⇦ | performous-composer [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for performous-composer in main

performous-composer.desktop - 2.0+20181009-gitbeeea23-2.1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: performous-composer.desktop
Package: performous-composer
  C: performous-Composer
  C: Note creator for pitch-detecting karaoke games
  it: >-
    <p>Composer è un editor di brani per creare (e convertire) note per giochi musicali in vari formati. Cerca di rendere
    facile la procedura automatizzando il più possibile mentre fornisce un&apos;interfaccia semplice e attraente per fare
    il rimanente lavoro manuale.</p>

    <p>Le funzionalità principali di Composer includono:</p>

    <p> * analisi della tonalità del brano basata sugli apprezzati algoritmi di    Performous;  * interfaccia ridimensionabile
    per avere una panoramica o fare    temporizzazioni molto precise velocemente;  * possibilità di sintetizzare le note per
    capire qual è il loro &quot;sound&quot;;  * importare/esportare in vari formati inclusi:    * SingStar XML    * UltraStar
    TXT    * Frets on Fire MIDI</p>

    <p>Composer ha un flusso di lavoro piuttosto originale: per esempio, i testi sono importati in blocco ogni volta che si
    posiziona una nota manualmente, le altre si modificano automaticamente per usare le nuove informazioni e fornire una migliore
    stima di tonalità e tempo. In un certo senso, non si sta veramente creando un brano, ma aggiustando e mettendo a punto
    il risultato di come il computer pensa che le note dovrebbero essere.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Composer est un éditeur de composition musicale pour créer (et convertir) des notes pour des jeux musicaux dans différents
    formats. Il essaie de rendre le processus facile en automatisant le plus possible tout en proposant une interface simple
    et attrayante pour finir manuellement le travail.</p>

    <p>Les principales fonctions de Composer comprennent :</p>

    <p> – analyse des hauteurs de chant basé sur des algorithmes réputés    de Performous ;  – agrandissement de l’interface
    pour obtenir rapidement un aperçu ou    pour réaliser un rythme très précis ;  – possibilité de synthétiser les notes
    pour une sensation de leur    « rendu sonore » ;  – Import/export dans différents formats dont :     – SingStar XML,    
    – UltraStar TXT,     – Frets on Fire MIDI.</p>

    <p>Composer possède une méthode de travail plutôt remarquable. Par exemple, les paroles sont importées en un tout et chaque
    fois qu’une note est placée manuellement, les autres sont ajustées automatiquement pour prendre en compte cette nouvelle
    information en fournissant une meilleure approximation de la hauteur et du rythme. Dans un certain sens, une chanson n’est
    pas réellement en train d’être créée, mais le résultat est corrigé et ajusté à ce que l’ordinateur pense que les notes
    doivent être.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Composer is a song editor for creating (and converting) notes for music games in various formats.  It attempts to make
    the process easy by automating as much as possible while providing a simple and attractive interface to do the remaining
    manual work.</p>

    <p>Key features of Composer include:</p>

    <p> * Song pitch analysis based on the esteemed algorithms from Performous.  * Zoomable interface to quickly get an overview
    or doing very precise timing.  * Possibility to synthesize the notes to get a feel of their &quot;sound&quot;.  * Import/export
    in various formats including:    * SingStar XML    * UltraStar TXT    * Frets on Fire MIDI</p>

    <p>Composer has a rather distinguished workflow: for example, the lyrics are imported as a whole and each time you manually
    put a note in place, the others automatically adjust to take use of the new information in providing a better guess of
    the pitch and timing.  In a sense, you are not actually creating a song, but fixing and tuning the result of what the
    computer thinks the notes should be like.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Composer er et sangredigeringsprogram til at oprette (og konvertere) noder for musikspil i diverse formater. Det forsøger
    at gøre processen nem ved at automatisere så meget som muligt, mens der tilbydes en simpel og attraktiv grænseflade til
    det tilbageværende manuelle arbejde.</p>

    <p>Nøglefunktioner for Composer:</p>

    <p> * Analyse af sanghøjde baseret på værdsatte algoritmer fra Performous  * Grænseflade med zoom til hurtigt at få et
    overblik eller udføre meget    præcis timing  * Mulighed for at syntetisere noderne for at få en følelse af deres    »lyd« 
    * Import/eksport i diverse formater inklusive:     * SingStar XML     * UltraStar TXT     * Frets on Fire MIDI</p>

    <p>Composer har et egent arbejdsforløb: For eksempel importeres sangteksterne i sin helhed og hver gang du manuelt placerer
    en node, så justeres de andre automatisk til at bruge den nye information ved at give et bedre gæt på tonehøjde og timing.
    På en måde skaber du ikke rigtig en sang, men retter og finjusterer resultatet af hvad computeren tror, at noderne skal
  en: >-
    <p>Composer is a song editor for creating (and converting) notes for music games in various formats.  It attempts to make
    the process easy by automating as much as possible while providing a simple and attractive interface to do the remaining
    manual work.</p>

    <p>Key features of Composer include:</p>

    <p> * Song pitch analysis based on the esteemed algorithms from Performous.  * Zoomable interface to quickly get an overview
    or doing very precise timing.  * Possibility to synthesize the notes to get a feel of their &quot;sound&quot;.  * Import/export
    in various formats including:    * SingStar XML    * UltraStar TXT    * Frets on Fire MIDI</p>

    <p>Composer has a rather distinguished workflow: for example, the lyrics are imported as a whole and each time you manually
    put a note in place, the others automatically adjust to take use of the new information in providing a better guess of
    the pitch and timing.  In a sense, you are not actually creating a song, but fixing and tuning the result of what the
    computer thinks the notes should be like.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Music
  - name: performous-composer_performous-composer.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: performous-composer
  - performous-composer.desktop