⇦ | mkchromecast [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for mkchromecast in main

mkchromecast.desktop - 0.3.9~git20200902+db2964a-2.1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: mkchromecast.desktop
Package: mkchromecast
  C: mkchromecast
  C: Cast your Linux audio or video files to your Google cast or Sonos devices
  it: >-
    <p>È scritto in Python e trasmette tramite Node.js o ffmpeg. mkchromecast è in grado di usare formati audio con o senza
    perdita a patto che ffmpeg sia installato. Gestisce anche la riproduzione di gruppo Multi-room e un&apos;alta risoluzione
    audio a 24-bit/96kHz. Inoltre, è disponibile un menu per il vassoio di sistema.</p>

    <p>In maniera predefinita, mkchromecast trasmette con Node.js (o parec in Linux) con il formato di codifica audio MP3
    a una frequenza di campionamento di 44100Hz e un bitrate medio di 192k. Queste impostazioni predefinite possono essere
    cambiate usando le opzioni --sample-rate e -b. È utile modificare tali parametri quando il router senza fili in uso non
    è molto potente o nel caso in cui non si voglia degradare la qualità sonora. Si possono anche trasmettere i video usando
    l&apos;opzione --video.</p>

    <p>mkchromecast può trasmettere usando Pulseaudio o ALSA. Le relative dipendenze possono essere richiamate rispettivamente
    dai pacchetti di dipendenze mkchromecast-pulseaudio e mkchromecast-alsa. Per ulteriori informazioni, leggere il file README.Debian
    fornito con questo pacchetto.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Ce programme est écrit en Python, et il diffuse à l’aide de node.js ou ffmpeg. Mkchromecast peut utiliser des formats
    audio avec ou sans pertes sous réserve que ffmpeg soit installé. Il gère aussi les lectures « multi-room » (multi-emplacements)
    avec des conversions audio jusqu’à 24-bits/96kHz. De plus un menu de zone de notifications est aussi disponible.</p>

    <p>Par défaut, mkchromecast diffuse à l’aide de node.js (ou parec avec Linux) avec le format d’encodage MP3 à la vitesse
    d’échantillonnage de 44100 Hz et un débit binaire moyen de 192 kbit/s. Ces valeurs par défaut peuvent être modifiées en
    utilisant les options « --sample-rate » et « -b ». Cela est utile si le routeur sans fil n’est pas trop puissant ou pour
    ne pas dégrader la qualité du son. Les vidéos peuvent être diffusées en utilisant l’option « --video ».</p>

    <p>Mkchromecast peut diffuser avec pulseaudio ou ALSA. Les dépendances respectives peuvent être satisfaites avec les paquets
    de dépendance mkchromecast-pulseaudio et mkchromecast-alsa. Pour plus d’informations, consulter le fichier README.Debian
    joint dans le paquet.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>It is written in Python, and it streams via node.js or ffmpeg. mkchromecast is capable of using lossy and lossless
    audio formats provided that ffmpeg is installed. It also supports Multi-room group playback, and 24-bits/96kHz high audio
    resolution. Additionally, a system tray menu is also available.</p>

    <p>By default, mkchromecast streams with node.js (or parec in Linux) together with mp3 audio coding format at a sample
    rate of 44100Hz and average bitrate of 192k. These defaults can be changed using the --sample-rate and -b flags. It is
    useful to modify these parameters when your wireless router is not very powerful, or in the case you don&apos;t want to
    degrade the sound quality. You can also cast videos using the --video flag.</p>

    <p>mkchromecast can cast using either pulseaudio or ALSA. The respective dependencies can be pulled by mkchromecast-pulseaudio
    and mkchromecast-alsa dependency packages respectively. For more information, please read the README.Debian file shipped
    in this package.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Programmet er skrevet i Python og sender via node.js eller ffmpeg. Mkchromecast kan bruge lydformater med eller uden
    kvalitetstab så længe ffmpeg er installeret. Programmet understøtter også afspilning i flere rum i grupper og høj lydopløsning
    med 24-bit/96kHz. Derudover er en statusmenu også tilgængelig.</p>

    <p>Som standard sender mkchromecast med node.js (eller parec i Linux) sammen med mp3-lydformatet med en hastighed på 44100Hz
    og gennemsnitlig bithastighed på 192k. Disse standarder kan ændres via flagene --sample-rate og -b. Det er nyttigt at
    ændre disse parametre når din trådløse router er meget kraftig, eller i tilfælde hvor du ikke ønsker at degradere lydkvaliteten.
    Du kan også sende videoer via flaget --video.</p>

    <p>Mkchromecast kan sende via enten pulseaudio eller ALSA. De respektive afhængigheder kan hentes fra pakkerne mkchromecast-pulseaudio
    og mkchromecast-alsa respektivt. For yderligere information så læs filen README.Debian i denne pakke.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>It is written in Python, and it streams via node.js or ffmpeg. mkchromecast is capable of using lossy and lossless
    audio formats provided that ffmpeg is installed. It also supports Multi-room group playback, and 24-bits/96kHz high audio
    resolution. Additionally, a system tray menu is also available.</p>

    <p>By default, mkchromecast streams with node.js (or parec in Linux) together with mp3 audio coding format at a sample
    rate of 44100Hz and average bitrate of 192k. These defaults can be changed using the --sample-rate and -b flags. It is
    useful to modify these parameters when your wireless router is not very powerful, or in the case you don&apos;t want to
    degrade the sound quality. You can also cast videos using the --video flag.</p>

    <p>mkchromecast can cast using either pulseaudio or ALSA. The respective dependencies can be pulled by mkchromecast-pulseaudio
    and mkchromecast-alsa dependency packages respectively. For more information, please read the README.Debian file shipped
    in this package.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
  - audio
  - chromecast
  - google
  - cast
  - pychromecast
  - name: mkchromecast_mkchromecast.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - mkchromecast.desktop