p>

    <p>Il giocatore impersona Diermot, un eroe suo malgrado che preferirebbe una vita tranquilla ed è, sotto ogni punto di
    vista, un brav&apos;uomo. Dopo decenni di disordini, il Re ha unificato le fazioni in lotta nel suo regno e tutti i suo
    territori sono in pace, tranne una regione remota circostante una città chiamata Turnvale. Recentemente là è avvenuta
    una rivolta, orchestrata da una maga apprendista chiamata Selena: la tentatrice del titolo del gioco. Il Re richiama a
    raccolta i suoi più prodi cavalieri e parte (con Diermot al seguito) per Turnvale, ma lì può solo assistere a come mostri
    infernali mercenari, chiamati Skorl, stiano invadendo la città.</p>

    <p>Gli uomini del Re sono sconfitti, il Re viene ucciso e il giocatore cade da cavallo e batte pesantemente la testa per
    terra. Dopo aver perso i sensi per un po&apos;, capisce di trovarsi in una misera cella con un non molto amichevole Skorl
    come guardia. Forse sarebbe una buona idea tentare di scappare...</p>

    <p>Notare che questo pacchetto contiene solo i dati di gioco. Il motore di gioco è fornito da ScummVM.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Lure of the Temptress bol úplne prvou dobrodružnou hrou od Revolution, na ktorej práca začala v roku 1989, ešte predtým,
    než sa Revolution stala skutočným vývojárom hier.</p>

    <p>Ste Diermot, neochotný hrdina, ktorí by radšej viedol pokojný život a ste po všetkých ohľadoch dobrého človeka. Po
    desaťročiach nepokojov kráľ zjednotil bojujúce frakcie vo svojom kráľovstve a všetky jeho krajiny žijú v mieri, s výnimkou
    odľahlej oblasti okolo mesta zvaného Turnvale. Nedávno sa v Turnvale odohrala vzbura, ktorú zorganizovala kúzelnícka učnica
    Selena - titulárna zvodkyňa. Kráľ zvolal svjich najlepších jazdcov a vyrazil (s vami v pätách) do Turnvale, len aby sa
    stali svedkami invázie pekelných žoldnierskych monštier zvaných Skorl do mesta.</p>

    <p>Kráľovi muži sú porazení, kráľ je mŕtvy a vy spadnete z koňa a hlavu si udriete o zem. Potom, čo sa preberiete z bezvedomia
    si uvedomíte, že ste v špinavej cele, ktorú stráži nie veľmi priateľský Skorl. Možno by ste sa mali pokúsiť utiecť...</p>

    <p>Všimnite si, že tento balík obsahuje len herné dáta. Jadro hry poskytuje ScummVM.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Lure of the Temptress was Revolution&apos;s very first adventure game and work began on it in 1989, even before Revolution&apos;s
    inception as an actual games development company.</p>

    <p>You are Diermot, an unwilling hero who&apos;d prefer a quiet life, and are, to all intents and purposes, a good man.
    After decades of unrest the King has united the warring factions in his kingdom and all his lands are at peace, except
    a remote region around a town called Turnvale. A revolt has recently taken place in Turnvale, a revolt orchestrated by
    an apprentice sorceress called Selena, the titular temptress. The king calls together his finest horsemen and heads off
    (with you in tow) to Turnvale just to witness how hellish mercenary monsters called Skorl are invading the town.</p>

    <p>The king&apos;s men are defeated, the king is killed and you fall of your horse and bang your head heavily on the ground.
    You have been unconscious for a while when you realize that you are in a dingy cell guarded by a not so friendly Skorl.
    Maybe it would be an idea to try and escape...</p>

    <p>Note that this package only contains game-data. The game engine is provided by ScummVM.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Lure of the Temptress var Revolutions første eventyrspil og arbejdet begyndte tilbage i 1989 før Revolutions start
    som et spiludviklingsfirma.</p>

    <p>Du er Diermot, en uvillig helt som foretrækker et stille liv, og som på alle leder og kanter er en god person. Efter
    årtier med uro har kongen forenet de forskellige fraktioner i sit kongedømme og hele landet har fred, med undtagelse af
    en fjern region omkring en by kaldt Turnvale. En revolte er sket i Turnvale, en revolte iscenesat af en komme troldkvinde
    med navnet Selena, den førende forføreske. Kingen kalde sine fineste ryttere sammen og tager af sted (med dig på slæb)
    til Turnvale, kun for at se at lejede monstre fra helvede kaldt skorl invaderer byen.</p>

    <p>Kongens mænd bliver besejret, kongen slås ihjel og du falder af din hest og slår dit hoved hårdt i jorden. Du har været
    bevidstløs et stykke tid, da du opdager, at du befinder dig i en nusset celle bevogtet af en ikke så venlig skorl. Måske
    det er en god ide at undslippe ...</p>

    <p>Bemærk at denne pakke kun indeholder spildata. Spilmotoren leveres af ScummVM.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Lure of the Temptress war Revolutions erstes Abenteuerspiel und die Arbeit daran begann im Jahr 1989, sogar noch vor
    der Gründung Revolutions als Spieleentwickler.</p>

    <p>Du bist Diermot, ein unfreiwilliger Held, der ein ruhiges Leben bevorzugt und im Großen und Ganzen ein ganz netter
    Kerl ist. Nach jahrzehntelangen Unruhen hat der König die sich bekriegenden Fraktionen in seinem Königreich geeint und
    Frieden ist in den Landen eingekehrt, außer in einer entfernt liegenden Region um eine Stadt namens Turnvale. Ein Aufstand
    hat dort kürzlich stattgefunden, ein Aufstand, der durch die angehende Zauberin Selena, die titelgebende Verführerin,
    eingefädelt worden ist. Der König ruft seine besten Reiter herbei und macht sich mit dir im Schlepptau nach Turnvale auf,
    nur um gerade noch Zeuge dabei zu werden, wie höllische, goldgierige Monster, die Skorl, in die Stadt einfallen.</p>

    <p>Des  Königs  Mannen sind besiegt, der König ist tot und du fällst unsanft von deinem Pferd und knallst mit dem Schädel
    auf den Boden. Du bist schon eine ganze Weile bewusstlos gewesen als du erkennen musst, dass es dich in eine schäbige
    Zelle verschlagen hat, die von einem nicht ganz so freundlichen Skorl bewacht wird. Vielleicht ist es gar keine so schlechte
    Idee nun die Flucht zu wagen...</p>

    <p>Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Paket nur die Spieldaten enthält. Die Spielumgebung wird von ScummVM bereitgestellt.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Lure of the Temptress was Revolution&apos;s very first adventure game and work began on it in 1989, even before Revolution&apos;s
    inception as an actual games development company.</p>

    <p>You are Diermot, an unwilling hero who&apos;d prefer a quiet life, and are, to all intents and purposes, a good man.
    After decades of unrest the King has united the warring factions in his kingdom and all his lands are at peace, except
    a remote region around a town called Turnvale. A revolt has recently taken place in Turnvale, a revolt orchestrated by
    an apprentice sorceress called Selena, the titular temptress. The king calls together his finest horsemen and heads off
    (with you in tow) to Turnvale just to witness how hellish mercenary monsters called Skorl are invading the town.</p>

    <p>The king&apos;s men are defeated, the king is killed and you fall of your horse and bang your head heavily on the ground.
    You have been unconscious for a while when you realize that you are in a dingy cell guarded by a not so friendly Skorl.
    Maybe it would be an idea to try and escape...</p>

    <p>Note that this package only contains game-data. The game engine is provided by ScummVM.</p>
- AdventureGame
- Game
- RolePlaying
  - game
  - adventure
  - roleplaying
  - 2D
  - fantasy
  - name: lure-of-the-temptress_lure-of-the-temptress.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: lure-of-the-temptress_lure-of-the-temptress.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: lure-of-the-temptress_lure-of-the-temptress.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: l/lu/lure-of-the-temptress.desktop/58e2da9cdfe5798f44bccb4848296dbc/icons/128x128/lure-of-the-temptress_lure-of-the-temptress.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: lure-of-the-temptress
  - lure-of-the-temptress.desktop