⇦ | remmina [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for remmina in main

org.remmina.Remmina.desktop - 1.4.39+dfsg-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.remmina.Remmina.desktop
Package: remmina
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
  fr: Remmina
  C: Remmina
  it: Remmina
  hr: Remmina
  fr: Client de contrôle de bureau à distance
  C: Remote Desktop Client
  it: Client di connessione a desktop remoti
  hr: Klijent za upravljanje udaljenom radnom površinom
  fr: >-
         Remmina est un client graphique de connexion et de prise de contrôle de
         bureau multi-protocoles pour les systèmes d'exploitation basés sur le
         noyau Linux. Il s'appuie sur la bibliothèque GTK pour l'affichage et
         permet de se connecter à distance sur les bureaux de nombreux systèmes
         d'exploitation : GNU/Linux, Unix, Windows, macOS, Android, etc.
            Dans sa dernière version, Remmina prend en charge les technologies
            X2Go,  RDP, SFTP, SSH, et VNC. Les connexions peuvent se faire en clair
          (pas sécurisé du tout) ou à travers un tunnel SSH chiffré (recommandé)
           par mot de passe ou par échange de clés.
          Ajout possible de greffons pour la gestion de nouveaux protocoles.
  C: >-
          Remmina is a remote-desktop client written in GTK, to
          use other desktops remotely, from a tiny screen or large monitors.
          Remmina supports multiple network protocols in an integrated and
          consistent user interface. The protocols currently supported are:
            X2Go, RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), VNC (Virtual Network Computing),
            and SSH (Secure Shell / Open SSH).
          External plugins are also supported to add new protocols and features.
  it: >-
          Remmina è un visualizzatore di desktop remoti scritto in GTK, utile per
          amministratori di sistema e viaggiatori, che hanno bisogno di lavorare con
          numerosi computer remoti davanti a grandi monitor oppure a minuscoli
          Remmina supporta molteplici protocolli di rete con un'interfaccia utente
          consistente e integrata. I protocolli attualmente supportati sono:
          X2Go, RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), VNC (Virtual Network Computing) e
          SSH (Secure Shell / Open SSH).
          Sono anche supportati plugin esterni per aggiungere nuovi protocolli e
  hr: >-
         Remmina je klijent udaljene radne površine napisan u GTK, s ciljem
         da bude koristan administratorima sustava i putnicima, koji trebaju raditi na
         mnogo udaljenih računala ispred ili velikih monitora ili manjih prijenosnika.
          Remmina podržava mnogo mrežnih protokola u integriranom i dosljednom sučelju.
          Trenutno podržani protokoli su:
            X2Go, RDP (Protokol udaljene radne površine), VNC (Virtualno mrežno računalstvo),
            i SSH (Sigurna ljuska / Otvoreni SSH).
          Vanjski priključci su isto podržani za dodavanje novih protokola i značajki.
    C: Hiroyuki_Tanaka
- Network
  - remote desktop
  - rdp
  - vnc
  - ssh
  - spice
  homepage: https://www.remmina.org/
  bugtracker: https://gitlab.com/Remmina/Remmina/issues
  help: https://gitlab.com/Remmina/Remmina/wikis/home
  - name: remmina_org.remmina.Remmina.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: remmina_org.remmina.Remmina.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: remmina_org.remmina.Remmina.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/icons/128x128/remmina_org.remmina.Remmina.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: org.remmina.Remmina
  - org.remmina.Remmina.desktop
  - application/x-remmina
- default: true
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-1_752x423@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-1_624x351@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-1_224x126@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1024
    height: 576
- thumbnails:
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-2_1248x702@1.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-2_752x423@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-2_624x351@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-2_224x126@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 1296
    height: 729
- thumbnails:
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-3_1248x702@1.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-3_752x423@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-3_624x351@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-3_224x126@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-3_orig.png
    width: 1296
    height: 729
- thumbnails:
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-4_1248x702@1.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-4_752x423@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-4_624x351@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-4_224x126@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-4_orig.png
    width: 1296
    height: 729
- thumbnails:
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-5_1248x702@1.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-5_752x423@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-5_624x351@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-5_224x126@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: org/remmina/Remmina.desktop/62c661b42157f528710e8f048b323df2/screenshots/image-5_orig.png
    width: 1296
    height: 729
- locale: ar
  percentage: 29
- locale: bs
  percentage: 25
- locale: ca
  percentage: 91
- locale: ca@valencia
  percentage: 63
- locale: cs
  percentage: 42
- locale: da
  percentage: 67
- locale: de
  percentage: 100
- locale: el
  percentage: 40
- locale: en_GB
  percentage: 100
- locale: en_US
  percentage: 100
- locale: eo
  percentage: 92
- locale: es
  percentage: 100
- locale: fa
  percentage: 40
- locale: fi
  percentage: 100
- locale: fr
  percentage: 100
- locale: gl
  percentage: 67
- locale: he
  percentage: 43
- locale: hi
  percentage: 100
- locale: hr
  percentage: 100
- locale: hu
  percentage: 96
- locale: id
  percentage: 100
- locale: ie
  percentage: 67
- locale: it
  percentage: 100
- locale: ja
  percentage: 92
- locale: ko
  percentage: 97
- locale: lv
  percentage: 26
- locale: ms
  percentage: 27
- locale: nb
  percentage: 25
- locale: nl
  percentage: 71
- locale: oc
  percentage: 26
- locale: pl
  percentage: 100
- locale: pt
  percentage: 97
- locale: pt_BR
  percentage: 100
- locale: pt_PT
  percentage: 94
- locale: ro
  percentage: 26
- locale: ru
  percentage: 100
- locale: sk
  percentage: 100
- locale: sl
  percentage: 26
- locale: sv
  percentage: 74
- locale: tr
  percentage: 100
- locale: ug
  percentage: 25
- locale: uk
  percentage: 100
- locale: uz@cyrillic
  percentage: 36
- locale: zh_CN
  percentage: 100
- locale: zh_TW
  percentage: 99
- version: 1.4.39
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1736035200
  oars-1.1: {}