⇦ | plee-the-bear [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for plee-the-bear in main

plee-the-bear.desktop - 0.6.0-8+b3 ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: plee-the-bear.desktop
Package: plee-the-bear
  fr: Plee l'ours
  C: Plee the Bear
  de: Plee der Bär
  fr: Attrapez votre fils, il a mangé tout le miel et s'est enfuit
  C: Catch your son, he ate all the honey then ran away
  en: Catch your son, he ate all the honey then ran away
  de: Fange deinen Sohn. Er hat den Honig aufgegessen und ist dann weggelaufen
  it: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear è un gioco 2D a piattaforme simile a quelli presenti su console agli inizi degli anni &apos;90. Le basi
    dello scenario stanno in poche righe:</p>

    <p>Circa le 4 del pomeriggio, Plee si sveglia, esausto. Ha sognato ancora quel magnifico periodo quando andò in giro per
    il mondo intero insieme alla sua bella. Mette la sua zampa nel vaso del miele... vuoto! Inoltre ogni singolo vaso di miele
    nella casa è vuoto. &quot;Un altro trucco di quel bambino&quot;, pensa. &quot;Gli darò una batosta che si ricorderà di

    <p>Seguendo le gocce di miele sul terreno, Plee raggiunge il confine della foresta. Inizia il gioco.</p>

    <p>La versione attuale è una demo.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear sera un jeu de plate-forme en 2D comme ceux que l&apos;on trouvait sur les consoles du début des années
    90. Les bases du scénario tiennent en quelques lignes :</p>

    <p>Aux alentours de 4h, Plee se réveille, fatigué. Il a encore rêvé du temps merveilleux où il parcourait le monde avec
    sa belle. Il met sa patte dans le pot de miel… vide ! Tous les autres pots de la maisons sont vides également. « Encore
    un coup du gamin » pense-t-il. « Je vais lui en coller une dont il se souviendra ».</p>

    <p>En suivant les gouttes de miel sur le sol, Plee atteint la bordure de la forêt. Le jeu commence.</p>

    <p>La version actuelle est une démonstration.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear will be a 2D platform game like those found on consoles in the beginning of the 90&apos;s. The basis
    of the scenario fit in few lines:</p>

    <p>4 PM or so, Plee wakes up, tired. He has dreamed again about that awesome period when he went across the entire world
    together with his belle. He puts his leg in the honey pot... empty! Moreover every single honey pot in the house is empty.
    &quot;One more trick of that kid&quot;, he thinks. &quot;I&apos;m going to give him such a wallop of which he sure will

    <p>Following honey drops on the ground, Plee reaches the edge of the forest. Beginning of the game.</p>

    <p>The current version is a demo.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear er et 2D-platformsspil, som dem du finder på konsoller i begyndelsen af 90&apos;erne. Grundlaget for
    scenariet kan stå på nogle få linjer:</p>

    <p>Klokken 4 om morgenen eller sådan cirka. Plee vågner op, træt. Han har igen drømt om den frygtlige periode, da han
    rejste over hele verden sammen med sin ven. Han placerer sine ben i honningkrukken ... tom! Derudover er alle andre honningkrukker
    i huset også tomme. »Et mere af den slags trick« tænker han. »Han skal have en omgang, som han husker«.</p>

    <p>Ved at følge honningdråber på jorden når Plee udkanten af skoven. Begyndelsen af spillet.</p>

    <p>Den aktuelle version er en demo.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear will be a 2D platform game like those found on consoles in the beginning of the 90&apos;s. The basis
    of the scenario fit in few lines:</p>

    <p>4 PM or so, Plee wakes up, tired. He has dreamed again about that awesome period when he went across the entire world
    together with his belle. He puts his leg in the honey pot... empty! Moreover every single honey pot in the house is empty.
    &quot;One more trick of that kid&quot;, he thinks. &quot;I&apos;m going to give him such a wallop of which he sure will

    <p>Following honey drops on the ground, Plee reaches the edge of the forest. Beginning of the game.</p>

    <p>The current version is a demo.</p>
- Game
- ArcadeGame
  - name: plee-the-bear_ptb.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: plee-the-bear_ptb.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: plee-the-bear_ptb.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: p/pl/plee-the-bear.desktop/54ee90abf216a69a03af0a99b86413cc/icons/128x128/plee-the-bear_ptb.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: ptb
  - plee-the-bear.desktop

plee-the-bear.desktop - 0.6.0-8+b6 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: plee-the-bear.desktop
Package: plee-the-bear
  fr: Plee l'ours
  C: Plee the Bear
  de: Plee der Bär
  fr: Attrapez votre fils, il a mangé tout le miel et s'est enfuit
  C: Catch your son, he ate all the honey then ran away
  en: Catch your son, he ate all the honey then ran away
  de: Fange deinen Sohn. Er hat den Honig aufgegessen und ist dann weggelaufen
  it: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear è un gioco 2D a piattaforme simile a quelli presenti su console agli inizi degli anni &apos;90. Le basi
    dello scenario stanno in poche righe:</p>

    <p>Circa le 4 del pomeriggio, Plee si sveglia, esausto. Ha sognato ancora quel magnifico periodo quando andò in giro per
    il mondo intero insieme alla sua bella. Mette la sua zampa nel vaso del miele... vuoto! Inoltre ogni singolo vaso di miele
    nella casa è vuoto. &quot;Un altro trucco di quel bambino&quot;, pensa. &quot;Gli darò una batosta che si ricorderà di

    <p>Seguendo le gocce di miele sul terreno, Plee raggiunge il confine della foresta. Inizia il gioco.</p>

    <p>La versione attuale è una demo.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear sera un jeu de plate-forme en 2D comme ceux que l&apos;on trouvait sur les consoles du début des années
    90. Les bases du scénario tiennent en quelques lignes :</p>

    <p>Aux alentours de 4h, Plee se réveille, fatigué. Il a encore rêvé du temps merveilleux où il parcourait le monde avec
    sa belle. Il met sa patte dans le pot de miel… vide ! Tous les autres pots de la maisons sont vides également. « Encore
    un coup du gamin » pense-t-il. « Je vais lui en coller une dont il se souviendra ».</p>

    <p>En suivant les gouttes de miel sur le sol, Plee atteint la bordure de la forêt. Le jeu commence.</p>

    <p>La version actuelle est une démonstration.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear will be a 2D platform game like those found on consoles in the beginning of the 90&apos;s. The basis
    of the scenario fit in few lines:</p>

    <p>4 PM or so, Plee wakes up, tired. He has dreamed again about that awesome period when he went across the entire world
    together with his belle. He puts his leg in the honey pot... empty! Moreover every single honey pot in the house is empty.
    &quot;One more trick of that kid&quot;, he thinks. &quot;I&apos;m going to give him such a wallop of which he sure will

    <p>Following honey drops on the ground, Plee reaches the edge of the forest. Beginning of the game.</p>

    <p>The current version is a demo.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear er et 2D-platformsspil, som dem du finder på konsoller i begyndelsen af 90&apos;erne. Grundlaget for
    scenariet kan stå på nogle få linjer:</p>

    <p>Klokken 4 om morgenen eller sådan cirka. Plee vågner op, træt. Han har igen drømt om den frygtlige periode, da han
    rejste over hele verden sammen med sin ven. Han placerer sine ben i honningkrukken ... tom! Derudover er alle andre honningkrukker
    i huset også tomme. »Et mere af den slags trick« tænker han. »Han skal have en omgang, som han husker«.</p>

    <p>Ved at følge honningdråber på jorden når Plee udkanten af skoven. Begyndelsen af spillet.</p>

    <p>Den aktuelle version er en demo.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear will be a 2D platform game like those found on consoles in the beginning of the 90&apos;s. The basis
    of the scenario fit in few lines:</p>

    <p>4 PM or so, Plee wakes up, tired. He has dreamed again about that awesome period when he went across the entire world
    together with his belle. He puts his leg in the honey pot... empty! Moreover every single honey pot in the house is empty.
    &quot;One more trick of that kid&quot;, he thinks. &quot;I&apos;m going to give him such a wallop of which he sure will

    <p>Following honey drops on the ground, Plee reaches the edge of the forest. Beginning of the game.</p>

    <p>The current version is a demo.</p>
- Game
- ArcadeGame
  - name: plee-the-bear_ptb.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: plee-the-bear_ptb.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: plee-the-bear_ptb.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: p/pl/plee-the-bear.desktop/54ee90abf216a69a03af0a99b86413cc/icons/128x128/plee-the-bear_ptb.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: ptb
  - plee-the-bear.desktop

plee-the-bear.desktop - 0.6.0-8+b7 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ mips64el

Type: desktop-application
ID: plee-the-bear.desktop
Package: plee-the-bear
  fr: Plee l'ours
  C: Plee the Bear
  de: Plee der Bär
  fr: Attrapez votre fils, il a mangé tout le miel et s'est enfuit
  C: Catch your son, he ate all the honey then ran away
  en: Catch your son, he ate all the honey then ran away
  de: Fange deinen Sohn. Er hat den Honig aufgegessen und ist dann weggelaufen
  it: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear è un gioco 2D a piattaforme simile a quelli presenti su console agli inizi degli anni &apos;90. Le basi
    dello scenario stanno in poche righe:</p>

    <p>Circa le 4 del pomeriggio, Plee si sveglia, esausto. Ha sognato ancora quel magnifico periodo quando andò in giro per
    il mondo intero insieme alla sua bella. Mette la sua zampa nel vaso del miele... vuoto! Inoltre ogni singolo vaso di miele
    nella casa è vuoto. &quot;Un altro trucco di quel bambino&quot;, pensa. &quot;Gli darò una batosta che si ricorderà di

    <p>Seguendo le gocce di miele sul terreno, Plee raggiunge il confine della foresta. Inizia il gioco.</p>

    <p>La versione attuale è una demo.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear sera un jeu de plate-forme en 2D comme ceux que l&apos;on trouvait sur les consoles du début des années
    90. Les bases du scénario tiennent en quelques lignes :</p>

    <p>Aux alentours de 4h, Plee se réveille, fatigué. Il a encore rêvé du temps merveilleux où il parcourait le monde avec
    sa belle. Il met sa patte dans le pot de miel… vide ! Tous les autres pots de la maisons sont vides également. « Encore
    un coup du gamin » pense-t-il. « Je vais lui en coller une dont il se souviendra ».</p>

    <p>En suivant les gouttes de miel sur le sol, Plee atteint la bordure de la forêt. Le jeu commence.</p>

    <p>La version actuelle est une démonstration.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear will be a 2D platform game like those found on consoles in the beginning of the 90&apos;s. The basis
    of the scenario fit in few lines:</p>

    <p>4 PM or so, Plee wakes up, tired. He has dreamed again about that awesome period when he went across the entire world
    together with his belle. He puts his leg in the honey pot... empty! Moreover every single honey pot in the house is empty.
    &quot;One more trick of that kid&quot;, he thinks. &quot;I&apos;m going to give him such a wallop of which he sure will

    <p>Following honey drops on the ground, Plee reaches the edge of the forest. Beginning of the game.</p>

    <p>The current version is a demo.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear er et 2D-platformsspil, som dem du finder på konsoller i begyndelsen af 90&apos;erne. Grundlaget for
    scenariet kan stå på nogle få linjer:</p>

    <p>Klokken 4 om morgenen eller sådan cirka. Plee vågner op, træt. Han har igen drømt om den frygtlige periode, da han
    rejste over hele verden sammen med sin ven. Han placerer sine ben i honningkrukken ... tom! Derudover er alle andre honningkrukker
    i huset også tomme. »Et mere af den slags trick« tænker han. »Han skal have en omgang, som han husker«.</p>

    <p>Ved at følge honningdråber på jorden når Plee udkanten af skoven. Begyndelsen af spillet.</p>

    <p>Den aktuelle version er en demo.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Plee the Bear will be a 2D platform game like those found on consoles in the beginning of the 90&apos;s. The basis
    of the scenario fit in few lines:</p>

    <p>4 PM or so, Plee wakes up, tired. He has dreamed again about that awesome period when he went across the entire world
    together with his belle. He puts his leg in the honey pot... empty! Moreover every single honey pot in the house is empty.
    &quot;One more trick of that kid&quot;, he thinks. &quot;I&apos;m going to give him such a wallop of which he sure will

    <p>Following honey drops on the ground, Plee reaches the edge of the forest. Beginning of the game.</p>

    <p>The current version is a demo.</p>
- Game
- ArcadeGame
  - name: plee-the-bear_ptb.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: plee-the-bear_ptb.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: plee-the-bear_ptb.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: p/pl/plee-the-bear.desktop/54ee90abf216a69a03af0a99b86413cc/icons/128x128/plee-the-bear_ptb.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: ptb
  - plee-the-bear.desktop