⇦ | psi [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for psi in main

psi.desktop - 1.5+dfsg1-2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: psi.desktop
Package: psi
  C: Psi
  vi: Liên lạc qua mạng XMPP nhé
  es: Comunícate a través de la red XMPP
  sv: Kommunicera över XMPPnätverket
  zh-TW: 通過XMPP網絡進行通信
  ur-PK: جیبر نیٹ ورک پر مواصلت کریں
  ja: XMPPネットーワーク通信
  ca: Comuniqui's a través de la xarxa XMPP
  it: Comunica sulla rete XMPP
  he: תקשר על פני רשת XMPP
  de: Im XMPP-Netzwerk kommunizieren
  fr: Communiquez via le réseau XMPP
  kk: XMPP желісі арқылы хабарласу
  sl: Takojšnje sporočanje prek omrežij XMPP
  el: Επικοινωνήστε μέσω του δικτύου XMPP
  C: Communicate over the XMPP network
  cs: Komunikujte přes XMPP po síti
  bg: Комуникирайте през мрежата на XMPP
  pl: Komunikacja poprzez sieć XMPP
  eo: Komunikiĝu per la ĵabbera reto
  uk: Програма для спілкування в мережі XMPP
  pt-BR: Comunique-se através da rede XMPP
  zh-CN: 通过XMPP网络进行通信
  mk: Комуницирајте преку XMPP мрежата
  be: Размаўляйце ў сетцы XMPP
  nl: Communiceer over het XMPP netwerk
  ru: Общение в сети XMPP
  C: >-
    <p>Psi is a cross-platform powerful XMPP client designed for experienced users. User interface of program is very flexible
    in customization. For example, there are &quot;multi windows&quot; and &quot;all in one&quot; modes, support of different
    iconsets and themes. Psi supports file sharing and audio/video calls. Security is also a major consideration, and Psi
    provides it for both client-to-server (TLS) and client-to-client (OpenPGP, OTR, OMEMO) via appropriate plugins.</p>

    <p>Psi+ is a development branch of Psi with rolling release development model. Users who wants to receive new features
    and bug fixes very quickly may use Psi+ on daily basis. Users who do not care about new trends and prefer constancy may
    choose Psi as it uses classical development model and its releases are quite rare.</p>

    <p>List of supported XEPs you may found at: https://github.com/psi-im/psi/wiki/Supported-XEPs</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Psi er en funktionsrig XMPP-klient designet for erfarne brugere. Brugerfladen er meget fleksibel. For eksempel er der
    »flere vinduer«- og »alt i en«-tilstande, understøttelse af forskellige ikonsæt og temaer. Psi understøtter fildeling
    og lyd-/videoopkald. Sikkerhed er også en væsentlig faktor og Psi tilbyder sikkerhed for både klient til server (TLS)
    og klient til klient (OpenPGP, OTR, OMEMO) via passende udvidelsesmoduler.</p>

    <p>Psi+ er en udviklingsgren af Psi med en rullende udviklingsmodel. Brugere som ønsker at modtage nye funktioner og fejlrettelser
    kan bruge Psi+ på daglig basis. Brugere som ikke er interesseret i nye tendenser og foretrækker konsistens kan vælge Psi,
    da det program bruger klassisk udvikling og dets nye udgivelser er ret sjældne.</p>

    <p>Liste over understøttede XEP&apos;er kan findes på: https://github.com/psi-im/psi/wiki/Supported-XEPs</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Psi è un client XMPP potente e multipiattaforma progettato per gli utenti esperti. L&apos;interfaccia utente del programma
    è molto flessibile nella personalizzazione. Per esempio, ci sono modalità &quot;multi-finestra&quot; e &quot;tutto-in-uno&quot;,
    gestione di diversi insiemi di icone e temi. Psi gestisce la condivisione di file e le chiamate audio/video. Anche la
    sicurezza è un aspetto importante e Psi la fornisce sia per client-server (TLS) sia per client-client (OpenPGP, OTR, OMEMO)
    attraverso gli appropriati plugin.</p>

    <p>Psi+ è un ramo di sviluppo di Psi con un modello di sviluppo a rilascio continuo. Gli utenti che desiderano ricevere
    molto velocemente le nuove funzionalità e le risoluzioni dei bug possono usare Psi+ quotidianamente. Gli utenti a cui
    non interessano i nuovi trend e preferiscono la costanza, possono scegliere Psi dato che usa un modello di sviluppo classico
    ed i suoi rilasci sono piuttosto rari.</p>

    <p>L&apos;elenco degli XEP supportati si può trovare all&apos;indirizzo https://github.com/psi-im/psi/wiki/Supported-XEPs
  en: >-
    <p>Psi is a cross-platform powerful XMPP client designed for experienced users. User interface of program is very flexible
    in customization. For example, there are &quot;multi windows&quot; and &quot;all in one&quot; modes, support of different
    iconsets and themes. Psi supports file sharing and audio/video calls. Security is also a major consideration, and Psi
    provides it for both client-to-server (TLS) and client-to-client (OpenPGP, OTR, OMEMO) via appropriate plugins.</p>

    <p>Psi+ is a development branch of Psi with rolling release development model. Users who wants to receive new features
    and bug fixes very quickly may use Psi+ on daily basis. Users who do not care about new trends and prefer constancy may
    choose Psi as it uses classical development model and its releases are quite rare.</p>

    <p>List of supported XEPs you may found at: https://github.com/psi-im/psi/wiki/Supported-XEPs</p>
- Network
- InstantMessaging
  - XMPP
  - Jabber
  - Chat
  - InstantMessaging
  - name: psi_psi.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: psi_psi.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: psi_psi.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: p/ps/psi.desktop/4d274d4a7bf6ec4792f0aa2747915227/icons/128x128/psi_psi.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: psi
  - psi.desktop
  - x-scheme-handler/xmpp