⇦ | openclonk [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for openclonk in main

openclonk.desktop - 8.1-4+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: openclonk.desktop
Package: openclonk
  C: OpenClonk
  C: An action-packed game of strategy, tactics, and skill.
  de: Ein actiongeladenes Taktikspiel.
  it: >-
    <p>OpenClonk è un gioco d&apos;azione, libero e per più giocatori, nel quale si controllano i clonk, piccoli esseri umanoidi
    spiritosi e agili. Il gioco è incentrato principalmente nello scavare, colonizzare e fare mischie frenetiche. OpenClonk
    non è soltanto un gioco, ma è anche un motore di giochi 2D versatile che offre infinite possibilità per creare i propri

    <p>Questo pacchetto contiene il motore di OpenClonk.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>OpenClonk est un jeu d&apos;action libre où vous gérez des clonks, des êtres  humanoiïdes petits mais intelligents
    et agiles. C&apos;est un jeu autour des mines, des déplacements et des mouvements rapides. Plus qu&apos;un jeu, OpenClonk
    est un  moteur de jeu versaile 2D, avec des possibilités illimitées pour fabriquer vos propres mondes.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet contient le moteur OpenClonk.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>OpenClonk is a free multiplayer action game where you control clonks, small but witty and nimble humanoid beings. The
    game is mainly about mining, settling and fast-paced melees. OpenClonk is also not just a game but also a versatile 2D
    game engine that offers countless possibilities to make own mods.</p>

    <p>This package contains the OpenClonk engine.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>OpenClonk er et frit actionspil for flere personer, hvor du kontrollerer clonker, små men sjove og behændige menneskeagtige
    væsener. Spillet er hovedsagelig centreret omkring minedrift, bosættelse og hurtige kampe. OpenClonk er ikke kun et spil,
    men også en alsidig 2D-spilmotor som tilbyder utallige muligheder for egen mod&apos;er.</p>

    <p>Denne pakke indeholder OpenClonk-motoren.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>OpenClonk is a free multiplayer action game where you control clonks, small but witty and nimble humanoid beings. The
    game is mainly about mining, settling and fast-paced melees. OpenClonk is also not just a game but also a versatile 2D
    game engine that offers countless possibilities to make own mods.</p>

    <p>This package contains the OpenClonk engine.</p>
- Game
- ActionGame
- StrategyGame
- ArcadeGame
  - name: openclonk_openclonk.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: openclonk_openclonk.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: openclonk_openclonk.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: o/op/openclonk.desktop/daaa1632e5238e9311c601ad1bc7f77c/icons/128x128/openclonk_openclonk.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: openclonk
  - openclonk.desktop
  - x-scheme-handler/clonk

openclonk.desktop - 8.1-4+b2 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: openclonk.desktop
Package: openclonk
  C: OpenClonk
  C: An action-packed game of strategy, tactics, and skill.
  de: Ein actiongeladenes Taktikspiel.
  it: >-
    <p>OpenClonk è un gioco d&apos;azione, libero e per più giocatori, nel quale si controllano i clonk, piccoli esseri umanoidi
    spiritosi e agili. Il gioco è incentrato principalmente nello scavare, colonizzare e fare mischie frenetiche. OpenClonk
    non è soltanto un gioco, ma è anche un motore di giochi 2D versatile che offre infinite possibilità per creare i propri

    <p>Questo pacchetto contiene il motore di OpenClonk.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>OpenClonk est un jeu d&apos;action libre où vous gérez des clonks, des êtres  humanoiïdes petits mais intelligents
    et agiles. C&apos;est un jeu autour des mines, des déplacements et des mouvements rapides. Plus qu&apos;un jeu, OpenClonk
    est un  moteur de jeu versaile 2D, avec des possibilités illimitées pour fabriquer vos propres mondes.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet contient le moteur OpenClonk.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>OpenClonk is a free multiplayer action game where you control clonks, small but witty and nimble humanoid beings. The
    game is mainly about mining, settling and fast-paced melees. OpenClonk is also not just a game but also a versatile 2D
    game engine that offers countless possibilities to make own mods.</p>

    <p>This package contains the OpenClonk engine.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>OpenClonk er et frit actionspil for flere personer, hvor du kontrollerer clonker, små men sjove og behændige menneskeagtige
    væsener. Spillet er hovedsagelig centreret omkring minedrift, bosættelse og hurtige kampe. OpenClonk er ikke kun et spil,
    men også en alsidig 2D-spilmotor som tilbyder utallige muligheder for egen mod&apos;er.</p>

    <p>Denne pakke indeholder OpenClonk-motoren.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>OpenClonk is a free multiplayer action game where you control clonks, small but witty and nimble humanoid beings. The
    game is mainly about mining, settling and fast-paced melees. OpenClonk is also not just a game but also a versatile 2D
    game engine that offers countless possibilities to make own mods.</p>

    <p>This package contains the OpenClonk engine.</p>
- Game
- ActionGame
- StrategyGame
- ArcadeGame
  - name: openclonk_openclonk.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: openclonk_openclonk.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: openclonk_openclonk.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: o/op/openclonk.desktop/daaa1632e5238e9311c601ad1bc7f77c/icons/128x128/openclonk_openclonk.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: openclonk
  - openclonk.desktop
  - x-scheme-handler/clonk