Type: desktop-application
ID: pnmixer.desktop
Package: pnmixer
fr: PNMixer
sr: ПН_мешач
nl: PNMixer
C: PNMixer
hr: PNMikser
de: PNMixer
uk: PNMixer
hr: Audiomikser za paletu sustava (system tray)
uk: Звуковий мікшер у системному лотку
fr: Un mixeur audio pour la zone de notification
sr: Мешач звука за системску фиоку
de: Ein Audiomixer für das Benachrichtigungsfeld
vi: Một bộ trộn âm dành cho khay hệ thống
nl: Een geluidsmixer voor het systeemvak
it: Un mixer per la system tray.
zh-CN: 一个运行在系统托盘上的音频混合器
ru: Звуковой микшер для панели уведомлений
C: An audio mixer for the system tray
it: >-
<p>PNMixer è una semplice applicazione mixer progettata per girare nel vassoio di sistema. Si integra bene con gli ambienti
desktop che non hanno un pannello che gestisce le applet e perciò non possono eseguire un'applet per mixer. In particolare
è stata utilizzata molto con fbpanel e tint2, ma dovrebbe funzionare bene in qualsiasi vassoio di sistema.</p>
<p>PNMixer è progettata per funzionare su sistemi che usano ALSA per la gestione del suono. Ogni altro driver sonoro,
come OSS o FFADO, o server audio, come PulseAudio o Jack, non sono attualmente gestiti (ma le patch sono benvenute).</p>
fr: >-
<p>PNMixer est une application de mixage simple conçue pour fonctionner dans la zone de notification. Elle s’intègre bien
dans les environnements de bureau n’ayant pas de panneau gérant les appliquettes et, de ce fait, ne pouvant exécuter une
appliquette de mixage. En particulier, elle été beaucoup utilisée avec fbpanel et tint2, mais devrait fonctionner correctement
dans n’importe quelle zone de notification.</p>
<p>PNMixer est conçue pour fonctionner sur les systèmes utilisant ALSA pour la gestion de l’audio. Tous les autres pilotes
de sons tels OSS ou FFADO, ou les serveurs de sons tels PulseAudio ou Jack, sont actuellement non pris en charge (contributions
C: >-
<p>PNMixer is a simple mixer application designed to run in your system tray. It integrates nicely into desktop environments
that don't have a panel that supports applets and therefore can't run a mixer applet. In particular it's
been used quite a lot with fbpanel and tint2, but should run fine in any system tray.</p>
<p>PNMixer is designed to work on systems that use ALSA for sound management. Any other sound driver like OSS or FFADO,
or sound server like PulseAudio or Jack, are currently not supported (patches welcome).</p>
da: >-
<p>PNMixer er et simpelt mikserprogram designet til at køre i dit statusfelt. Det integrerer sig pænt i skrivebordsmiljøer
som ikke har et panel, som understøtter panelprogrammer og derfor ikke kan afvikle et mikserpanelprogram. Det er blevet
brugt en del med fbpanel og tint2, men bør fungere fint i ethvert statusfelt.</p>
<p>PNMixer er designet til at fungere på systemer, som bruger ALSA for lydhåndtering. Enhver lyddriver såsom OSS eller
FFADO, eller lydserver som PulseAudio eller Jack, er i øjeblikket understøttet (rettelser er velkommen).</p>
en: >-
<p>PNMixer is a simple mixer application designed to run in your system tray. It integrates nicely into desktop environments
that don't have a panel that supports applets and therefore can't run a mixer applet. In particular it's
been used quite a lot with fbpanel and tint2, but should run fine in any system tray.</p>
<p>PNMixer is designed to work on systems that use ALSA for sound management. Any other sound driver like OSS or FFADO,
or sound server like PulseAudio or Jack, are currently not supported (patches welcome).</p>
- AudioVideo
- alsa
- audio
- mixer
- sound
- алса
- звук
- мешач
- миксер
- аудио
- alsa
- audio
- geluid
- mixer
- sound
- volume
- alsa
- audio
- mixer
- sound
- alsa
- audio
- mixer
- sound
- Alsa
- Audio
- Mixer
- Sound
- Klang
- Ton
- alsa
- audio
- mixer
- sound
- алса
- звук
- аудіо
- мікшер
- name: pnmixer_pnmixer.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: pnmixer_pnmixer.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: pnmixer_pnmixer.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: p/pn/pnmixer.desktop/c8fabf49cfe01e479c73fa61efeb40b3/icons/128x128/pnmixer_pnmixer.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: pnmixer
- pnmixer.desktop